Thiago Translantara


New member
Being a Catalan paper, I can't see how MD would be any less reliable than others. Just to clear out any misunderstanding, I think they're all full of shhh, but I from what I've seen so far I wouldn't trust any other paper more than I'd trust MD. On the contrary, I trust Sport, As or Marca less than MD, for example.
Havnt MD been one of the leading papers in the whole 'Thiagos leaving' bandwagon? theyve been saying for a month hes off and that the club new hed chose United?

I agree with you that they all post crap, throw enough crap at a wall and some sticks, the scatter-gun approach, if he does renew this whole game time thing would seem to have been a lie as nothings changed personnel wise at the club, wouldn't look great amongst the fans, sounds similar to Rooney holding the club to ransom for a pay rise IF its true.


President of FC Barcelona
I would not pay much attention to it to be honest. Thought it was interesting so I posted it :p

We just need to wait and watch what happens........
I would not pay much attention to it to be honest. Thought it was interesting so I posted it :p

We just need to wait and watch what happens........

How dare you post something from a guy who only has 700 followers!! lol

Hell its been a slow few days you did the thread some good mate haha
Hahaha, Yeah...

Very boring lately. I dont know why we're so damn slow in transfers in and out.

At least you guys end up getting the players you want, imagine how we must feel? Im currently in a state of trying to convince myself that all that guys doing is telling us what we already new, Barca trying to convince him to stay with a new contract and nothing more, its easier that way :)


President of FC Barcelona
At least you guys end up getting the players you want, imagine how we must feel? Im currently in a state of trying to convince myself that all that guys doing is telling us what we already new, Barca trying to convince him to stay with a new contract and nothing more, its easier that way :)

Well... Maybe.

Not sure whether it has been worth it though.

We tried to get Thiago Silva last season and ended up with Song. Song has done well, but he was not a player we needed.
Well... Maybe.

Not sure whether it has been worth it though.

We tried to get Thiago Silva last season and ended up with Song. Song has done well, but he was not a player we needed.

I was more thinking of Neymar, Alexis, Fabregas, Ibrahimovic etc, although to be fair your a much bigger draw than us so that needs to be factored in.

More updates from the lovable Graham Hunter (probably more bullshit but what the hell)

"#Thiago - so many asking about him that it might be interesting to share a small detail about why things have slowed down re #United"

"#Thiago's dad and his agent would like any contract at #United to include the same clause as he is currently using at #Barca"

"ie if he isn't given an agreed number of mintues/starts then there would be a fixed price in his contract via which another club could buy"

"#Thiago's family know the Dos Santos family well and they watched how Gio Dos Santos languished at Spurs without being given enuff game time"

"Precisely what kind of tax is due when a foreign club uses a buy-out clause in the contract of a La Liga player, & how that tax is incurred"

"#Thiago. ... remains to be analysed and sorted out. Whether moving to Bayern or other clubs tempts him, I don't know and he's on hols now"

Right, i dont see why any of that would be an issue, firstly if he joins United he plays, simple as that and he knows that, the only way he wouldnt meet any set number of minutes is due to injury and im sure that would be factored into any clause i mean how can a clause be activated for a player not playing the number of games when hes been out all season with a cruciate ligament for example.

Secondly this is Thiago Alcantara, not Gio Dos Santos, with all due respect that comparison is laughable, does he really think United would go to all this trouble just to sit Thiago in the stands!??

The tax thing we already know about hello Graham we've know this for ages!!

Basically more shit. :(

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MD's @TXIKIFORERO reporting that Thiago is closer to staying than he was last week. New contract with more years, increased salary on table.

Hope it's true.

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