Thiago Translantara



today thiago won his first match for the spanish team and he was a main reason for the 2-1 win over turkey in the euro u19 and he was subsituted in the 64th min


Professor Balthazar
today thiago won his first match for the spanish team and he was a main reason for the 2-1 win over turkey in the euro u19 and he was subsituted in the 64th min

Well done! Unfortunally he can't play with our team in the pre-season, but he will gain some extra experience in the U-19 - so all is good. He's the player I would like to see getting much playing time, he will be a starter in 2-3 seasons time...


Ricky Martin clone
Good for him :) I agree with Zen as well, let's hope he continues to develop well. Cheers for posting barcacataluny, you always seem to have good info on our canteraños.


after losing from france today 1-0 and being disqualified from euro u-19 i guess that thiago will be called for the usa tour


oh my god what did he do he was amazing
he has great confidence and the pass he played with his chest oh my


Cardenal de Catalunya
He did quite well yesterday and I was rather impressed by him. Albeit his shooting would still require some work, he could easily get there in a season's time.


This kid is amazing.He displayed some really good skills yesterday in the Gamper cup.The game changed after he came in.IMO he's much better than Jonathan Dos Santos.Not sharp enough but definitely has some very good long and short term passing and is very dynamic. His style of play is more or less like Iniesta's but his long range passing is better.


Yusuf Islam
wow he set up all of ibra's chances, set up gai's chance and almost had 1 himself. excellant game and should defenitely get some minutes with the first team if we are not gonna buy and extra players this transfer window.

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