Thiago Translantara


President of FC Barcelona
Rakitic in a midfield three will get exposed again and for the best of this team we cannot keep running with the 4-4-2 for too long.


Senior Member
Arthur will come in January, when Coutinho has his EU passport, unless something changes.

But yeah, we need another CM.

Bringing Arthur in January would be a mistake. If he comes in January he won’t contribute anything before 2019/20 season. He will need at least 6 months to adapt.


High Definition Member
Suarez staying is a problem. He will continue to be a donkey up front and force other players to play in positions that don’t suit them.


Senior Member
I like rakitic as depth but not as a starter.

Agree with you, IMHO he was our best midfielder this year but he is over 30 and we need to find other aolution ASAP. I would still like to have him here (as an alternative to Busquets) but we really need to bring one world class CM player.


Senior Member
Agree with you, IMHO he was our best midfielder this year but he is over 30 and we need to find other aolution ASAP. I would still like to have him here (as an alternative to Busquets) but we really need ome world class controlling midfielder.

I wouldn't say a controller necessary, but a midfielder that has a stronger skill set than Rakitić, for example, faster thinker, generally faster and better at long range shooting, while being somewhat physically similar to Rakitić.


High Definition Member
Getting griezmann and a ready made midfielder is unrealistic. Barca will have to take a gamble and buy a talent for cheaper. Hopefully that talent and Arthur will develop in the coming years and go align with the ready made world class mids coutinho and busquets. Rakitic and Paulinho can stay for depth and tactical variety and ease the transition of the young guys.

The front three should be griezmann messi and Dembele but Suarez sticking around might disrupt that.
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Senior Member
Easy. He´s already here.


Rakitic - Coutinho

Coutinho has to play in midfield. No other way around. Specially if Griezmann is coming.

Thing is, I would take Thiago back in a heartbeat as well, but the reality with this Board is, that we are much too inclined to buy another younger CM for 30-40M, than to shell out 80M, but actually injecting world class ability into our midfield again. Especially if we spend 100M on Griezmann already. And as much as i think Griezmann would come in handy for benching Suarez, i would prefer it if we bought Eriksen and Thiago and sort out the midfield, and play Coutinho and Dembele on the wings at least for one or two seasons. We can always put Coutinho back in midfield after that. Plus, i fear that with Suarez being BFs with Messi, and with this spineless and untrusting youth Board, Dembele would get benched for Griezmann before Suarez would, which would be a disaster. And Arthur could bench Rakitic by the end of next season, but only IF he's brought in at the start, not in the middle of it, not to mention Raki does nothing to relieve Messi, so he has to drop back to midfield all the time. With both world class CMs like Thiago/future Arthur and Eriksen that could be stopped. Not to mention that in lesser matches we can play someone like Arnaiz on LW, so Coutinho can play midfield then as well.

I like rakitic as depth but not as a starter.

My feelings exactly. Raki is still good, but if we go back to 4-3-3, which is a must, he will get exposed again sooner or later.


Senior Member
I wouldn't say a controller necessary, but a midfielder that has a stronger skill set than Rakitić, for example, faster thinker, generally faster and better at long range shooting, while being somewhat physically similar to Rakitić.

I edited my post, agree with you since it’s hard to find controlling midfielders these days. At long range shooting Rakitic is actually very good but the problem is Barca players usually don’t shoot from long range. Even players who did that continuously in ther previous teams.

I know I am repeating myself but I honestly don’t see any player on the market other than Thiago who would improve us immediately. There are some good young midfielders but all of them would need time to adapt while Thiago impact would be an instant one. Of course I wouldn't pay more than 50 mil for him since he is injury prone.
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Senior Member
Throwback to the time everyone waited for Sergi Roberto to surpass him, the patient midfielder they said. Still patiently waiting his chance in the midfield at age 26 :roberto:

Letting Thiago leave and also letting Isco, a Barça fan, sign for Real Madrid.

What a horrific summer.

Squad management since 2012 have been pathetic.

I love Tito but man that was one hell of a fuck up. i remember people were saying Rafinha would be the better talent also


New member
Raki wont get exposed in a 433 because Messi isnt RW no more. That being said he has to have Dembele on his right side if not he will be practically useless.

Him in a 442 system does work decent but he simply cannot do much when he is required to press and defend.

God Serena

New member
I love Tito but man that was one hell of a fuck up. i remember people were saying Rafinha would be the better talent also

That was a fuck up of such incredible proportions that I am fully convinced it was done intentionally. No manager in their right mind lets a player they want to keep leave due to a playing time clause in their contract, especially when we had the league more or less secured back in October.


Senior Member
Barca fans are the most tactically astute I see that now.

Anyways it's time to move beyond rakitic
Coutinho isn't a midfielder right now
Auther is a unknown likely a fail
Busquets is busquets
Paulinho & gomes are crap

Basically our board as zero idea what they are doing

& Then there is thiago.

Who they allowed to leave I might add, which just adds to there ineptitude.

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