Thiago Translantara


New member

That was so Ronaldinho-esque :D


New member
And he didn't miss a pass. 62 attempted, 60 successful passes in 59 minutes, 97 % passing accuracy while playing in Iniesta's attacking midfield role, including a nice dribble past 2 players to hit the bar. After 4 months out of the game at a tough away ground. How old again? 21? He's going to become a legend. Third best central midfielder in the world already. :tito:
I couldn't agree more, this guy is a future legend no doubt. His midfield play and brains is great, but he has that Brazilian swagger/confidence and skill on top. I'm so excited to see this guy's career blossom.


Flair Trait
Have they thought of maybe letting him take a direct free kick? I mean I know he scored 1 with Barça B and I think a few in the youth teams, it wouldn't hurt to let him take 1 every now and then, surely a better substitute than Dani Alves :pep:


New member
am i the only one who thinks the way thiago touches the ball looks like magic and on the otherhand kinda strange ..sometimes like if he would break his own feat or his ankle ^^ and the watch the ball fly.. no one touches like this brazilian flair:p


actually Rafinha is better than Thiago in free kicks from what I´ve seen

he should give some tips to the first team of how to play free kicks. like they tried in CL final or the goal thiago scored last season in pre season.

or something like this. they are so creative.

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