Thiago Translantara


New member
Well the only winner here is Thaigo either he stays or goes . Is name been on the back pages from around the world. Guy gone from being a c list footballer to a A lister footballer. is sponsors will be happy
MD's @TXIKIFORERO reporting that Thiago is closer to staying than he was last week. New contract with more years, increased salary on table.

Hope it's true.

MD dont seem to know what they're saying at the moment mate:


"Barcelona are still waiting for Thiago to inform them if he wants to leave. The club won't offer him a contract renewal to convince him [md]"

How can 2 writers from the same paper say 2 different things the same night?? lol its a cluster fuck of epic proportions.
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I was more thinking of Neymar, Alexis, Fabregas, Ibrahimovic etc, although to be fair your a much bigger draw than us so that needs to be factored in.

More updates from the lovable Graham Hunter (probably more bullshit but what the hell)

"#Thiago - so many asking about him that it might be interesting to share a small detail about why things have slowed down re #United"

"#Thiago's dad and his agent would like any contract at #United to include the same clause as he is currently using at #Barca"

"ie if he isn't given an agreed number of mintues/starts then there would be a fixed price in his contract via which another club could buy"

"#Thiago's family know the Dos Santos family well and they watched how Gio Dos Santos languished at Spurs without being given enuff game time"

"Precisely what kind of tax is due when a foreign club uses a buy-out clause in the contract of a La Liga player, & how that tax is incurred"

"#Thiago. ... remains to be analysed and sorted out. Whether moving to Bayern or other clubs tempts him, I don't know and he's on hols now"

Right, i dont see why any of that would be an issue, firstly if he joins United he plays, simple as that and he knows that, the only way he wouldnt meet any set number of minutes is due to injury and im sure that would be factored into any clause i mean how can a clause be activated for a player not playing the number of games when hes been out all season with a cruciate ligament for example.

Secondly this is Thiago Alcantara, not Gio Dos Santos, with all due respect that comparison is laughable, does he really think United would go to all this trouble just to sit Thiago in the stands!??

The tax thing we already know about hello Graham we've know this for ages!!

Basically more shit. :(


Wasn't this same guy who announced that United and Thiago had come to an agreement? how could you come to an agreement without discussing all of the things mentioned above before?

I srsly don't think barca has anything to agree with united. If they want him, come and pay his clause, we will gladly accept the money.
Wasn't this same guy who announced that United and Thiago had come to an agreement? how could you come to an agreement without discussing all of the things mentioned above before?

I srsly don't think barca has anything to agree with united. If they want him, come and pay his clause, we will gladly accept the money.

To be fair to Hunter his exact words were "Thiago and United close enough for wages to be agreed" that was last thursday night, hes also since said "United and Thiagos people have properly talked about contractual details" he hasnt specifically said its 100% cast iron agreed, wages are only 1 part of a contractual agreement, and seeing as this supposedly is not money based but about guaranteed game time then maybe these sorts of clauses are a sticking point, i don't believe United have ever used these sorts of clauses in any contact before so it possible its holding things up, that and the player being on holiday.

I did respond to your clause question earlier mate, i think its been explained why its not as simple as just meeting the clause, there are taxes involved and it takes time, see Bayern/Martinez deal last year.
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To be fair to Hunter his exact words were "Thiago and United close enough for wages to be agreed" that was last thursday night, hes also since said "United and Thiagos people have properly talked about contractual details" he hasnt specifically said its 100% cast iron agreed, wages are only 1 part of a contractual agreement, and seeing as this supposedly is not money based but about guaranteed game time then maybe these sorts of clauses are a sticking point, i don't believe United have ever used these sorts of clauses in any contact before so it possible its holding things up, that and the player being on holiday.

I did respond to your clause question earlier mate, i think its been explained why its not as simple as just meeting the clause, there are taxes involved and it takes time, see Bayern/Martinez deal last year.

Well Martinez saga took longer b.c he announced he would leave while the season was still going. Taxes? well that's part of the deal isnt? the only way Thiago wouldn't have to pay that much taxes is if Barca actually accepts to sell the player. If barca doesn't, then united would have no option but to pay the clause and taxes included. ( b.c it's not the same to transfer a player than for him to pay the buy out clause. So it seems that there isn't an agreement between Thiago and united. But a clause like that shouldn't be a problem. If the player sucks and he's benched, he can go to other club where he could gain minutes and united would get their money back.
Its become comical to the point where even though id be terribly disappointed a small part of me kind of hopes he would just come out and say he was staying so it was all over, this is becoming a complete joke now.
Its become comical to the point where even though id be terribly disappointed a small part of me kind of hopes he would just come out and say he was staying so it was all over, this is becoming a complete joke now.

don't be sad dude. i would feel bad for united fans if this doesn't go through... and i would feel bad for myself as well. B.C once you know how much a player truly "appreciates" the team that has made him the player he is today, you don't even think about having such player in your team anymore. This "more playing time" is such b.c.
You guys had a similar case with pugba didn't you? that should have been the perfect player for united.
Well Martinez saga took longer b.c he announced he would leave while the season was still going. Taxes? well that's part of the deal isnt? the only way Thiago wouldn't have to pay that much taxes is if Barca actually accepts to sell the player. If barca doesn't, then united would have no option but to pay the clause and taxes included. ( b.c it's not the same to transfer a player than for him to pay the buy out clause. So it seems that there isn't an agreement between Thiago and united. But a clause like that shouldn't be a problem. If the player sucks and he's benched, he can go to other club where he could gain minutes and united would get their money back.

To be honest mate its got the the point where i dont think anyones got a clue whats going on or what needs to happen or what has happened or what will happen, everyone's just guessing making shit up and filling headlines until the player officially says something, if you ask 3 different people about the clause you get 3 different answers, who pays the tax, how much does the tax cost, does the tax change if Barca are willing sellers, what happens if Barca are hostile sellers, does Thiago have a deal with United, does he want other clauses, are other clubs involved, is Jeremy Kyle an interesting one knows, it would be best for all concerned if they just ended this joke one way or another now, i think both sets of fans would prefer a decision either way over all this crap were being fed then told is crap 2 hours later by the people who said it wasn't crap 2 hours earlier.

Confused? i am.
don't be sad dude. i would feel bad for united fans if this doesn't go through... and i would feel bad for myself as well. B.C once you know how much a player truly "appreciates" the team that has made him the player he is today, you don't even think about having such player in your team anymore. This "more playing time" is such b.c.
You guys had a similar case with pugba didn't you? that should have been the perfect player for united.

More frustrated than sad mate, ive gone from being very excited about this player to being almost completely fed up and uninterested about the whole thing, if he came out tomorrow and said he was staying id genuinely prefer that now to another month of this rubbish, plus we United fans are used to losing out on these types of signings so were well drilled unfortunately, it always had that ring of too good to be true about it from the very start.

Yup Pogba was a near identical situation, worse in the sense we lost him for nothing but not as bad in the sense hes not half the player Thiago is hence wasn't or wouldn't be as big a loss, so it kind of balances itself out, i dont think Thiagos anywhere near as big an arse as Pogba though, Pogba and his advisers are complete ****

I feel sorry for Barca fans absolutely, hence my above comment about wanting it over for all our sakes, its probably a lot worse for you guys as hes already your player.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Its become comical to the point where even though id be terribly disappointed a small part of me kind of hopes he would just come out and say he was staying so it was all over, this is becoming a complete joke now.

I am pretty sure you and your fellow ManU fans will see the light at the end of the tunnel pretty soon. Everything I've read so far indicates Thiago has no loyalty or emotional attachment toward Barca, all he wants is playing time and he'd go to any premium club that guarantees it, with the right amount of dough (which is secondary). Barca sure can't guarantee that.

ManU still has the best chances of getting him of all clubs (including Barca, Bayern and RM). Good luck lads.
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I am pretty sure you and your fellow ManU fans will see the light at the end of the tunnel pretty soon. Everything I've read so far indicates Thiago has no loyalty or emotional attachment toward Barca, all he wants is playing time and he'd go to any premium club that guarantees it, with the right amount of dough (which is secondary). Barca sure can't guarantee that.

ManU still has the best chances of getting him of all clubs (including Barca, Bayern and RM). Good luck lads.

Just want a decision one way or another soon mate, then we can all move on and accept whats going to happen, i was confident about us getting him but im really doubting it now, id much rather he stayed at Barca than left for another club though, losing out to him because he stayed at Barca i could understand and tolerate and kind of always expected, losing him to another buying club would seriously piss me off after all this.

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