Thiago Translantara


Mike the Knife
FCBarca, do you think Pep is absolved of blame considering..
-The fact that Cesc was signed under the Pep regime
-The fact that Thiago was complaining about playing time WHILE Pep was Barca manager
-The fact that the release clause was stipulated WHILE Pep was Barca Manager..

Cesc was a Barcelona signing...A debate can go on ad nauseum as to who actually wanted him the most but the club was always going to be back in for him...It was often Laporta's single regret, letting Cesc get poached effectively on his watch - albeit, it was at the time of big changes at the club and, IMHO, was the consequence of other priorities, overlooking a cantera product like that whom I imagine they never believed would leave in the first place....So no, I don't look at it as strictly Pep - everyone at the club wanted him back, it was probably the single most likely outcome, regardless of need...Personally, if you look back at posts from then, I never wanted him back

Thiago's renewal was just ahead of a long drawn out battle to get Cesc's signature, the worst kept secret in football really...Any bizarre clauses over playing time had everything to do with Cesc being brought in...Even Mazinho talked about it in the press and for some of us here at the forum, we knew Cesc's arrival endangered Thiago's future at the club...That's merely been proven to have exactly worked out that way

The release clause itself, how on earth can a release clause be 'on Pep' when he wasn't the sporting director at the time?...Pep doesn't draw up contracts...Moreover, Thiago ended up not only playing well under Pep (Also with the B team) but now has followed him to Bayern - not sure how Pep can be used as an example of damaging Thiago's ascendency.

In year 2 of Thiago's renewal, his playing time went down...Injuries or not, there is no disputing it, they are simply facts...When you see a player like Cesc who has yet to find a position can selected more than Thiago then a player knows they sit behind Fabregas in the rotation...That would apply to the NT as well...It merely underscores the initial point, Cesc's arrival spelled doom for Thiago at Barcelona...So if now Cesc leaves, well that's merely insult to injury but it shows the priorities were never in line with the success of the club - just bringing back a Catalan poached player


People need to move on. It's sad to say but this thread will have more discussion than fabregas thread this season. Shows where people's priorities are (hint: not Barcelona, but their precious little player).

I don't give a shit about how well he does next season.
Player fans. :angry:


New member
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>No volia tancar la meva etapa al Barça sense acomiadar-me de vosaltres, que sempre heu estat al meu costat <a href=""></a></p>— Thiago Alcantara (@Thi_Alcantara91) <a href="">July 22, 2013</a></blockquote>
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He posted a goodbye letter on his twitter. Could someone please translate it?


Hi, its me..
Thiago: "Leaving the house that took you in when you were 14 is difficult... My ambition and the circumstances brought me to Munich.

Thiago: "At Barcelona I grew as a player and as a person. I want to thank everyone at the club. Barça and its people gave me everything.

Thiago: "Nobody doubts you'll win again, Tito... As we told Abi: 'Stones on your path? Keep them, one day you'll build a castle with them'."

Thiago: "Thanks to all, thanks for all these years. Thanks to those who were with me in difficult times. A grateful hug and visca al Barça!"


High Definition Member
But why would you suggest Cesc was unheralded or not believed to be a great talent?...It's an absolute revisionist account of his ascendency in the cantera and for the NT

Cesc was not the number one talent coming through, and therefore was not as highly rated. With thiago he is our number one talent being let go.

As for don andres post... That's a different situation. Posting in the cesc thread was about a possible transfer TO BARCA, why wouldn't I be interested? With this situation you have someone go is no longer associated with us.

Anyway.. Whether it was a good decision or it doesn't matter. The fact is thiago has left and cesc is here, you should support your own player over one that plays for another club if you're a true fan.
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Culé de Celestial Empire
Beautiful words from Thiago. But the pain he caused on a lot of (certainly not all) us Barca fans can not be reversed. All I can say is auf wiedersehen, we will get over it.


Improvin' Perfection!!
As we told Abi: 'Stones on your path? Keep them, one day you'll build a castle with them'."
That's freaking awesome... No wonder Abi rehabilitated :worthy:

But aside from that... Thiago's goodbye letter is totally a PR move. But still, ambition and circumstances? fcuk you. Let's see how you reckon the move when you fail in Germany :angry:


Active member
That's freaking awesome... No wonder Abi rehabilitated :worthy:

But aside from that... Thiago's goodbye letter is totally a PR move. But still, ambition and circumstances? fcuk you. Let's see how you reckon the move when you fail in Germany :angry:
haters gonna hate :pep:


Super Saiyan
. Let's see how you reckon the move when you fail in Germany :angry:

The chance that Thiago will fail is little, with Pep he will become a succes.

Even though friendlies don't mean anything he shows everything to become a class player.

Most of us hate it, but we have to accept it.


Culé de Celestial Empire
The chance that Thiago will fail is little, with Pep he will become a succes.

Even though friendlies don't mean anything he shows everything to become a class player.

Most of us hate it, but we have to accept it.

Well, they can only start 11 players, taking away the goalkeeper and 4 defenders (including Javi Martinez) that Guardiola promised, that leaves them with 6 remaining spots.

Let's see: He is not going to replace Schweinsteiger, Ribery or Müller for sure, they will be starters. That means he is going to be competing with Götze, Kroos and Mandžukić for the last three spots. One might argue that Guardiola might opt to play a striker-less formation so Thiago might take the last spot while accommodating both Götze and Kroos (two German wunderkinds that I don't see being benched). Next season when Lewandowski arrives, he will absolutely take up a spot. Where does that leave Thiago? He might not be a regular srater that he would like to be by then.


Active member
Well, they can only start 11 players, taking away the goalkeeper and 4 defenders (including Javi Martinez) that Guardiola promised, that leaves them with 6 remaining spots.

Let's see: He is not going to replace Schweinsteiger, Ribery or Müller for sure, they will be starters. That means he is going to be competing with Götze, Kroos and Mandžukić for the last three spots. One might argue that Guardiola might opt to play a striker-less formation so Thiago might take the last spot while accommodating both Götze and Kroos (two German wunderkinds that I don't see being benched). Next season when Lewandowski arrives, he will absolutely take up a spot. Where does that leave Thiago? He might not be a regular starter that he would like to be by then.

I know Bayern Munich is the German National team pretty much. He wouldn't be competing with Gotze because isn't Gotze considered a winger like Neymar? If not then I don't understand why people compared him to Neymar. Thiago will compete with five other people for three spots (it's gonna be four by end season). He will be up against Kroos and Schweinsteiger directly. What difference are they to Xavi and Iniesta?

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