Victor Font


Senior Member
Barcelona member Victor Font is worried about how the club is being run by Joan Laporta:

-"The club is managed without qualified people. There are people who have a lot of talent and desire to work, but talent management is limited to friends of the president.
-“Laporta's former son-in-law has neither a position or title, but he is involved in all the club's decisions.”
-"Rafa Yuste is not known for his knowledge of football. Laporta is a lawyer who really likes the club, but he does not come from the world of football."
-“I do not rule out proposing a vote of confidence if the red line is crossed.”


let's hope he keeps this up


Senior Member
Guy ain't him. He failed to get almost any commitment to his team including the guy he was building the campaign around him.
The structure he purposed was even worse than Laporta's and didn't offer real solutions beside some generic "I will use data, data is the future "to get votes of young folks who doesn't even show for votings.
It is like wishing to fire Xavi to hire Pirlo


Senior Member
Guy ain't him. He failed to get almost any commitment to his team including the guy he was building the campaign around him.
The structure he purposed was even worse than Laporta's and didn't offer real solutions beside some generic "I will use data, data is the future "to get votes of young folks who doesn't even show for votings.
It is like wishing to fire Xavi to hire Pirlo
'failed to get commitment from the guy he was building the campaign around'
LOL :lol:
Your way of saying Xavi backstabbed him when he saw Laporta more likely to win.
Font remembers that, and there will be 0 Xavi in his next campaign

As for the rest, stop lying and manipulating facts to make Laporta appear better. I know you supported Laporta, it's time for you after 3 awful years under him to admit you were wrong

Laporta had NO structure at all, and was promising only things sane people knew he would not be able to deliver. His tenure so far has been one of the WORST DISAPPOINTMENTS in the history of the club, and if he keeps this up it will be one of the MOST DESTRUCTIVE ones along with Barto's

Font has the right ideas, and is the only candidate that promises a model based on professionalism and merit, concepts unbeknown to Laporta

And that's a very polite way to put it
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Senior Member
It isn't just Xavi, their was at least 4 guys whom he put in his sporting structure who had commited to Laporta, and Xavi wasn't even one of them. He decided to stay neutral during the elections.
Laporta term so far is relative success btw, from administrative point at least.
considering the circumstances. Renewing Camp Nou and refusing CVC (Font wanted it) are both massive wins for the club.

Football team might be a mess, but Font has done nothing to make anyone suggest he would have done better.
You want upgrade on Laporta, that is fine, you want to call him awful, that is fine.
But talking Font being being a better one is delusion mate, that cat ain't him. It will be Setien replacing Valverde again.
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President of FC Barcelona
Victor Font is sadly a fraud and this is coming from someone that had followed his campaign since 2015 when he backed out.

Says stuff people want to hear, but when it was time to show it for real he just displayed how shallow his plan was.
His candidacy was full of rookies and his sporting structure was basically Xavi as the GM of the entire football operations which means 1st team, B team, La Masia youth teams, Jordi Cruyff right under him as Sporting Director and Tito Blanco, Spain's current academy director as the man overseeing the scouts + La Masia.

Laporta's executives were actually far more impressive and he got Jordi Cruyff on his side anyway lol. It's just that most of them resigned for whatever reasons they had which is another issue.

Victor Font isn't the man people think he is.
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President of FC Barcelona
Now a new candidate I would be willing to listen to, and there's been some rumors about it locally but nothing obvious as of yet, is if Txiki Begiristain resigns from Manchester City in 2024 and decides to run in 2025 with big money behind him backing him.


Senior Member
It isn't just Xavi, their was at least 4 guys whom he put in his sporting structure who had commited to Laporta, and Xavi wasn't even one of them. He decided to stay neutral during the elections.
Laporta term so far is relative success btw, from administrative point at least.
considering the circumstances. Renewing Camp Nou and refusing CVC (Font wanted it) are both massive wins for the club.

Football team might be a mess, but Font has done nothing to make anyone suggest he would have done better.
You want upgrade on Laporta, that is fine, you want to call him awful, that is fine.
But talking Font being being a better one is delusion mate, that cat ain't him. It will be Setien replacing Valverde again.

'Decided to stay neutral'? seriously? Cm'oon man
When you plan a campaign with someone, and basically agree to be a central player in the plan, staying 'neutral' means nothing other than betraying him, and that's what Xavi did with Font
Look at Font's first press statement after the result was announced when he admitted that Xavi's stance was a betrayal (in polite words)

The other guys decided to jump ship and join Laporta's structure after the elections. Laporta basically stole Font's names from his organizational chart (Laporta's only genuine own addition was Allemany)
But no matter how many people you can steal, you won't succeed if you don't understand the logic and rationale behind it. And that is precisely the case with Laporta

Laporta's terms has been a failure and a total disappointment so far on the sporting side. i hope no one denies that.
And on the administrative, it's dubious to say the least: he sold more assets of the club with the levers, and the things he sells like a success (camp nou, reducing wage bill) would have been done by any president in the pressing situation found in

about Font, you are totally wrong. Font has an advantage over liar politicians like Laporta and criminals like Rossel/Barto: he is a businessman who understands the market and the current era of running a football club. He understand what makes a club like Liverpool successfull from a business/administrative/organisational side that Laporta simply can't comperehend.
And most basic ingredient of it is populating your organisation with the right PROFESSIONALS (and not amigos) at every level


Senior Member
Victor Font is sadly a fraud and this is coming from someone that had followed his campaign since 2015 when he backed out.

Says stuff people want to hear, but when it was time to show it for real he just displayed how shallow his plan was.
His candidacy was full of rookies and his sporting structure was basically Xavi as the GM of the entire football operations which means 1st team, B team, La Masia youth teams, Jordi Cruyff right under him as Sporting Director and Tito Blanco, Spain's current academy director as the man overseeing the scouts + La Masia.

Laporta's executives were actually far more impressive and he got Jordi Cruyff on his side anyway lol. It's just that most of them resigned for whatever reasons they had which is another issue.

Victor Font isn't the man people think he is.

You don't understand him either then
You stay on the names. It's the idea behind the name that is important.
As I wrote to Khaled above, if it was all about the names, Laporta would have succeeded after stealing Xavi and Jordi Cryuff from Font's campaign


Senior Member
It's funny that Birdy of all people simps for Font who in return is the biggest Xavi simp :lol:

Right, I 'simp' for the only candidate that has a vision and right foundations in his head about how to run a football club. The only thing I didn't like from his first campaign was the Xavi obsession which won't happen again since that darling backstabbed him

Other options include: someone who is a politician, a liar, acts on whims/emotions w/o any plan, and hopes that he will always be lucky because he hit the jackpot once
and then also the option of criminals
No thanks


President of FC Barcelona
You don't understand him either then
You stay on the names. It's the idea behind the name that is important.
As I wrote to Khaled above, if it was all about the names, Laporta would have succeeded after stealing Xavi and Jordi Cryuff from Font's campaign

No, I do understand him perfectly well. I've followed Victor Font since way before he was a household name, and I have followed his interviews, his social media presence and read his campaign program.

I actually supported him until he decided to run and started faltering apart under pressure during interviews, debates and when he announced his program for the club. You can probably find posts of mine on this forum in old threads.

You have tunnel vision Birdy. Once you find a Messiah you love you don't look at it objectively anymore.

Laporta's initial board members and executives were far more professional with broader experience than Font's. Guys like Jaume Giro, Ferran Reverter, Eduard Romeu, etc.

Mateu Alemany was far more experienced and held in really high regard in contrast to guys like TONI NADAL who has no experience whatsoever in football and is Rafa's uncle and former coach.

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