Thiago Translantara


Senior Member
Its really concerning that the board is just idly sitting back and watching this guy slowly dismantle everything that Pep and I would even say Rijkaard built. There are times where I really get the impression with Tito from what he says to the press and his attitude on the pitch that he really doesn't have a clue what he is doing atm. Regardless of whether or not he knew about the clause, he simply should have played him more anyway. Busi, Pique, Pedro all wouldn't be the household names that they are if Pep hadn't given them a chance to make their mark on the team. Thiago fully warrants such a commitment due to his pure talent and potential.

With this whole saga tho, it's rather hard to discern what Thiago's true motivation is. The timing is very strange. Like if anything I could have seen Thiago trying this at the beginning of this season, not now, to try a move like this to get playing time. Bc Thiago is either after two things: a starting spot or more money. If its the latter, he will most definitely leave. If its the former, give him the spot. Let's give him a legitimate shot to replace Xavi so if he does, great we got a new Xavi who can dribble. If not, he hopefully will be humbled and will realize his time is literally right around the corner.


New member
Florentino is looking for a revenge by seducing Thiago. It will be a depressing news if Thiago left Barca, and even worst if he went to RM. All Barca fans want him to take over Xavi when he retires, but it seems that Tito is not giving him the hope to stay at the club. I really don't want Barca regretting his departure when day if this happens.


Junior Member
Probably another petulant huff because his other son Rafinha is supposed to be going on loan instead of being promoted


I have a feeling the translators aren't the best, because that statement makes no sense.

Yep. he said this about Thiago 18m clause:“No lo sabía y creo que tampoco es bueno que lo supiera" - "I didn't know about it, and I believe it wouldn't be good to know it".
Yep. he said this about Thiago 18m clause:“No lo sabía y creo que tampoco es bueno que lo supiera" - "I didn't know about it, and I believe it wouldn't be good to know it".
I would have translated it as " I didn't know about the clause but it was best for me not to know it"

AND NOW the quote above makes sense to me.
Why did Tito believe it was best for him not to know about Thiago's clause? because he stated that he based his choice ( on those who play) on performance and not on clauses.

THANKS TITO :facepalm:

But if that was the case, i don't know why he always chose cesc over Thiago? Thiago would even be a better false 9 than cesc b.c at least he knows how to dribble.


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
Maybe he tried it at training and Thiago didn't perform well there? That is, even worse than Cesc? Or maybe he just hoped Cesc would rediscover his form from the first half of the season and didn't want to hurt Thiago's development by playing him out of position?


Yeah, the second one is probably not true.


I have to believe at the very least that Thiago and his father would not stick it to us by joining that bastard club. I would truly hate that whole family if that was to happen.

If Thiago chose Manchester United, I would be mad but more with Tito and the board for not notifying Tito that Thiago needed to be a certain amount of minutes or his buyout clause would be reduced down 72 million fucking dollars.

I still can't believe that Tito didn't know or wasn't informed by somebody to start playing this kid a little more or we stand to lose out on a lot of money if you don't. I'm pretty sure Pep would have known.

It may be time for a manager who demands to know what's happening with his football club on and off the pitch.

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