First of all: How do you know all that? You seem to be in touch with Pep a lot, how is he doing?
Seriously though, you make a lot of predictions which may come out right, but may as well be dead wrong. ;-)
You seem to forget that Bayern have other CB´s besides Dante and Boateng. They signed the very promising Kirchhoff, who will want to play some games too, and Badstuber will come back eventually, probably in the 2nd part of the season, so moving Martinez to CB could cause a lot of problems when you already have 4 very good centre backs.
As for the midfield, what makes you so sure he´ll want the same system that he used for Barca? Bayern has different players, you cant say that player X will be his Xavi and player Y will be his Busquets etc. As far as I know, Pep said he´ll work with what he has at Bayern, using the basics of Heynckes 4-2-3-1 tactic (that won them 3 titles, remember? why would he completely change that?) and giving it his own twist.
I highly doubt that Müller will be played as a single CF, maybe as a 2nd striker if needed, but mostly his usual position as a right winger. Again I dont know why you suggest that Pep should change a player´s position so drastically when its been working out for the last few years. (Müller is a beast as a winger, thats where his strength are)
He might play Götze as a winger, but again I dont think that thats where he´s most effective. Pep´s been using the 4-1-4-1 formation so maybe he´s going to play both Kroos and Götze as central attacking midfielders with Kroos helping out the single pivot player when needed.
One thing I´d like to say: There is no way Thiago will be used over Kroos. I know this forum likes to downtalk Kroos because he´s been compared to Xavi before and that makes any young player look bad, but he´s the real deal. Just because he got injured in the last part of the season and couldnt play the last games of CL made some people forget about him but he´s been one of Bayerns best players last season IMO. Thiago is good, but lets be real: He was a squad player at Barca and so far hasnt convinced me that he can be that star player that some people already make him out to be. Kroos however is very consistent and has been improving every year. Pep may be biased towards a Barca player, but kicking out the vital creative attacking midfielder over a talent who´s only real accomplishment was kicking ass at a u21 tournament would be very strange.
My dear Kaiser, will all the respect wait to see.. We know Pep well.. We know what kind of football he likes and what he dislikes.. Besides, no matter what he said, he was never, and never wanted to be, an 'operator' coach that would take a basic football machine working and make only a clever management..
He is there to build his own machine.. He is there to produce with own Bayern with a distinctive character to be remembered and associated with him..
And Guardiola will never change some basic principles he always believed in: Pressing, tiki-taka passing, possession game, fluidity, high line.. Other things he might change, but not this core.. Besides, why do you think he chose Bayern? It was the next thing closer to Barcelona in Europe..
And he will get them more closer to Barcelona..
In particular, he wants CBs very very comfortable with the ball, which bastuber isnot in the first place.. Dante is quite, and Boateng less.. But Martinez has been exceptional there while in Bilbao, and he will be moved there to fit also many players in the md.. Kirkchof i do not know, so i cannot tell..
In the md, his own twist is playing players more comfortable in higher positions and more comfortable in keeping the ball longer, exactly like Thiago. He knows him well, and maybe the only coach who can develop him further.. Kroos and Goetse i never underestimated, cz i think both fit to what he wants for the AM position..
Muller, though, will be less effective, cz the new Bayern will be less based on raw pace and sheer strength. I am 100% Muller will never see the flank after the first adaptive period of 1-2 months.. he will see also very few times the AM position, cz Guardiola wants the triangle of his md quite compact and not in different lines (as in 4-2-3-1). Bayern will be more of a 4-3-3..
These are all safe predictions. Wait and you'll see, i tell you

The only pure speculation i made was a bout Suarez..
PS: + it is well-known that Thiago leaves his favorite club bcz of playing time and nothing else.. He is tired to see himself after Cesc in the pecking order.. What makes you think he will chose bundesliga and cold Munich if he feared he will see the back of Martinez, Scweini, Kroos, Muller and Goetse all together?
Guardiola knows that. He will be starting 80% of the games next season..