Victor Font


Active member
Font might be a joke but he did appear to have a project. Laporta on the other hand doesn't have anything, at least he hasn't revealed anything concrete. It is all nostalgia and wishy washy "hasta la vista, baby!" crap.

Yeah,a project swith Koeman as a coach.I'd rather have a flying monkey as a coach than Koeman.Also...Jordi Cruyff?If his name wouldn't have been ''Cruyff'',he would have been a dishwasher at MCDonalds.


Senior Member
Unfortunately it appears the majority of socis have their mind set right now...


Don't you think that this is more of accurate description of Font's clan?
I mean the moment you start blaming voters for not liking your guys, refusing to acknowledge his short comings, I think you are the one refusing to be open minded


Senior Member
It is quite clear Xavi does support him and has been a large part of the campaign. Seems more like just doesnt want to put himself in position of being against Laporta due to their history and his future prospects.

I was talking about participation in campaign.
Yeah, Xavi most likely prefers and wants Font to win, but that is different than campaigning for him.


Well-known member
The polls (if not complete bollocks) are pretty straighforward. Nobody wants to be linked with a sinking ship his campaign has become.

This guy would struggle for endorsement even in barcaforum elections.

Not that it's surprising since lots of the guys he's couting on could work just as well with Laporta.


Mike the Knife
The fact Xavi & Jordi Cruyff have backtracked from Font's campaign is an indictment on him and serves to boost Laporta since both would/could just as easily serve under Joan


The Pale One
She is a psychologist not a psychiatrist.

Dont think Iniesta was ever put on medication for depression but spoke to professionals about his feelings of 'unease'.

In a bad way if club want to hire a psychiatrist!

Messi on Xanax for his anxiety and a little bit of adderall for Lenglet and company at the back. CL trophy guaranteed.


Senior Member
The fact Xavi & Jordi Cruyff have backtracked from Font's campaign is an indictment on him and serves to boost Laporta since both would/could just as easily serve under Joan

They have not. That's the way you wanna see it.
Both of them are employed, and had to make statements because they have bosses at the moment.

Not that it's surprising since lots of the guys he's couting on could work just as well with Laporta.

That does not say anything.
Yes, Xavi for example, will probably accept the call from Laporta to become coach. But he has been working with Font for years to set up his platform and he actively supported him. If you are a Barca fan and have seen anything that Xavi has said in the last few years, you know he supports Victor Font.

The fact that he is not quiting his current job in Qatar to come in Catalyna and campaign for Font says nothing.
That's a imaginary standard set by some here, which is more anti-Font that pragmatist.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Don't you think that this is more of accurate description of Font's clan?
I mean the moment you start blaming voters for not liking your guys, refusing to acknowledge his short comings, I think you are the one refusing to be open minded

No, I am not a member of “ Font’s clan”. I was referring to the sad state that the majorities of socis favor Laporta despite the guy has had absolutely nothing so far to show for. Blind trust over somebody just because nostalgia is very stupid.


Senior Member
Here is Font's plan institutional structure, as reproduced by Navid Molaanghaei:

THREAD: The sporting structure of @victor_font! From structure to all the names. Let's do this!

OVERALL STRUCTURE: The proposed Board of Directors (voted in by socis and lead by President Font) will have a Director General of Sports who will be the overall responsible for all sports activities at FC Barcelona. I will get to the role of the DGS in a moment. First, the board.

THE BOARD'S ROLE. FCB boards have historically been intervening and pushing for or against sports decisions and every day activities. The
@sialfutur board will give responsibility to experts in respected fields and ONLY validate decisions from an economic and institutional POV.

DIRECTOR GENERAL OF SPORTS: Juli Lopez. A unique choice for this very unique role, which requires someone with experience in the world of sport and directive management. Lopez has both. He's one of the most capped B players and a pupil of Johan Cruyff. FCB DNA.
THE ROLE OF JULI LOPEZ. He will help FCB to manage each of the sports consequently and consistently. He will be the link between sports structures and the board. One foot in each camps. He took his degree while playing as a pro and after that he's been a business man in commerce.
With Juli Lopez as the link between Board of Directors and sports sectors to ensure consistent management, we can move on to the Sector of Football, which is after all what we're all here for. I will go through it slowly, many things need good explaining. The overall chart:

GENERAL MANAGER: XAVI HERNANDEZ. As Font has promised before, Xavi would arrive on the first day after elections. The footballing abilities of this man seem almost unlimited, both on and off the pitch. Been discussing this sports structure and his role with Font for FIVE years.
THE ROLE OF XAVI as General Manager would simply be that he has the greatest responsibility of footballing decisions at FC Barcelona. E.g. in terms of signings, he would take the final decision. He could combine this with the role of 1st team coach if Koeman can't continue.

SPORTS DIRECTOR: @JordiCruyff Lopez and Xavi believe that he is ideal person for this role as DS, responsible for the team, managerial and player structure of all male football teams. Responsibility when signing players will be identifying all team's and coaches' necessities.
JORDI CRUYFF. Lopez: "He is super intelligent." Font: "He compliments Xavi very well."Literal heir of Johan, La Masia canterano, first team player, already showed immense talent as DS. First he converted AEK Larnaca into Cypriot powerhouse after he retired as a player, then Cruyff moved on as DS at Maccabi Tel Aviv, appointing
@oscargarciaj, winning their first league in 10yrs and 3 times in a row. In 14/15 they became the first Flag of Israel team to win all 3 domestic trophies. He made himself into a myth with FCB-football. Ask FCB/MTA fan

THE ROLE OF THE TECHNICAL SECRETARY. To support Jordi Cruyff and the Sporting Direction in day to day technical activities. For example when signing players, they'll analyze the market and propose players for Cruyff and the Sporting Direction. It will be covered by two people
TECHNICAL SECRETARIES: Blanco: Former FCB B player and Levante SD from 2016-2019, promoting them to La Liga and made them survive there. Thanks to his base work they're now a mid-table club in the league. Will also be La Masia coordinator.Blanco has known and worked with Xavi for decades, starting in the youth categories of La Masia where they both played, to Blanco's jobs in the Union of Spanish footballers, including a job as Vice-President. Also another student of Cruyff's philosophy in the early 90s. Blanco: "For me, Xavi is a person who can work on a high level, he's steadfast, persevering. My job will be to work in all sporting facets, to report and help the Sporting Direction. And to help out at La Masia. It's a dream for me to work at this club."

FERNANDO NAVARRO. The second part of the Technical Secretary. Been Monchi's right hand since May 2019, just 38 years old. Formed at La Masia and ex-FCB first team player, now disciple of Monchi. Perfect mix, top talent! Can't be announced now because of contractual obligations.

FIRST TEAM and B COACHES. They, like we, hope that results improve, as Koeman will evidently remain coach until elections. IF NOT, Xavi could take over as coach and still be GM. They also speak of a regular working relation between 1st and B coach, like Cruyff and Quique Costas.

LA MASIA. Two legends will be lead our precious academy: ALBERT BENAIGES and JOAN VILA. Benaiges previously headed it w great success, also discovered Iniesta. Vila was head of methodology for decades before he left under due to (obvious) disagreements with Segura. PERFECT picks.


Dr. Cugat (proposed Director) will optimize these areas w his huge exp. A top football doctor in the world has turned into one of Font's frontmen. He said he joined
@sialfutur when he heard about the Xavi's ideas.
3. AREA OF PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR: IMNA PUIG. Remember when Iniesta suffered from depression in 2009? He recovered after intensively seeing Puig, a renowned psychiatrist. Now Font wants to bring her back. If there's anything this club needs...
3. TONI NADAL. One of the world's best sports coaches, known to be a disciplinarian. Director with responsibility in Institutional Relations, but also going to work day to day with behavioral activity among athletes. Super team with Puig. Less psychological cracks at Bar?a.
4. AREA OF METHODOLOGY: Joan Vil? and Paco Seirul?lo. This is Vil?'s other area other than being a La Masia Director. Seirul?lo is the current Head of Methodology and him staying is very important. No sane candidate would let him go. The perfect team in this area.
5. TALENT MANAGEMENT: Emili Ricart. Pep's favorite physiotherapist who have helped I don't know how many injured FCB players (with Ramon Cugat) with their post-injury rehabs. Especially Abidal owes him a lot. No matter what role he gets, his home is FCB and never should've left.

FEMALE LA MASIA. Juli Lopez announces, that a La Masia for females will be created as a part of their project to empower the female section of the club, which will also be as carefully planned.


Addendum: How a player is signed?
? Sports Directive (Cruyff-led): Identify needs, propose in acc w Technical Secretariat (Blanco-Navarro)
? TS: Analyze the market and proposes alternative signings.
? Coach: Consulted with.
? GM: Make a decision.
? President / Board: Validate.

PS: The above seems like a proper structure to me. Still waiting to see Laporta's respective structure.


Well-known member
That does not say anything.
Yes, Xavi for example, will probably accept the call from Laporta to become coach. But he has been working with Font for years to set up his platform and he actively supported him. If you are a Barca fan and have seen anything that Xavi has said in the last few years, you know he supports Victor Font.

The fact that he is not quiting his current job in Qatar to come in Catalyna and campaign for Font says nothing.
That's a imaginary standard set by some here, which is more anti-Font that pragmatist.

We should clearly see Xavi supports Font.. but he's never said it out loud.

Font goes around talking about Xavi and Cruyff.. and none of them seems to want it public. Endorsement doesn't take quitting your job, it takes saying "Yes, Victor Font is the best option and I wholeheartedly support his bid", something along the lines.

Would help Font hugely since both seem popular and liked in Spain.

But it's clear they want to keep the distance.


Senior Member
We should clearly see Xavi supports Font.. but he's never said it out loud.

Font goes around talking about Xavi and Cruyff.. and none of them seems to want it public. Endorsement doesn't take quitting your job, it takes saying "Yes, Victor Font is the best option and I wholeheartedly support his bid", something along the lines.

Would help Font hugely since both seem popular and liked in Spain.

But it's clear they want to keep the distance.

Xavi and Cruyff did not distance themselves from being mentioned and have not denied have been in talks all they have done to protect their own positions at club is state they are not involved in campaign.

If either felt their name was being used unfairly would know about it.

Both would have known their names have been highlighted and would be again. If they didnt want that to happen it wouldnt have.
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New member
PS: The above seems like a proper structure to me. Still waiting to see Laporta's respective structure.

He’s said he won’t be revealing his structure until he gets elected as it could destabilise current structure. You’ve got to remember by revealing it you are basically saying people will get sacked who currently fill those roles.

Laporta’s structure worked perfectly fine last time. No reason why he can’t do it again.
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Senior Member
No, I am not a member of ? Font?s clan?. I was referring to the sad state that the majorities of socis favor Laporta despite the guy has had absolutely nothing so far to show for. Blind trust over somebody just because nostalgia is very stupid.

And this is based on what? Laporta candidate lost in 2010 badly and his enemy got his historical win, in 2015 he himself got a historical loss.
So suddenly, same socios who didn't care decided it is time for nostalgia and no one is able to compete with him?

This sound like a lame excuse to me tbh

He?s said he won?t be revealing his structure until he gets elected as it could destabilise current structure. You?ve got to remember by revealing it you are basically saying people will get sacked who currently fill those roles.

Laporta?s structure worked perfectly fine last time. No reason why he can?t do it again.

What Laporta said sound frustrating btw.
But when Xavi and Cruyiff moved themselves out from campaigns, which was bad look for Font, and Railoa denying contacting anyone from Barca regarding Haland, it was simply the wise move.

In addition, this so called structure of Font, doesn't sound a "project we have been working for years" at all btw.


Culé de Celestial Empire
And this is based on what? Laporta candidate lost in 2010 badly and his enemy got his historical win, in 2015 he himself got a historical loss.
So suddenly, same socios who didn't care decided it is time for nostalgia and no one is able to compete with him?

This sound like a lame excuse to me tbh

If not for nostalgia then what explains the fact that the overwhelming majority of socis favor Laporta (from the polls) despite Laporta has had very, very little to show for so far? Or is it a case of folks finding the other candidates repulsive, kind of like why people voted for Biden, not because they like Biden because they despise Trump?

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