Thiago Translantara


Dr. Raed St. Claire
Well Busi's first season was practically throwing him into a shark feeding frenzy and he does play in a ten times more difficult role than Thiago. It is practically your most difficult position on the team, he has absolutely no support and has to change positions as well. So you cannot say Thiago had a much better debut season than Busi. What you can say is that Thiago is rather doing well, unphased by the pressure and still true to his game. Because for all the criticism he gets, he maintains his confidence and goes on to do more of the same until they work. Sooner or later he will figure out the timing and when timing is perfected, repetition will improve his execution.

Important thing is confidence for a kid his age, I mean Pedro is a lot more successful than he is, he won practically everything and is older yet when confidence evades him, he is nothing but a mere shadow of a decent player even.


New member
^ He doesn't get any criticism on these boards. I'm pretty much the only one that doesn't consider him the best thing since sliced bread.


New member
Xavi: "Thiago the new Xavi? I have experienced comparisons and it's not a good thing. He needs to be who he is – he's a spectacular player."


New member
His finishing needs some improvement. I also wish Pep would try him in a much deeper role, behind messi or on the wing.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Yes his finishing hasn't lined up with his overall game and he could use some work on it, I just don't want him to lose sight of what is really important. Taking the game by the horns and controlling the tempo, which he has not nearly mastered. You can see when times get intense on the pitch, that he does his best to step up and call for the ball, but the more seasoned players (Busi, Iniesta, Messi) choose to often play around him instead of through him. He needs to control the game better, and know where exactly in midfield he needs to be at what time. To be fair, this is insanely hard, and what Xavi does is brain science as simple as it may look, so Thiago isn't exactly far behind on the learning curve, just needs some fair tweaks and adjustments. He's well on his way, and I'd imagine his finishing may or may not improve that drastically, with our forwards coming back, new ones coming in, and just not enough room to operate up front in the future. He is definitely sneaky though, and recently has found himself in scoring opps and that is not always going to be the case.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
I think he needs to improve his defense-splitting passes, as he seems to have trouble playing hard straight ground passes.


New member
I somehow get the feeling that, Thiago might start tonight with Xavi in the center of the midfield with Andres on the left often dropping to the center of the midfield.


New member
Vamos a demostrar que merecemos estar en la final! Quedan 90 minutos de lucha junto a 90 mil blaugranas en el Camp Nou!

We will show that we deserve to be in the end! There are 90 minute fight with 90 000 Blaugrana at the Camp Nou!


One needs to praise him for his patience. The attitude that he showed on the field was top notch. He can be very crucial and helpful for us both against Real Madrid and Chelsea FC only if the coach, is ready to trust him in those game.

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