Thiago Translantara


New member
I genuinely can't believe how Barca have dealt with this situation. There's something wrong at the club, and to deny that is just plain daft.

As a football fan, I really hope the move works out for Thiago because he is a very exciting player with wonderful potential. Barcelona are shooting themselves in the foot by letting him go so cheaply, and so easily.


Senior Member
Good luck to him.

There is more to football than Barca and he has done nothing wrong in leaving.

Use the money to making sure the team is stronger next year, which is already looking the case.

Better players than Thiago have moved on.


Well, if it happens we will definitely have the money for Thiago Silva. And that's not counting money from a possible Villa sale.


Active member
#TitoOUT. I support Thiago and his cause, but I am joining Darth for Tito and the management of letting go such a player that emulates like Ronaldinho and plays like Xavi. Could have made a good partner with Neymar. Now that will never happen :(


New member
#TitoOUT. I support Thiago and his cause, but I am joining Darth for Tito and the management of letting go such a player that emulates like Ronaldinho and plays like Xavi. Could have made a good partner with Neymar. Now that will never happen :(

Considering Darth got banned for being annoying as shit about it, I wouldn't start bro :lol:


No more faces at night
Well Thiago isn't really ruining his career if he moves to United. Just because you don't like the move doesn't mean that United is a MASSIVE downstep from Barca.

Well why does United need him anyways besides a replacement for maybe Carrick? Oh well at least he isn't in Bayern.

@Irish_Cules Different but I somehow miss Bojan as well.


New member
#TitoOUT. I support Thiago and his cause, but I am joining Darth for Tito and the management of letting go such a player that emulates like Ronaldinho and plays like Xavi. Could have made a good partner with Neymar. Now that will never happen :(

Don't worry, They'll both be playing for Monaco in two or three years.

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