Thiago Translantara


Barçapocalypse NOW!
I just hope all this RM talk is just a way of Mazinho to pressure the club to keep Thiago... Sure, it's dirty and uncalled for, and while two wrong don't make a right, the attitude of the club towards Thiago hasn't been a class act either... You reap what you sow...


Senior Member
I think he should really considering EPL cus Tito wont give him any chances at all next season. One brightest diamond is sacrifice for Fab4 by Tito - The "master mind"

Even the thing Tito said in the press conference is absolute crab.

Sad days.


New member
According to RAC1 he started negotiations with RM. :facepalm:

I would have believed it more if it would have been Marca, to be me it looks like they want to make us hate Thiago and forget just how incompetent they are.

Yep. he said this about Thiago 18m clause:“No lo sabía y creo que tampoco es bueno que lo supiera" - "I didn't know about it, and I believe it wouldn't be good to know it".

That is a stupid thing to say. At a club like Barca the players are assets and even if you want to get rid of them, you have to make sure that you're in a position where you have the upper hand. Right now Thiago has the upper hand and he can leave for only 18M if he wants too(that is less than what we paid for Song or 1M more than what we paid for Caceres). And I would have understood Tito's position if this would have been a league like the one when Pellegrini was at RM or if Xavi wouldn't have problems since February(and this is the 2nd year that this happends) or if Cesc would have played very good. But I guess the 100 pts are actually more important than he wants to admit.

What I don't understand is why Rosell signed Thiago's contract if Tito doesn't know or doesn't care about that clause.


New member
Man...The boy looks like he wants revenge by joining Real Madrid. I can't believe Barcelona's moron management, how could you make such a huge mistake. Man...Rossell and Villanova are driving us down the gutters. Each year's mistakes are worse than the year before. Last year they did everything except purchase a good CB and this year they splashed all the money on Neymar and look very likely to lose Thiago for nothing more than 18mil. He also emphasizes the homegrown players policy while most of our homegrowns are only suitable for bench roles incl Pique and Pedro. Instead of loaning out the younger guys, they keep them on the bench and eventually lose them for nothing.


Nepali Cule
let the boy go then. if he thinks he will be better off somewhere else then its fine with me. Im not losing any sleep for him. 18M would be nice.


New member
Selling your best future prospect to our rival or to anyone ...Money is everything for Rosell's Barcelona. Nothing but money matters. La Masia , our academy, our foundations ..nothing else matters ...This is so shit.

I hope Rosell loses and never gets the chance to come back again. Never ever.


New member
let the boy go then. if he thinks he will be better off somewhere else then its fine with me. Im not losing any sleep for him. 18M would be nice.

We can buy another player from Arsenal with that money. Knowing Zubi, it will probably be Vermaelen. :wub:


Best midfielder around
let the boy go then. if he thinks he will be better off somewhere else then its fine with me. Im not losing any sleep for him. 18M would be nice.
I will quote this when he becomes the best midfielder in the world in a different club while everyone is laughing at us again. I really hope this happens, too, because that's what our amateur club deserves for being stupid.


New member
I will be very happy if he will leave us. He is not good enough for barca. He makes too many stupid deciscions and mistakes. They should buy the turkish player of dortmund. Thats a very good xavi replacement.


New member
let the boy go then. if he thinks he will be better off somewhere else then its fine with me. Im not losing any sleep for him. 18M would be nice.

I will be very happy if he will leave us. He is not good enough for barca. He makes too many stupid deciscions and mistakes. They should buy the turkish player of dortmund. Thats a very good xavi replacement.

Whoa... what? He's one of our best young players. Sure, he isn't perfect & makes some mistakes but that's the beauty of being young, he can & will improve. What he has shown at this age assures me of that.

I agree that Gundogan is a very good player but I don't want to sacrifice Thiago either. Especially not to Madrid which I hope is all a load of garbage.


New member
I will be very happy if he will leave us. He is not good enough for barca. He makes too many stupid deciscions and mistakes. They should buy the turkish player of dortmund. Thats a very good xavi replacement.

Like I said, it's easy to talk about values, cantera and "mes que un club" but in the end many would rather have the new flavour(Gundogan now, Wilshere last year or Cesc 2 years ago) than to have patience and give a young player enough chances so he could prove that he is good enough for Barca. And what's even more funny is that many of those who think that Tito should have played Thiago more were probably criticizing Pep when he kept playing Busi despite his mistakes.

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