Thiago Translantara


New member
Why not?

By the way, I'm pretty sure Pep's dream would have something to do with Cesc being included in the midfield. I love Thiago, but Cesc is ahead of him now in terms of minutes played and integration, and will probably continue to hold his advantage in the coming years. I find it difficult to believe that when Xavi retires, our starting midfield will be Thiago/Iniesta/Busquets, with Cesc on the bench or wherever. Iniesta/Cesc/Busquets is what I see happening. I also find it likely to see a Thiago/Cesc/Busi combination in the far future. But Xavi does not look like he's anywhere near retiring, so our visions are subject to much change until that day comes.

If I were the Barca coach, however, I wouldn't limit Cesc to just a role in the midfield. But yeah, agree with most of it.


New member
what a ballcontrol that boy has... if he can continue at this level and dont get injured we will the see next superstar for spain... dont know who else has such a ballcontrol and unique passingstyle... ( messi,xavi,iniesta,buaquets no mentioned )


New member
Yea, he really stands out. Half of his passes literally made me go "OH SHIT". So much control, power and flair to his game.


New member
He is getting better and better. In any other team he would be first name on the team sheet.

I hope we start relying on him a bit more now and give Xavi some rests. Thiago can handle it.


Flair Trait
Overall I think he is a better player than Fabregas, especially for our system, Fabregas has obviously established himself more, but Thiago is much younger and unlike Cesc has the potential to reach Xavi and Iniesta's awe inspiring level, Cesc doesn't in my opinion.


New member
They're completely different. Thiago has this elegance and Xaviesta-esque control and "midfield boss" aura around him, and Cesc is just the I'll-take-the-ball-then-go-forward-and-either-shoot-or-assist type of player. That's why Thiago seems to be the better player to some people, but in all honesty, the criteria by which Thiago is awesome is not what's the most relevant. And let's not forget, Cesc has played 8 seasons in the EPL as the boss of midfield and is an established player for the NT, as well.


Wild Man of Borneo
He needs to start the next game. Him and Xavi in the center with Iniesta on the wing. His passing, touch, and vision is already out of this world. He just needs to get better at dictating the flow of the game and then he'll be challenging for a regular starting spot. Also i hope he gets called up to the NT soon.

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