Thiago Translantara


New member
His touch and control are top notch but he needs to slow down sometimes and learn the Xavi spin and not always rush to passing so quickly


New member
He makes some poor decisions and loses the ball at times. The talent is obviously there, but I hope, he develops into something more than a final ball provider or a highlight reel player. Good luck to him and hope he stays injury free from here to start with.


New member
I hope we won't see him ever again as a false 9. He was brilliant after he dropped back in midfield and Barca was able to control the game again.


Wild Man of Borneo
I think Thiago is making excellent progress. If he could keep himself free of injuries he would be world class within a few years. He brings Ronaldinho's flamboyant/trickster style to Xavi's dictating/passing role. The best part is the combination works AND is extremely entertaining.


Cardenal de Catalunya
I hope we won't see him ever again as a false 9. He was brilliant after he dropped back in midfield and Barca was able to control the game again.

Yes, cos you know - players at 21 can never improve certain aspects of their game.


Staff member
I think his workrate and eye for a killer pass makes him more suitable to play in midfield. He could come good as false 9 still, but I'd rather have a faster player there.

Mes que un club

New member
I think his workrate and eye for a killer pass makes him more suitable to play in midfield. He could come good as false 9 still, but I'd rather have a faster player there.
I don't really see how speed is a criteria for a false 9 (at least not more so than in any other position in modern football). Only in the sense of having skills which enable the false 9 to hold on to the ball (be it through dribbling or using strength to hold the ball) is speed a true criteria as a false 9. In fact, one thing which have been imminently noticeable in Messi's change from right wing to false 9 is that he uses his speed a lot less; only in short bursts when dribbling is it truly vital. The two places where speed is a fundamental criteria in our system is on the flanks (full backs + wings) as those are the areas where large areas need to be covered through high tempo running.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom


New member
That pass over the top for Leo was excellent. Was a little hasty and wasteful in possession apart from that. Too less minutes to judge!

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