Thiago Translantara


Improvin' Perfection!!
I find it damn funny when people say he took a pay-cut to join Bayern (that much he cared for playing time!!)... When they don't even know how much he is earning now!!

Let me first explain what the club means when they anounce pay-cut...
The clubs negotiate with the player even before they accept a transfer fee with the parent club... Especially it happens with never-ending transfer sagas like we had one involving Cesc. The club and the player end up agreeing a deal regard to the wages and incentives.
But if the parent club insist on a transfer fee more than what the buying club were planning to spend... The player then would take an initiative and say he would pay the amount that the buying club were not planning to, through his wages.
Like, for example, if the player agrees for wages = 4m per year before hand and the buying club would now have to pay 5m more than they planned... The player would do his bit by agreeing to take lesser wages (like only 3m per year) so the 5m would be paid off during his contract period!!

His 3m per year wages would still be more than what his wages were at his parent club!!

Yeah Cesc sure took a pay-cut to join us... But he was earning more than what he was doing at Arsenal for fcuk's sake! It might be the same in Thiago's case too!!


Improvin' Perfection!!
Maybe the kid has a point, and I can understand him leaving. He probably didnt even want to leave at first but threatened to, hoping we would show support for him and how important he was, but we did our usual thing.
And he does it every damn season! He did it when Pep was here too and we all know how much Pep "appreciates" the guy!!


New member
Im starting to think thiago wanted to be a starter at the club which would be impossible . I dont think adding game time would have helped, he just wanted ti be known as the guy who is starting ahead of xavi.


Improvin' Perfection!!
I'm mad at Pep publicly tapping up our players though when he said he wouldn't. I'm mad at Pep for trying to air out dirty laundry in public.

Losing Thiago isn't really aching me... I mean I always thought the kid would be our future and had high expectations on him but the way he wanted a new contract every other year actually reduced my liking towards him. May be it's for the best that we got rid of him, I mean that spoiled brat attitude serves no body well anyway!!

I feel the same as you about Pep... I argued with Bojan when he felt bad that Pep is buying our player saying he could buy when Thiago was in the market. But he tapped up our player when he promised he wouldn't do aany such thing!! That I'll not be able to forget forever I guess.
And he plied his move when he was still here, meanwhile showing us a scenario that he is in desperate need of a sabbatical and such bull shit. And what makes it even worse is he was damn preparing for his job at Bayern even when he was supposedly having a vacation!!
And finally the durty laundry stuff in public :angry:
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New member
Thiago: "Would I've left if Martino would 've been appointed in April? Can't know that. Things happen, you try to make the right decisions."


Anxiously waiting for the next match
If Bayern fail and Pep gets sacked then Thiago and is going to be riding the bench forever.. he took a huge chance joining Munich


New member
After good amount of thought, They is what i think happened with him:

1-He wanted more playing time, Talked to tito, Tito said i can't guarantee you any.
2-Thiago decides to go to bayern
3-In the mean time, He had day dreams about how our club will panic and throw everything at him to convince him to stay, Because in his head he knows he's the best young prospect, But it doesn't matter, Cause he knows not going to change his mind anyway, But would've loved the attention, Which correlates greatly with his cocky attitude, And guess what, His 'signature' in his goodbye letter, That speaks volumes about how he looks at himself, Anyway.
4-The club didn't do anything to keep him like he imagined will happened , A MASSIVE BLOW TO THE EGO for thiago, He's in shock
5-Continues his plan to move to bayern anyway, while still in SHOCK.
6-He gets a strong back-lash on his twitter account from barca fans, Most of them being a 'traitor' and 'ungrateful, A close person advise him to make some move to enhance his image.
7-Thiago publish a goodbye letter, A PR move like expected.
8-Talks to the press and accuse the club of not 'valuing him', Accomplishing 2 things, To shift the attention away from him and cool down the back lash from cules (A continuation of the PR move), And secondly, HE HAD TO GET IT OUT OF HIS SYSTEM, STILL IN SHOCK :lol:



Super Saiyan
After good amount of thought, They is what i think happened with him:

1-He wanted more playing time, Talked to tito, Tito said i can't guarantee you any.
2-Thiago decides to go to bayern
3-In the mean time, He had day dreams about how our club will panic and throw everything at him to convince him to stay, Because in his head he knows he's the best young prospect, But it doesn't matter, Cause he knows not going to change his mind anyway, But would've loved the attention, Which correlates greatly with his cocky attitude, And guess what, His 'signature' in his goodbye letter, That speaks volumes about how he looks at himself, Anyway.
4-The club didn't do anything to keep him like he imagined will happened , A MASSIVE BLOW TO THE EGO for thiago, He's in shock
5-Continues his plan to move to bayern anyway, while still in SHOCK.
6-He gets a strong back-lash on his twitter account from barca fans, Most of them being a 'traitor' and 'ungrateful, A close person advise him to make some move to enhance his image.
7-Thiago publish a goodbye letter, A PR move like expected.
8-Talks to the press and accuse the club of not 'valuing him', Accomplishing 2 things, To shift the attention away from him and cool down the back lash from cules (A continuation of the PR move), And secondly, HE HAD TO GET IT OUT OF HIS SYSTEM, STILL IN SHOCK :lol:


:lol: Part3


New member
I love how everyone thinks he's "cocky" without actually knowing him. I bet people presume he's cocky on the basis of his skills on the pitch.


New member
In the press conference zubizarreta confirmed that he and tito talked to thiago before the 21-euros.
Yet thiago claimed that the club did nothing to keep him, The only thing possibly left for the club to do, Is starting negotiations to improve his contract, But is that what was it all about?
His fanboys definitely won't accept that this was purely money issues, I don't like thiago, And i don't even think it's about the money!!, I think it was just because no one can guarantee him more playing time, And means he was going to leave anyway.
So why would thiago say the club did nothing to keep him?, Like i said above

1-A move to shift the blame and attention away from him (He might learned it from pep, When he shifted the attention to rosell covering the fact he took a barca player)
2-He was genuinely in disbelief that no one suck up to him to actually stay :lol:


In the press conference zubizarreta confirmed that he and tito talked to thiago before the 21-euros.
Yet thiago claimed that the club did nothing to keep him, The only thing possibly left for the club to do, Is starting negotiations to improve his contract, But is that what was it all about?
His fanboys definitely won't accept that this was purely money issues, I don't like thiago, And i don't even think it's about the money!!, I think it was just because no one can guarantee him more playing time, And means he was going to leave anyway.
So why would thiago say the club did nothing to keep him?, Like i said above

1-A move to shift the blame and attention away from him (He might learned it from pep, When he shifted the attention to rosell covering the fact he took a barca player)
2-He was genuinely in disbelief that no one suck up to him to actually stay :lol:

The point you're missing is there is no one to blame. I still don't get the fuss. Thiago was a squad player in Barça, and he wanted more playing time, and didn't think Tito valued him. It's really not that hard to understand. Then again, the fuss is probably justifiable because he could be a big hit pretty soon, so better starting hating now, right? When a lesser talented player leaves, no one cares.


After good amount of thought, They is what i think happened with him:

1-He wanted more playing time, Talked to tito, Tito said i can't guarantee you any.
2-Thiago decides to go to bayern
3-In the mean time, He had day dreams about how our club will panic and throw everything at him to convince him to stay, Because in his head he knows he's the best young prospect, But it doesn't matter, Cause he knows not going to change his mind anyway, But would've loved the attention, Which correlates greatly with his cocky attitude, And guess what, His 'signature' in his goodbye letter, That speaks volumes about how he looks at himself, Anyway.
4-The club didn't do anything to keep him like he imagined will happened , A MASSIVE BLOW TO THE EGO for thiago, He's in shock
5-Continues his plan to move to bayern anyway, while still in SHOCK.
6-He gets a strong back-lash on his twitter account from barca fans, Most of them being a 'traitor' and 'ungrateful, A close person advise him to make some move to enhance his image.
7-Thiago publish a goodbye letter, A PR move like expected.
8-Talks to the press and accuse the club of not 'valuing him', Accomplishing 2 things, To shift the attention away from him and cool down the back lash from cules (A continuation of the PR move), And secondly, HE HAD TO GET IT OUT OF HIS SYSTEM, STILL IN SHOCK :lol:


:lol: awesome
I love the way you think ahahahahah :D


New member
The point you're missing is there is no one to blame. I still don't get the fuss. Thiago was a squad player in Barça, and he wanted more playing time, and didn't think Tito valued him. It's really not that hard to understand. Then again, the fuss is probably justifiable because he could be a big hit pretty soon, so better starting hating now, right? When a lesser talented player leaves, no one cares.
I'm not blaming anyone, When i heard he left, My reaction was simply "Goodbye, And don't let the door hit you on the way", And i still do.
My comment is simply a response to his 'bogus' comments to RAC1, About the club doing nothing to keep him, When everyone knows that the only thing that might've kept him is tito guaranteeing him time next season.
Which leaves with the only explanation for his comments, As a cheap PR move to shift the blame away from, And i don't like that, I consider myself anti-bullshit.
If he didn't say that 'crap, You wouldn't have seen my commenting like this on his thread, Simple as that.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
After good amount of thought, They is what i think happened with him:

1-He wanted more playing time, Talked to tito, Tito said i can't guarantee you any.
2-Thiago decides to go to bayern
3-In the mean time, He had day dreams about how our club will panic and throw everything at him to convince him to stay, Because in his head he knows he's the best young prospect, But it doesn't matter, Cause he knows not going to change his mind anyway, But would've loved the attention, Which correlates greatly with his cocky attitude, And guess what, His 'signature' in his goodbye letter, That speaks volumes about how he looks at himself, Anyway.
4-The club didn't do anything to keep him like he imagined will happened , A MASSIVE BLOW TO THE EGO for thiago, He's in shock
5-Continues his plan to move to bayern anyway, while still in SHOCK.
6-He gets a strong back-lash on his twitter account from barca fans, Most of them being a 'traitor' and 'ungrateful, A close person advise him to make some move to enhance his image.
7-Thiago publish a goodbye letter, A PR move like expected.
8-Talks to the press and accuse the club of not 'valuing him', Accomplishing 2 things, To shift the attention away from him and cool down the back lash from cules (A continuation of the PR move), And secondly, HE HAD TO GET IT OUT OF HIS SYSTEM, STILL IN SHOCK :lol:

brilliant! :VdB:


I'm not blaming anyone, When i heard he left, My reaction was simply "Goodbye, And don't let the door hit you on the way", And i still do.
My comment is simply a response to his 'bogus' comments to RAC1, About the club doing nothing to keep him, When everyone knows that the only thing that might've kept him is tito guaranteeing him time next season.
Which leaves with the only explanation for his comments, As a cheap PR move to shift the blame away from, And i don't like that, I consider myself anti-bullshit.
If he didn't say that 'crap, You wouldn't have seen my commenting like this on his thread, Simple as that.

It's not bogus if what he meanted is that the club didn't value him, aka not guaranteed him playing time. Which Tito obviously couldn't do, as there's 3 better midfielders than him at Barça. Pep seems to appreciate him more, so easy choice for him. Thiago has shown signs he wasn't going to wait to be xavi's heir since day one, maybe that's why I wasn't surprised or upset as many here seem to be, after he left.

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