Thiago Translantara


Culé de Celestial Empire
It was his first start after the injury in match for Spain. And during his time on the pitch we went from 0:0 to 2:0. With Alonso, him and Müller in the center (Kimmich then played left back, Rafinha right back and Lahm left winger) after the 60s minute and it somehow always functions and we get the goals.

Alonso-Vidal-Müller functions, too. Alonso - Vidal - Thiago until now did not look very good.

True his match fitness yesterday was probably not 100% but still, even when he was fit, he doesn't have the ooooohh and ahhhhs these days that he brought when he first joined Bayern. He was playing very well back then.

Vidal also is quite overrated, I thought.


Senior Member
True his match fitness yesterday was probably not 100% but still, even when he was fit, he doesn't have the ooooohh and ahhhhs these days that he brought when he first joined Bayern. He was playing very well back then.

I'm ohhhing and ahhhing a lot honestly, he's by far the best midfielder Bayern has these days.


New member
That Thiago is Bayern's best midfielder nowadays means pretty much nothing. He's been pretty dogshite in the league so far anyway. In fact, their midfield isn't even that impressive at the moment, despite having "reputation" players. Bayern are having their usual 70% possession per match not because of DAT positional play from Pep, but because Bundeslol teams facing them give up before the match anyway and willingly surrender the ball. Alonso is Alonso, Vidal barely plays full matches, Martinez is either injured or plays at CB, Götze is injured as well and Thiago is inconsistent or injured. It's really all about Lewandowski and Müller racking up goals with Douglas Costa having a standout season and Boateng providing longballs from deep.


Senior Member
In that case, Bayern doesn't have a better midfield than Barca. Cause we have 3 players that are better than him in our midfield. :coffee:

I dont consider Rakitic as better honestly, Busquets? Yes, definitely better. 3rd one is Iniesta I suppose?
But nevertheless, Midfield isnt about "having the best midfielders" similar to defense not being about "having the best defenders". And thank god it isnt, otherwise Real Madrid would have had like 20 CL titles already under Florentino Perez.


Senior Member
I dont consider Rakitic as better honestly, Busquets? Yes, definitely better. 3rd one is Iniesta I suppose?
But nevertheless, Midfield isnt about "having the best midfielders" similar to defense not being about "having the best defenders". And thank god it isnt, otherwise Real Madrid would have had like 20 CL titles already under Florentino Perez.

Iniesta, Busquets and Arda Turan are all better than Thiago imo. Thiago is younger, and he could be better than them two years down the road. He's young and he has potential, but after two years at Bayern, can't say he's grown that much. Injuries and other problems have made him stagnate in his development.

Mildfield is not about having the best midfielders. Maybe not. But it surely helps a lot if you do. Such is the case with the attack.
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Senior Member
That Thiago is Bayern's best midfielder nowadays means pretty much nothing. He's been pretty dogshite in the league so far anyway.

I'm sort of getting annoyed, because I felt like saying 3 times already that this is bullshit. (no offense to you, I'm just annoying by the constant repetition of this claim in general)
He doesnt do much in the league, because,hey, what the fuck is he suposed to do in the 20-30 minute subs that he has gaem after game in the league against easier opponents? He is still not over his long term injury this year and Peps rotation saves him for bigger games, thats why he is good in CL (where he plays over 70-90 minutes) and "invisible" or "inconsistent" in the league.
The conclusion that should be drawn isnt "he has been invisible in the league and only good in CL". Correct would be "he has been invisible as a sub in already dead games, but good as a starter".


There's however one thing you got right, and that's him struggling with his knee-injury, which is forcing him to miss a lot of games. So the biggest argument against his quality is that he's missing a lot of games usually, I agree with this heavy flaw. But ON THE PITCH, he's absolutely fantastic and that is undebatable imo.

Bayern are having their usual 70% possession per match not because of DAT positional play from Pep, but because Bundeslol teams facing them give up before the match anyway and willingly surrender the ball.

That's not a thing that is exclusive to so-called "bundeslol" teams, thats what any team, including Barca to an extend did since Pep took over at Bayern.
Their possession numbers in CL are by no means different than their possession numbers in Bundesligam. Bayern plays Arsenal just like they play Köln, and the result is more or less the same.

Iniesta, Busquets and Arda Turan are all better than Thiago imo. Thiago is younger, and he could be better than them two years down the road. He's young and he has potential, but after two years at Bayern, can't say he's grown that much. Injuries and other problems have made him stagnate in his development.

Mildfield is not about having the best midfielders. Maybe not. But it surely helps a lot if you do. Such is the case with the attack.

Turan hasnt played a single match yet, we have absolutely no idea how he turns out for Barca. He wouldnt be the first good player to fail there, would he? Despite that, isnt he actually a winger rather than a midfielder?
I agree with Busquets, although Thiago and Busquets play different roles on the pitch.
About Rakitic vs Thiago, this was always a question of quantity vs quality for me, almost a matter of preference. Rakitic is better meaning that he is more often on the pitch than Thiago is. But if both are on the pitch then Thiago is a better player than Rakitic is. Neither of them is a Maldini defensively, but both are somewhat ok, their defensive work is rather supportive than essential, both teams have other players who cover more of that. Offensively Thiago is the better option for me, technique and vision is better, passing is both more accurate and penetrative, neither of them is a real stat-player but Thiago also has slight advantages here, despite playing with a worse (but still insanely good) attacking line.

But here's the thing where people who favour Rakitic have a point, he plays more minutes, and therefor he's simply more often the pitch. And that isnt an excuse for Thiago, thats actually an essential negative aspect and that matters a lot. Having an awesome player is cool, but it sucks when you cant use him every game. Rakitic has around 40-50% more minutes than Thiago, thats quite a lot and favour Rakitic heavily over him. I'm just saying that purely footballwise Thiago is better for me. If (and I havent given up hopes on that) he can finally overcome his knee issues, then he can fully fulfill his massive potential.


Staff member
You casually said that both are same at defending. You do realize Rakitic is the workhorse of Barcelona?


Culé de Celestial Empire
He came on at the 65th minute against Darmstadt today, had a few flashy moves but overall still quite meh, in my opinion. Kimmich the DM did more attacking-wise than him.

Kimmich is really a good player. :thumbsup:


Senior Member
You casually said that both are same at defending. You do realize Rakitic is the workhorse of Barcelona?

Yes, Rakitic might be a working midfielder, but so is Thiago. Thiago is pretty decent defensively, he's just getting more prays for his elegance and touches, than for his defensive distribution. People picture him as a midfield magician, not like an actual engine with finesse.


Both are good defensively for their positions, but they arent real defensive midfielders, thats what I meant.
Hamburg - Der FC Bayern wird nächstes Jahr nicht mehr von Pep Guardiola trainiert. Sein "Ziehsohn" Thiago Alcantara spricht nun Klartext über Vorwürfe und seine Zukunft.

Bayern-Star Thiago wehrt sich gegen Gerüchte, er könnte den FC Bayern aufgrund des Abschieds von Trainer Pep Guardiola am Saisonende ebenfalls verlassen. Gegenüber "SPORT BILD" sagt Thiago: „Das ist wirklich Mist, ohne Hintergrund oder Fundament. Das macht überhaupt keinen Sinn. Wieso sollte ich Pep folgen? Ich habe hier bei Bayern verlängert, weil ich glücklich bin. Ich bin dem Verein sehr dankbar, wie ich während meiner Verletzungen unterstützt wurde. Darum wollte ich mit meiner vorzeitigen Verlängerung auch ein Zeichen setzen."

Obwohl er so etwas wie der Ziehsohn Guardiolas ist, will er bei Bayern bleiben: „Ich bin nicht abhängig von Pep. Er ist ein großer Trainer, aber ich muss nicht den gleichen Weg wie er nehmen. Ich bleibe unabhängig von Pep in München.“ Gleichzeitig spricht er seinem Coach ein großes Lob aus: "Er ist nah am Spiel, nah am Platz. Er gibt uns sehr viel: Vertrauen, Sicherheit. Das Zeichnet ihn aus."

In Guardiolas letzter Saison als Trainer der Münchner wird der Gewinn der Champions League wichtiger denn je. Auf dem Weg dahin wartet im Achtelfinale zunächst Juventus Turin. Ein gefährlicher Gegner, wie Thiago weiß. Doch dem Spanier ist auch klar: "Wenn wir die Champions League gewinnen wollen, müssen wir beweisen, dass wir die Besten sind."

Gefragt nach dem Unterschied zwischen Bayern und Barcelona, erklärt Thiago, dass er in München eine völlig andere Rolle einnimmt wie bei seinem Ex-Club: "Bei Barcelona war ich noch ein kleines Kind, ein Spieler aus dem eigenen Nachwuchs. Hier fühle ich mich mehr als Teil der Mannschaft, als wichtiger Spieler. Deswegen fühle ich mich hier auch so wohl."


Google Translator:

Hamburg - Bayern Munich will no longer be trained next year of Pep Guardiola. His "protégé" Thiago Alcantara now speaks plain text over allegations and his future.

Bayern star Thiago defends himself against rumors, it could also leave FC Bayern because of the demise of coach Pep Guardiola at the end of the season. Opposite "SPORT BILD" says Thiago: "This is really crap, without background or foundation. That makes no sense at all. Why should I follow Pep? I have extended at Bayern, because I'm happy. I am very grateful to the club, I was supported during my injury. That's why I wanted to put my premature extension also a sign. "

Although he is something of a protégé Guardiola, he wants to stay with Bayern, "I'm not dependent on Pep. He is a great coach, but I do not take the same route as he did. . I will stay regardless of Pep in Munich "At the same time he is talking about his coach kudos from:" He is close to the game, close to the place He gives us a lot:.. Trust, security is what characterizes it. "

In Guardiola's last season as coach of the Munich winning the Champions League is more important than ever. Along the way, waiting for the first knockout round first Juventus. A formidable opponent, as Thiago knows. But the Spaniard is also clear: "If we want to win the Champions League, we must prove that we are the best."

When asked about the difference between Bayern and Barcelona, ​​explains Thiago, that he in Munich plays a completely different role as with his former club. "In Barcelona I was a little kid, a player from their own offspring Here I feel more as part of the team, as an important player. That's why I feel so comfortable here, too. "

Source: The original source is the same Sportbild-interview that was quoted in the link before.

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