Victor Font


Senior Member
No, I do understand him perfectly well. I've followed Victor Font since way before he was a household name, and I have followed his interviews, his social media presence and read his campaign program.

I actually supported him until he decided to run and started faltering apart under pressure during interviews, debates and when he announced his program for the club. You can probably find posts of mine on this forum in old threads.

You have tunnel vision Birdy. Once you find a Messiah you love you don't look at it objectively anymore.

Laporta's initial board members and executives were far more professional with broader experience than Font's. Guys like Jaume Giro, Ferran Reverter, Eduard Romeu, etc.

Mateu Alemany was far more experienced and held in really high regard in contrast to guys like TONI NADAL who has no experience whatsoever in football and is Rafa's uncle and former coach.

Spare me the commentary, and we will see who has tunnel vision at the end.
So far, the Laporta supporters had the most tunnel vision in thinking that it will be another 2003 w/o realizing he was just lucky back then with many things

AGAIN: you are talking about the names
Let's say it's all as you say and Laporta's initial board members had better profiles than the ones Font proposed. What happened with all these competent members? Where are they now? Who is running the club now? Who was proven right eventually?

You have to see the bigger picture, that you are not seeing.
Laporta doesn't know how to run a modern football club. He thinks he runs a political party
Font has the right ideas. And the right ideas will find the right people. Not the other way round
He is not a Messiah, he is basically a voice of sanity among insane and incompetent candidancies

PS: Things are critical DonAK, the club is running the risk of falling into oblivion for long time.
The ones rooting and voting for Laporta in 2021 doomed all of us.
No more room for mistakes or self-delusion


Senior Member
'Decided to stay neutral'? seriously? Cm'oon man
When you plan a campaign with someone, and basically agree to be a central player in the plan, staying 'neutral' means nothing other than betraying him, and that's what Xavi did with Font
Look at Font's first press statement after the result was announced when he admitted that Xavi's stance was a betrayal (in polite words)

The other guys decided to jump ship and join Laporta's structure after the elections. Laporta basically stole Font's names from his organizational chart (Laporta's only genuine own addition was Allemany)
But no matter how many people you can steal, you won't succeed if you don't understand the logic and rationale behind it. And that is precisely the case with Laporta

Laporta's terms has been a failure and a total disappointment so far on the sporting side. i hope no one denies that.
And on the administrative, it's dubious to say the least: he sold more assets of the club with the levers, and the things he sells like a success (camp nou, reducing wage bill) would have been done by any president in the pressing situation found in

about Font, you are totally wrong. Font has an advantage over liar politicians like Laporta and criminals like Rossel/Barto: he is a businessman who understands the market and the current era of running a football club. He understand what makes a club like Liverpool successfull from a business/administrative/organisational side that Laporta simply can't comperehend.
And most basic ingredient of it is populating your organisation with the right PROFESSIONALS (and not amigos) at every level

You are twisting facts here.
Font announced names in his campaigns whom they have immediately denied having an agreement with him.

He made plan swith Xavi, without having his public commitment, which is his right.

That isn't back staping, that is an idiot who had no connections, who made a campaign about being futuristic and then went to say names that were from the past and were more personally linked to his direct opponent.

You are coming from a place if : Font is right, so the mistakes should be someone's else. But this isn't how it works mate


Senior Member
You are twisting facts here.
Font announced names in his campaigns whom they have immediately denied having an agreement with him.

He made plan swith Xavi, without having his public commitment, which is his right.

That isn't back staping, that is an idiot who had no connections, who made a campaign about being futuristic and then went to say names that were from the past and were more personally linked to his direct opponent.

You are coming from a place if : Font is right, so the mistakes should be someone's else. But this isn't how it works mate

Seriously what are you talking about? Do you read what you type?
'Made plans with Xavi without his public commitment'?
There are even public videos during the campaign where Xavi openly and publicly says that Font is the right man, and asks people to vote for him (here for instance)
But even without that, it was common knowledge that Xavi had been communicating and co-designing with Font for a long time.

Then, every name in the organizational chart Font presented during the campaign had their approval for use.
You understand that you cannot use publicly any name without their consent or you will have legal consequences?

All these people disassociated themselves from Font once his campaign lost, which they had every right to do legally speaking. They wanted to remain open and available for picking up by the president winning.
But from a MORAL POINT OF VIEW, all of them are at fault there.

and especially Xavi, much more than the rest, because he was the MAIN MAN and the co-architect of the Font project, is not only morally condemnable, but despicable to say the least
What Xavi did is the definition of backstabbing

And i never said Font is right in everything. I criticized him for his obsession with Xavi. But he has the right ideas about how to run a football club.
Specific things!

PS: You are the one doing heavy twisting here. Don't turn into another Serghei for not wanting to admit you were wrong on Laporta
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President of FC Barcelona
Both Xavi and Jordi Cruyff backed out as soon as Font announced his plan at the beginning of the election campaign. Perhaps they didn't expect Laporta to run. Either way it's terrible optics for someone supposed to be the leader of the club not even managing to retain two of the most important people in his entire plan.
Laporta being plain out terrible or underwhelming depending on your POV, doesn't mean that the alternative is going to be much better.

What are Font's right ideas anyway? @Birdy


Senior Member
Both Xavi and Jordi Cruyff backed out as soon as Font announced his plan at the beginning of the election campaign. Perhaps they didn't expect Laporta to run. Either way it's terrible optics for someone supposed to be the leader of the club not even managing to retain two of the most important people in his entire plan.
Laporta being plain out terrible or underwhelming depending on your POV, doesn't mean that the alternative is going to be much better.

What are Font's right ideas anyway? @Birdy

So you say the fault lies with Font for their actions and decisions? How so?
How would you call in any other life situation a person that betrays another as soon as they realize he is going to win? A traitor? Or to put it more mildly an opportunist that turns where the wind is blowing?

The right ideas are to instill a sporting structure based on professional merit, like top clubs do. That shows in every department and unit of the organization.
You know which top clubs have done so: Liverpool Arsenal City. These clubs don't have success because of money, UTD and PSG (before Campos at least) also had money but they failed to instill proper sporting structures and consequently strategic visions about their football club


Senior Member


Víctor Font sent a letter to Laporta as follows: "Step aside if you cannot redirect this situation. The club's situation is one of misgovernance and we must avoid making dubious operations."

Bold action!

Sent a letter to Laporta, letter ends up at Vitor Navarro's house.

How can we trust this guy to run the club when he can't even train a fuckin' pigeon.


Senior Member
Thank God birdy doesn't have a super vote to decide Barcelona president, we'd be so fucked.

Homie would definitely pay a mole to listen in on all Liverpool's meetings and copy everything they do.

Victor font who has about zero original ideas and has been causing unnecessary drama around the club for 15+ years while Never offering a solution, the definition of captain hindsight.


Senior Member
Staff member
Full letter

Dear President,

I am writing to you as a result of the deep concern that many members feel about the progress of Barca in the economic, social and institutional spheres, which are the areas that have to function well if we want sporting successes to accompany us. Not long ago I shared with our fellow members my diagnosis of the situation in a letter that I attach to this document.

Only in recent days three new symptoms have appeared that increase the perception of misgovernance: the information published to the media about the failure to comply with the club’s code of ethics with the payment of expenses of the personal guarantees of the directors by a supplier, the news about possible conflicts of interest of the sports director and his task as player representative, and the terrible management of the replacement (or not) of Xavi Hernandez as coach of our first team.

But, in addition, in the coming weeks the 23-24 season has to be closed and the situation of the accounts continues to be one of operating losses. Likewise, there is very little time left to find a real investor to validate the hitherto fictitious sale of 49% of Barca Studios and who is willing to enter at a valuation of €400m, which is an unrealistic value, much above what the market is willing to pay.

Given this situation, as a representative of the thousands of members who trusted me in the last elections, I want to ask you, as president, and your Board of Directors the following:

That the club carry out an exercise of transparency in all the issues that are very negatively affecting its image and reputation, as committed at the beginning of the mandate. Especially in the issue of endorsements, which involves non-compliance with the institution’s ethical code, and possible conflicts of interest for the sports director.

That in the coming weeks they avoid making any dubious operation that involves a payment ahead of time (Barca *Studios), a new sale of assets (strategic players) and/or that more future income is mortgaged (new agreement with Nike), with the sole objective to balance the accounts and cover up the economic reality that has not been corrected.

We must recognise once and for all where we are and rebuild the institution from the foundations. The situation is critical and maximum professionalism and experience are needed to reverse it. If we take advantage of all the potential we have, we will be able to compete again against the best.

As you may remember, at the beginning of your mandate I made our impact plan available to you. I remain at your disposal to help in any way we can. But if, given the complexity of the moment and as it seems due to the poor results achieved since 2021, you do not see yourself with the heart to move Barca forward, we ask you to take a step aside. We represent a new generation of cules and we are ready, prepared to transform the club, modernise it and return it once and for all to the place it deserves.

Home of Barca Fans
