Thiago Translantara


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Good match, even though he seems too far from goal like in the last matches... Still, this guy has an amazing future...


Hi, its me..
Its pretty clear pep has asked him to stop trying risky stuff, or even shooting. He's one of our only players that actually has a decent shot from outside the box, which is a bit of a shame, but i guess his overall game will improve.

Gives the ball away now and again, bus hes always asking for it and his movement/tracking back is fantastic.


New member
Lacked a bit of urgency, when the ball could ve moved faster. A couple of wrong passes and less weighted one's.

However he did press and win the ball very well few times.


i might sound a bit arrogant but what has phil jones done that he is leading this poll ?

thiago lead his country to U-21 european champions and he broke into two of the best teams in the world (CL holder and WC and EC holder)

can't get any better than this no?

unless you are english of course


shaqiri is swiss. he played u-21 this summer with switzerland. maybe he was born in albania


Why are we concerned with an award in a Juventus fanzine?

Buh at the united guy being so far ahead, though.


Senior Member

This is not the Bravo award, is it?

Anyway, there is something dubious about tht site. When i voted, Thiago was at 14.8% and Wilshere at 19%..few mins later our boy shows 14.4% and the wilshere kid has jumped to 21%. while i understand the rise in votes, how do you explain the decrease?

The ManU kid leading with such a big margin makes no sense to me, at all. I suspect Meta's behind it. :p

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