If you read again I never said he did.
What was the question about single handedly dominating games about?
What was the question about single handedly dominating games about?
Whether that is the determining factor about being World Class or not. If it, then I assume neither is Coutinho.
Injuries are part of the life of the player. What is this bullshit about 'if he wasn't injured all the time, he would've been x or y'. The guy can't stay fit a whole season, and has never had a marquee performance at the highest level. World class based on what? Oh, because he has technique, does fancy tricks and can pull off fancy passes?Had absolutely awful performances on Camp Nou (0-4) and Calderon (0-1) against top class teams in CL.
Isco, Iniesta, Modric, Kroos, Coutinho, Pogba, De Bruyne, David Silva, Verratti are all better midfielders than Thiago.
I dont believe you watch enough EPL to comment on Coutinho.
You can generally assume most people DO watch the PL, given that it's the most watched league in the world, and surprise even I keep track with everything going on. On the other hand I'm for example damn useless for Ligue Un and Serie A. Even La Liga at most times, I would generally not challenge any Barca fans opinion here about their own players because I watch about 40-50% of the games which is certainly not enough. But what I do watch is before most anything the BuLi (like even the shit matches) and then 80% of all the top flight games in the PL, besides Chelsea tbh.
To me it is pretty easy to tell who watches the BuLi and who does not. And the devestating rule of thumb here really is: 90% of the forum does NOT watch the BuLi besides that one time when Bayern plays Dortmund and the TV program is otherwise boring. There are users like Luftstalag for example, whom I can have insightful discussions about BuLi topics and even when I disagree with something he says, he still always shows that he has at least rough idea what he's talking about. And then there's guys like you, who I feel like lack even a remote idea of it and aren't greatly interested in it either, because they see it as a tinpot league and all players of it are playing against inbred farmers anyway until they are actually proven in England where the football is divine and the tuesdays in Stoke are rainy.
You lot are obsessed with posession control, it's not necessary
How can you really say that though? Have you not noticed that the 2 most dominant teams of this entire millenium (Pep's Barca and Zidane's RM) have had some of the GOAT controlling midfielders?? Heynckes Bayern didn't have an outright Xavi-esque player, but they still had Schweinsteiger/Kroos and a tactical plan to control games well even if not dominate possession.
The only CL winners in the past years that didn't have any elite controlling players are Chelsea and Inter (though they did have Sneijder, which is something).
How can you be a Barca fan, have watched the system that brought us to the top of the world, seen the very same midfield problems that have plagued us for some years during our decline, AND noticed that RM's rise directly correlated with them having built an elite controlling midfield, and then say that the ability to control a football match is unnecessary? Cause Paulinho scored some goals? Look at the big picture dude.
Cant use Heynckes team as an example of side that dominated possession through midfield.
The most recent winners/finalists of the CL have probably been the best counter attacking sides more than anything. Not possession styled sides.
Any can work but pointing to that Bayern side who were the best counter attacking side going and then CL dominated by best counter attacking sides. Some of those sides could do both but none were fixated on possession.
How can you really say that though? Have you not noticed that the 2 most dominant teams of this entire millenium (Pep's Barca and Zidane's RM) have had some of the GOAT controlling midfielders?? Heynckes Bayern didn't have an outright Xavi-esque player, but they still had Schweinsteiger/Kroos and a tactical plan to control games well even if not dominate possession.
The only CL winners in the past years that didn't have any elite controlling players are Chelsea and Inter (though they did have Sneijder, which is something). They are both ugly winners who lucked out in their success, and are NOTHING compared to the aforementioned 3 teams.
How can you be a Barca fan, have watched the system that brbought us to the top of the world, seen the very same midfield problems that have plagued us for some years during our decline, AND noticed that RM's rise directly correlated with them having built an elite controlling midfield, and then say that the ability to control a football match is unnecessary? Cause Paulinho scored some goals? Look at the big picture dude.
RM utterly dominated Atleti 2x and Juve in the finals when they won their 3 CL's. It wasn't counterattacking that won them those games, but total suffocating control of the game and relentlessly attacking them. See RM's 2nd half vs Juve as the momentum shift in midfield that won them the game. Bayern too controlled the games vs Juventus in the QF and Dortmund in the final, only against us did they cede possession and fixate mostly on the counter.
The only matches where any of these teams played a real counterattacking style were RM vs Bayern in 13/14 semis (Ancelotti 4-4-2) and Bayern vs us in 12/13 semis.
Barca controlled all games in 14/15 except the Bayern semi which both sides traded control. RM were the controlling side vs everyone past 2 years except arguably Bayern in 16/17, where they did control the game but mostly after the red cards. Heynckes Bayern were controlling the games against everyone except us (counterattack) and Arsenal (controlled one game, not the other).
Good points, I agree with what you said. Still those Bayern and Madrid eams were capable of adapting to a different style and thas why I value players like Paulinho