Thiago Translantara


President of FC Barcelona
If we lose Rakitic the only bit of "hardness" (especially defensively) in our midfield is gone. Going to be easier to be sliced through by our opponents. Rakitic does dirty work too that no others can do, certainly not Thiago.

Rakitic might be the second most overrated player in this team after Roberto.

Don't get me wrong, he is a good player, but his defensive job is the only thing he's required to do in this 4-4-2 setup which simply isn't sustainable for us. Did you forget how inept Rakitic looked in a 4-3-3 the last couple of seasons? Too slow to close down space, incapable of doing anything to move the ball forward or orchestrate an attacking move.

Thiago's defensive stats is actually better than Rakitic's and he isn't even playing as a bonafide DM for Bayern. Kante is a small guy, but 10x the player Rakitic is defensively. Big doesn't mean better.

Barca have strayed far from its roots which is why we've struggled so much. If you can get a big, strong, technical midfielder then go for it, but if not, then go for the technical, quick midfielder that is tenacious defensively, great in small spaces and able to create some freaking chances or set up a play so Messi doesn't have to drop down to the midcircle at the age of 31 to get the ball.

Bayern just tore Real Madrid apart with a midfield of James, Thiago and Tolisso and should have won had Lewandowski and Muller been semi-competent and Ribery not a 35 year old grandad. Which one of them stands out as the hard worker that does the dirty job? Tolisso who's more known for his attacking potential rather than his defensive work? James? Thiago?

We need smarter, not bigger.
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High Definition Member
Coutinho can play in midfield, he has the attributes. If Arthur develops the midfield will have the required technical quality. It’s potentially weak in defence though.


His game and fitness has really suffered at Bayern.
Remember when we went in for him some years ago, but instead re recommitted to Bayern.
He'd do good to stay at Bayern, not good enough NOW.


Senior Member
Rakitic might be the second most overrated player in this team after Roberto.

Don't get me wrong, he is a good player, but his defensive job is the only thing he's required to do in this 4-4-2 setup which simply isn't sustainable for us. Did you forget how inept Rakitic looked in a 4-3-3 the last couple of seasons? Too slow to close down space, incapable of doing anything to move the ball forward or orchestrate an attacking move.

Thiago's defensive stats is actually better than Rakitic's and he isn't even playing as a bonafide DM for Bayern. Kante is a small guy, but 10x the player Rakitic is defensively. Big doesn't mean better.

Barca have strayed far from its roots which is why we've struggled so much. If you can get a big, strong, technical midfielder then go for it, but if not, then go for the technical, quick midfielder that is tenacious defensively, great in small spaces and able to create some freaking chances or set up a play so Messi doesn't have to drop down to the midcircle at the age of 31 to get the ball.

Bayern just tore Real Madrid apart with a midfield of James, Thiago and Tolisso and should have won had Lewandowski and Muller been semi-competent and Ribery not a 35 year old grandad. Which one of them stands out as the hard worker that does the dirty job? Tolisso who's more known for his attacking potential rather than his defensive work? James? Thiago?

We need smarter, not bigger.
Rakitic only started to perform better once Valverde stuck him in a double pivot role and that's about it. Before that when he played in a 4-3-3 he pretty much struggled and nowhere near as effective as he once was during the first couple of seasons under Lucho.

Unless he has acres of space on the field especially between the lines you aren't going to get much out of him creative wise. Not good enough on the ball under pressure and he's slow as hell. Would he make a decent backup option? sure but we really need an upgrade.

Need someone who not only has the energy, but someone who is better on the ball and can help create down deep.


Active member
His game and fitness has really suffered at Bayern.
Remember when we went in for him some years ago, but instead re recommitted to Bayern.
He'd do good to stay at Bayern, not good enough NOW.

What are you talking about? Currently, Thiago is easily among the best top 5 midfielders in the world. His only issue is injuries, but this is a trend in Bayern and I would blame partly their medical staff and fitness coaches.


Senior Member
Rakitic needs replacing. Thiago would be a good option, but the price would be too much and with his injury record, it's not worth it.

I keep hearing great things about Arthur Melo. I think there is a good posibility that he wil be a success here considering he seems to be good at controlling the ball close to his feet under pressure. That's like the first think you need to have to play in midfield for Barca to great effect. Don't panic under pressure and always look to play positive.

When we look at a new CM, this is the first thing we should analyze. Is this player the type that shifts the responsability to his teammates when pressured, or does he actively try to play forward? Rakitic crumbles under pressure. Either he passes the ball (usually average passes who don't do anything in opening up the play or finding a free man) to get rid of it, or he loses it. In either case, it's not what we need going forward.
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Active member
What are you talking about? Currently, Thiago is easily among the best top 5 midfielders in the world. His only issue is injuries, but this is a trend in Bayern and I would blame partly their medical staff and fitness coaches.

Thiago has a couple of injuries even when he was at Barca.


President of FC Barcelona
Hypocrites, That's it.

Chased Bellerin, brought back Deulofeu, would sign a cunt like Neymar who left us that way back. Wanted to pay 50m for a former Madrid player and an absolute donkey in di Maria.

But Thiago? Nah, would set a bad example.

If he's available for a reasonable price taking his injury problems into account, and he's open to returning, you have to seriously consider it. It sounds like there are people in the club holding grudges because Thiago left and proved himself to be a very good midfielder.
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Well-known member
If the stories of him offering himself to the club are true, we should go for him. ASAP. I'd say that he's the best we can get.


Senior Member
That's unrealistic. Nowadays you pay 40 m for players like Gomes. I'd take him for 70 m, think that's much closer.

-20M for all injuries and the fact that he wants to come, and we paid 40m for Gomes while Rm paid 35M for kovacic a year earlier that only means our board are frauds


Active member
Thiago has a couple of injuries even when he was at Barca.

People here like to exaggerate Thiago's injuries. Thiago played total 72 league games for Bayern the past 3 season. Verratti played 68 games, while Modric 80 games, Kroos 85 games. Thiago averaging 24 league games per season, while Real MF averaging 27 games. This is not that bad.

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