Thiago Translantara


Right now... we feels the same feeling that Arsenal fans used to feels when Pique and Puyol luring Cesc. :VdB:
Ahhh, it must be more harder than them, because Cesc was their captain and their best player (arguable) at that time. :pep:


Senior Member
Alll those things have coincided with the European Under-21 Football Championship, where Thiago was one of the big stars of the tournament,...exactly like two years ago when rumors of his departature lead to a better contract.

I never defended Thiago on this. I defended Guardiola..


Right now... we feels the same feeling that Arsenal fans used to feels when Pique and Puyol luring Cesc. :VdB:
Ahhh, it must be more harder than them, because Cesc was their captain and their best player (arguable) at that time. :pep:

no, cesc was stolen from us right after he had won the best player in the u-17 world cup. arsenal fans should be quiet.


Senior Member
Thiago's agent is Pep's brother. I'm sure he knew about the stipulation in Thiago's contract before it became public.

Thiago is good but Oliver Torres could make us forget all about Thiago though.

I hope Thiago turns out to be good enough to spit in the face of the club that gave you your chance, Pep. I always thought Pep was a classy man with morals but he turned out to be a snake and a liar.

The first ones to blame are Tito & Rosell, two morons. Pep saw the opportunity, that's it. He is a professional and now he's taking care of Bayern. The only thing that bothers me is that B. Munchen used the clause. Manchester United would have made a good deal for both clubs, because it is a classy club, Bayern showed no class whatsoever, and that's something more important than geting one player. Whant Thiago, OK, pay the fair price, don't use some sort of twisted little gap in the contract.

I'm mad at Rosell, Tito, Thiago and his stupid old father. Then, I'm a little annoyed by the fact that Pep accepted to take a player that Barca raised for that insanely low amount of money.

I'm with United fans on this one. We both got screwed by the german machinery. They just come, burge in, and buy. No class whatsoever. German people... they didn't start two WW's because they are fair and reasonable.
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The first ones to blame are Tito & Rosell, two morons. Pep saw the opportunity, that's it. He is a professional and now he's taking care of Bayern. The only thing that bothers me is that B. Munchen used the clause. Manchester United would have made a good deal for both clubs, because it is a classy club, Bayern showed no class whatsoever, and that's something more important than geting one player. Whant Thiago, OK, pay the fair price, don't use some sort of twisted little gap in the contract.

lol, are u suggesting man u would have paid more than they had to just to be nice to barca?

Mr Hulot

New member
With answers like this, i am wondering how old are you? Sometimes its important to know to who you are talking to, in order to understand if the conversation has any meaning..

Try to think in terms of time frames. It will help you a lot. When did you first hear that Thiago might leave? When did you hear that he met Vilanova? When did you hear that he will join united? And when did you hear that Pep called him or that he might join Bayern?
Put all that info in chronical order. Simple things..
Simple things also how clubs handle transfer requests and communication policies..

You think you are clever and opinionated( like your famous Thiago Silva is slow statement), yet you keep supporting your arguments by what some spanish tabloids written. Also, your condescending tone towards me, asking about my age, shows how insecure you really are. Probably because of your lack of arguments.


High Definition Member
I think we should let him go. He clearly doesn't want to be here.

Our club is being thrown down the toilet by the president, manager and sporting director. They are all hopeless.


Senior Member
lol, are u suggesting man u would have paid more than they had to just to be nice to barca?

Yes. It's called respect, honor and fairness. Some clubs value these things more than money. Manchester United is one.
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Of course there is truth. It was Thiago himself who claimed " my dream is to triumph in football, not in barca."

I know most ppl dont give a about it but in many places, loyalty is valued more than anything else.
Thiago believes he will be the next big thing after Ronaldinho. He's probably even jealous that in less than a month Neymar has given Cules more hope and excitement than he ever did. Let the mercenary go, hopefully if he ever comes back to play agaist us I'd be there to boo his a.s.

So he's a mercenary if he doesn't have undying loyalty to the club even when he's treated like shit? :lol:
Maybe Thiago but never Guardiola, he would still be Barca coach if Rosell wasn't president..

I still don't understand, what exactly rosell did to Pep?

He gave him all the players he wanted. got rid of all the players he didn't want ( Ibra for example, even though he had just gotten him last season). This is besides my comment but people don't understand that rosell will be blamed for all the player we signed and failed when the majory were pep's requests.


New member
I think we should let him go. He clearly doesn't want to be here.

Our club is being thrown down the toilet by the president, manager and sporting director. They are all hopeless.


If he wants to leave, let him go. No use of a player who doesn't want to be part of the team. Saying that Tito and Rosell to blame for making him unhappy!


Yes. It's called respect, honor and fairness. Some clubs value these things more than money. Manchester United is one.

thats ridiculous. no club has ever paid more than the release clause just to be nice.

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