Thiago Translantara


New member
Barring injury, Tito's strongest line-up in the BIG GAMES, is still going to be his strongest line-up.

Because Tito doesn't select his team on form. He goes on reputation. Therefore, as long as Xavi, Iniesta and Cesc are around, Thiago is for the foreseeable future going to feature last in Tito's pecking order.

Not all 4 of these can start at once in the Clasico and other big games. It's not something that can be solved unless one of them leaves.


New member
JamDav did he field a proper B team like from mainly Barcelona B? Not to the extent that Pep did. Out of everything I said in that post that's the one thing you cling to? My point is that there is ample room for rotation and it's far more important now than it was in 08/09.

Maybe because our last game wasnt a team the caliber of Bate. He fielded a mixed team similar to to what was fielded against Shakhtar a few seasons ago.


New member
Barcelona Benfica this year. Except with a few more first teamers because Benfica is better than Bate . We also weren't on our way to Japan for the club world cup a week later or so this year. Its as if context is a dead concept in Bacaforum

Whats even funnier than your "dead concept" comment is that you missed the whole point of my post only to post your bullshit statement.
Just in case you don't understand context here's what I meant... THERE IS AMPLE ROOM FOR ROTATION BEING THAT WE'RE INVOLVED WITH A MINIMUM OF 3 COMPETITIONS. We can have Iniesta, Cesc, Xavi, and Thiago on our team they just need to be rotated/rested/played properly... it's called DEPTH


Senior Member
I just looked at Peps team against BATE and he started with five players from the first team squad, not a full b team.

Also the game was against poorer opposition and 4 days before they played Real Madrid.


President of FC Barcelona
Its a lost cause.

Just waiting for the official announcement and this thread to be moved into other players section


Senior Member
You claimed Pep used a full b team - he didnt and it was 4 days before one of the biggest games of the season.

What parts of that do you dispute?


New member

You claimed Pep used a full b team - he didnt and it was 4 days before one of the biggest games of the season.

What parts of that do you dispute?

Because that was the least important part of my post and as always it's you who I have to explain it to


New member
Whats even funnier than your "dead concept" comment is that you missed the whole point of my post only to post your bullshit statement.
Just in case you don't understand context here's what I meant... THERE IS AMPLE ROOM FOR ROTATION BEING THAT WE'RE INVOLVED WITH A MINIMUM OF 3 COMPETITIONS. We can have Iniesta, Cesc, Xavi, and Thiago on our team they just need to be rotated/rested/played properly... it's called DEPTH

Its not the first time someone used Bate as an example so it stuck out to me. You dont have to shout about the other parts because I never disagreed with that. You cant slight Tito based on fiction and then think you wouldnt be asked you to be more fair.


New member
Because it is wrong and was used as a reason to attack Tito.

Maybe know it is correct if you dont want people to pick up on it?

Nah, the better piece of advice would be to know my audience.
There's few members like DonAndres, Galning, XaviMessiGirl and a lot more trolls like JamDav for my taste



Senior Member
Nah, the better piece of advice would be to know my audience.
There's few members like DonAndres, Galning, XaviMessiGirl and a lot more trolls like JamDav for my taste


You revert to the troll thing again as you were caught out spouting garbage.

Well done.

Barcafan 2304

New member
Looking more and more likely we will lose him. Absolute joke that the club have allowed a situation to arise where arguably our best young talent leaves for a bargain basement price


New member
FútbolFichajes ‏@FutboolFichajes 8m

Thiago Alcantara tiene un acuerdo TOTAL con el United. Solo falta que el equipo inglés pague los 18M€. El lunes podrían presentar al jugador

FútbolFichajes @ FutboolFichajes 8m

Thiago Alcantara has a ????? agreement with United. Just need them to pay the € 18M. On Monday could present the player

Best i could do :blush: Dont know the guy.

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