Victor Font


Senior Member
There is no distancing from Font by either. You are reading 'too much' into it, because that's what you want to believe.

Here is some confirmation that Jordi for example said what he said only for contractual reasons:

Jordi Cruyff’s latest message is due to contractual reasons. The message had already been agreed since before because he currently has a contract in force with another club and they have to wait for the elections to take place first..

Laporta’s structure worked perfectly fine last time. No reason why he can’t do it again.

18 years have elapsed since 2003 when Laporta's practices worked well.
That's a lot of time, and football has changed drastically since then.
Ad hoc approaches will not do this time.

And make no mistake: the fact that he is not revelealing any structure or name is not because he wants to protect something. It's rather because he does not know himself who is going to do what, and who is going to work for him.
He hasn't prepared shit.
It will be ad hoc in every department of the club.
In addition, this so called structure of Font, doesn't sound a "project we have been working for years" at all btw.

Why not?
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Well-known member
There is no distancing from Font by either. You are reading 'too much' into it, because that's what you want to believe.

Here is some confirmation that Jordi for example said what he said only for contractual reasons:

Jordi Cruyff?s latest message is due to contractual reasons. The message had already been agreed since before because he currently has a contract in force with another club and they have to wait for the elections to take place first..
Why would I want to believe so? Don't really care about Font.

I'm not even saying they didn't say what they did for contractual reasons nor do I think they didn't talk with Font.

But if you don't see ways to express support without messing with contractual reasons, I can't help you.

"I support mr. Font's bid and hope to work with him sometime in the future."

"Mr. Font's project seems the best to me and I hope he wins, but I'm devoted to my job and don't take part in the process."

Did they do such thing? No, they did not.

They're distancing themselves from the L he's about to take.


Mike the Knife
They have not. That's the way you wanna see it.
Both of them are employed, and had to make statements because they have bosses at the moment.

Of course they have, it's the way you want to see it. A rational person would see it for what it is


Senior Member
The problem is that when your running against Laporta, it is difficult to build a campaign around Xavi and Cryuff. Because those are two names that are linked positively with Laporta and history has shown that he would also entrust with him.

That's why they are not being vocally committed to Font. Different case if your competing against Bartomeu.

Laporta the first time went from nobody to leading the elections with his huge Beckham announcement. He then cemented it by being the best presented in the debates.

If Font wants to get anywhere then he has to be groundbreaking. Not having a rhetoric of a 5-year project full of names that will probably sign with Laporta anyway.


Senior Member
Laporta has nothing but the past nostalgia, skills in politics and mass communication (better spokesperson), and his charisma that go for him. Nothing else. All his program is a joke, or what program would be a more fitting question. The ones that support him believe in the myth of Laporta, that he's a great leader and manager and somehow he'll figure things out on the way as he did in 2004.

Font lacks experience in politics, and this is why people treat him less seriously than he should be treated because he is the only one that put a bit of passion and effort into these elections. This should be commended IMO. The candidates show massive flaws and are more like polar opposites. One is all polished image, little content, the other has shown better content and better planning, but his image and his demeanor, and his speech, all make him look more like a youtuber trying to run for election than a serious president for such a huge club.

If you could take the charisma and presence from Laporta, add them to the enthusiasm and passion of Font, we'd have a decent candidate. Otherwise, not so much.

Let's hope it works out though, and, once in office, they will be much better presidents than their campaign suggests.
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New member
The problem is that when your running against Laporta, it is difficult to build a campaign around Xavi and Cryuff. Because those are two names that are linked positively with Laporta and history has shown that he would also entrust with him.

That's why they are not being vocally committed to Font. Different case if your competing against Bartomeu.

Laporta the first time went from nobody to leading the elections with his huge Beckham announcement. He then cemented it by being the best presented in the debates.

If Font wants to get anywhere then he has to be groundbreaking. Not having a rhetoric of a 5-year project full of names that will probably sign with Laporta anyway.


The thing is too, Xavi becoming manager is inevitable anyway whoever is president. So basing campaign around Xavi isn’t exactly revolutionary.


Senior Member
Laporta has nothing but the past nostalgia, skills in politics and mass communication (better spokesperson), and his charisma that go for him. Nothing else. All his program is a joke, or what program would be a more fitting question. The ones that support him believe in the myth of Laporta, that he's a great leader and manager and somehow he'll figure things out on the way as he did in 2004.

Font lacks experience in politics, and this is why people treat him less seriously than he should be treated because he is the only one that put a bit of passion and effort into these elections. This should be commended IMO. The candidates show massive flaws and are more like polar opposites. One is all polished image, little content, the other has shown better content and better planning, but his image and his demeanor, and his speech, all make him look more like a youtuber trying to run for election than a serious president for such a huge club.

If you could take the charisma and presence from Laporta, add them to the enthusiasm and passion of Font, we'd have a decent candidate. Otherwise, not so much.

Let's hope it works out though, and, once in office, they will be much better presidents than their campaign suggests.

Laporta was already a great president, Font on the other hand has nothing except "Xavi program". To be fair there is no way to present a viable program without seeing the club finances first. Only when Laporta or Font come to the office and see the true state of the club, they could create some short or long term plan. Until then, we are talking only about pure self promotion and nothing more. I am afraid that no one can repair the damage caused by Bartomeu in the short term. Not even Laporta & Font combined.
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Senior Member
Laporta was already a great president, Font on the other hand has nothing except "Xavi program". To be fair there is no way to present a viable program without seeing the club finances first. Only when Laporta or Font come to the office and see the true state of the club could they create some short or long term plan. Until than, all of this is just a pure marketing and nothing more.

Presidents have always tried to run with a structure and what they would bring.

Laporta is avoiding doing it as he wants to get by more or less on name alone most likely due to how bad his campaign was last time round and he was destroyed on details.

One of them is presenting a project the other isnt.

Laporta will try to make it an emotional debate and will probably win but if comparing who is putting forward a project with planning behind it then only one of them ticks the box.
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Senior Member
Presidents have always tried to run with a structure and what they would bring.

Laporta is avoiding doing it as he wants to get by more or less on name alone most likely due to how bad his campaign was last time round and he was destroyed on details.

One of them is presenting a project the other isnt.

Laporta will try to make it an emotional debate and will probably win but if comparing who is putting forward a project with planning behind it then only one of them ticks the box.

I agree, but let's be fair here. What is the project of Font except Xavi? He is basically saying that Xavi and La Masia are the solution for everything while we all know this might not be the case. Even if Xavi becomes Pep 2.0, and they succeed in reestablishing La Masia once again, they will need a couple of years to get results. Will fans be happy with 2,3 or 4 trophy-less seasons? In contrast, Laporta has much better communication skills, stronger charisma and better connections in the world of football. Above all that he can also count on Xavi if he gets elected. When we take all of that into consideration I am not sure if Font can offer anything special at all. As I see things, both of them can count on Xavi and only one of them has strong personality and charisma.
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Senior Member
I agree, but let's be fair here. What is the project of Font except Xavi? He is basically saying that Xavi and La Masia are the solution for everything while we all know this might not be the case. Even if Xavi becomes Pep 2.0 and they succeed in reestablishing La Masia once again they will need few years for that. Will fans be happy with 2,3 or 4 trophy-less seasons? In contrast, Laporta has much better communication skills, stronger charisma and better connections in the world of football. Above all the he can also count on Xavi if he gets elected. When we take all of that into consideration I am not sure if Font can offer anything that Laporta can't.

He outlined the structure of his project the other day. Not sure what else folk are expecting more than that.

What connections does Laporta have in the football world that Barca would have if he was not there? Not any would be my guess.

Maybe what likes of Feran Soriano says is correct and what Barca need is the intelligence and planning of Font ahead of the politician Laporta.

Either way Laporta will win and then begin his project planning. More of a greay area of what he brings even if he does I would guess try to use most of Fonts structure.

But the argument that Font is not putting a structure just isnt true he is the only one doing it.


Senior Member
He outlined the structure of his project the other day. Not sure what else folk are expecting more than that.

What connections does Laporta have in the football world that Barca would have if he was not there? Not any would be my guess.

Maybe what likes of Feran Soriano says is correct and what Barca need is the intelligence and planning of Font ahead of the politician Laporta.

Either way Laporta will win and then begin his project planning. More of a greay area of what he brings even if he does I would guess try to use most of Fonts structure.

You mean Xavi's structure ;). I am joking. To be fair whoever gets elected out of this two will be waaaaaaay better than that criminal Barto.


Senior Member
Let's face it. Font doesn't have a chance against Laporta. He's not even a dark horse. The race is going to be crazy one sided. We mustn't forget that the senile socis were backing Bartomeu basically until the Messi scandal, which is until the very end. They don't think about things as much - they see Laporta, a name they know and one that's associated with past success - they press like.

I'm not sure how I feel about that though. I agree that Laporta is skating through based on his name alone, and I really don't think of him as a visionary guy who can see the need of Barca in 2020 and put in the required yards to get us back to greatness. I see him as a guy who will look for 'more of the same' (i.e. from his previous period), flashy signings, Xavi and a return to pure "Tiki Taka" probably.

What I really want is someone who is willing to do the dirty work - not talk about big signings but remove the weeds from the root and start rebuilding the club foundations ground up. This won't be sexy, and we will have some trophyless seasons. I am fine with that, as long as we have a project. The unfortunate part is that just like a political democracy and their elections, you need to be a populist to win the vote, and you cannot get there promising what is actually required.


Senior Member
The problem is that when your running against Laporta, it is difficult to build a campaign around Xavi and Cryuff. Because those are two names that are linked positively with Laporta and history has shown that he would also entrust with him.

That's why they are not being vocally committed to Font. Different case if your competing against Bartomeu.

Laporta the first time went from nobody to leading the elections with his huge Beckham announcement. He then cemented it by being the best presented in the debates.

If Font wants to get anywhere then he has to be groundbreaking. Not having a rhetoric of a 5-year project full of names that will probably sign with Laporta anyway.

Laporta campaign is basically avoiding stupid mistakes, rather than project. And I understand people not liking it.But he is doing what he needs to win.
But Font campaign is as bad as it gets, when you are underdog, you need to have something special with your campaign. It is up to him to impress voters and not vice versa.
So far, he fails so bad.

What is even worse for me, is how much he doesn't get it, how random some of his actions. I still don't get why he was pushing so hard for early elections when polls where already heavily in favor of Laporta. He needed that time but he pushed otherwise

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