Vinícius Júnior


Well-known member
Badboy look. Some whores in nightclubs love it, so they tatoo themselves like prisoners on death row. People do dumb shit for the acknowledgement of the other sex.
I have a theory that even if a guy has a bad looking face, getting lots of tattoos on their arms or torso or legs will instantly make them more attractive to a lot of women.

I don't have anything against people with tattoos - I have none myself and some look good, some look bad. But there's no doubt that many women love them and they can overcome a bad face. It's the same with gym bodies - a guy with a great body and a bad face can still get female attention for his looks (butterface).


Well-known member
I have a theory that even if a guy has a bad looking face, getting lots of tattoos on their arms or torso or legs will instantly make them more attractive to a lot of women.

I don't have anything against people with tattoos - I have none myself and some look good, some look bad. But there's no doubt that many women love them and they can overcome a bad face. It's the same with gym bodies - a guy with a great body and a bad face can still get female attention for his looks (butterface).
Yup. Known as Thugmaxxing on the internet. Desperate measures to look like a "bad boy".

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
Women love a bastard. You could almost say that they are attracted to evil. The male needs to be very careful he doesn't lower his self respect and degrade himself in order to make himself more appealing to women. Many men, will do anything for money in order to achieve a materialistic lifestyle that men themselves do not enjoy, but strive for solely in order to attract a beautiful woman.

Women don't want the finished product. Women want a flawed fucked up individual. They see that as exciting and an interesting project they need to fix. Tattoos are a sign of that but preferably you will have a criminal record. Only money will make her panties more moist than that !

Ted Bundy used to get 200 marriage proposals a day from women.


Well-known member
Yup. Known as Thugmaxxing on the internet. Desperate measures to look like a "bad boy".
Yeah that is the term, I have heard it said before.

Women just have different preferences. Many women love the bad boy look, other women talk about liking guys who look kind and friendly with caring eyes. It seems the former is more prevalent though in in our increasingly depraved society.

Psychologically the guy with the thug look gives the impression he'd be better in bed and would treat her more like a whore (and women love to be dominated in bed), so that's probably a reason for liking the bad boy look (I acknowledge I have generalised a bit in this paragraph).


Well-known member
Interesting. I figured people on here would glorify the thug look, figured there would be a lot of red pill type talk, but it appears plenty are the opposite from reading some comments.

Good point by Don about Ted Bundy too. Jeremy Meeks is another. Degenerate criminals and murderers but loved by women cos they were good looking and had charisma. Scary when you think about it, and rather hypocritical given men are accused of being the ones ruled by our desires.

Looks are important and play a role, but they should become inconsequential when a guy is a fucking MURDERER.


Senior Member
Women love a bastard. You could almost say that they are attracted to evil. The male needs to be very careful he doesn't lower his self respect and degrade himself in order to make himself more appealing to women. Many men, will do anything for money in order to achieve a materialistic lifestyle that men themselves do not enjoy, but strive for solely in order to attract a beautiful woman.

Women don't want the finished product. Women want a flawed fucked up individual. They see that as exciting and an interesting project they need to fix. Tattoos are a sign of that but preferably you will have a criminal record. Only money will make her panties more moist than that !

Ted Bundy used to get 200 marriage proposals a day from women.

True but you're mostly describing fucked up broken women who came from broken/toxic homes. If you respect yourself in the first place , should have nothing to do with these kind of women.


Well-known member
Wrong. Ted Bundy's appeal was looking nothing like a criminal. He looked like a rich, charismatic guy who was a smart lawyer. None of his victims knew about him being a criminal. He looked nothing like a criminal.


Well-known member
Psychologically the guy with the thug look gives the impression he'd be better in bed and would treat her more like a whore (and women love to be dominated in bed), so that's probably a reason for liking the bad boy look (I acknowledge I have generalised a bit in this paragraph).
I think it has more to do with dna. Women are programmed by nature to choose the strongest male to increase their chances to raise cubs. That he can bring in food and protect.
Badboys have the stronger look, that draws women in at first sight. Being dominated in bed is also a symptom of the strongest male cause, especially because sex brings out the natural instincts probably more than anything else.


Well-known member
Wrong. Ted Bundy's appeal was looking nothing like a criminal. He looked like a rich, charismatic guy who was a smart lawyer. None of his victims knew about him being a criminal. He looked nothing like a criminal.
I didn't mean he looked like a criminal - I am referring to Meeks in the thug look.

With Bundy it's exactly as you describe - the all-American white handsome guy. In his case it's his looks, but not a thug type look. I think you misunderstood what I was saying - I meant his looks, not looking like a thug.

Meeks is good looking AND looks like a thug.


Well-known member
I think it has more to do with dna. Women are programmed by nature to choose the strongest male to increase their chances to raise cubs. That he can bring in food and protect.
Badboys have the stronger look, that draws women in at first sight. Being dominated in bed is also a symptom of the strongest male cause.
That's true too and as you say, being dominated in bed builds into it. It's all a sign of high test, survival of the fittest etc. Also why they prefer tall guys as they are perceived as more masculine, dominant etc.


Well-known member
There's no fixed "type" that attracts every woman. There's a market for many different "types" of men.

Some women like thugs owing to certain psychological issues or simply due to sexual dimorphism. Many young women like "cute prettybois".

Women do tend to like confidence, charisma and great conversational skills across the board though.

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
True but you're mostly describing fucked up broken women who came from broken/toxic homes. If you respect yourself in the first place , should have nothing to do with these kind of women.

No bro, I'm even taking through personal experience. Women always liked the way I looked, but I was too much of a nice guy and hence the elite level women saw me as less interesting, even though I used to make them laugh all the time with jokes etc.

Then I became rich and well, the elite level women became easily attainable.

But then I went to prison, and when I came out women were fucking queuing up. And I'm talking elite women who are like 10 years younger than me, coming up to me and making all the moves at parties.

It is what it is :valverde2:


Well-known member
There's no fixed "type" that attracts every woman. There's a market for many different "types" of men.

Some women like thugs owing to certain psychological issues or simply due to sexual dimorphism. Many young women like "cute prettybois".

Women do tend to like confidence, charisma and great conversational skills across the board though.
Yeah that is what I meant above.

Plenty women like boyish, unthreatening, high-trust looking men (L DC in Titanic for example, though the fame helped too). Others like masculine, rugged men.

And yeah, confidence, charisma and being neurotypical goes a long way. Incels will have you believe looks are all that matter (and money and status), but being a normal, funny, kind and genuine guy does go a long way with women, as long as he isn't horrendous looking.


Well-known member
No bro, I'm even taking through personal experience. Women always liked the way I looked, but I was too much of a nice guy and hence the elite level women saw me as less interesting, even though I used to make them laugh all the time with jokes etc.

Then I became rich and well, the elite level women became easily attainable.

But then I went to prison, and when I came out women were fucking queuing up. And I'm talking elite women who are like 10 years younger than me, coming up to me and making all the moves at parties.

It is what it is :valverde2:
Enjoy your freedom Alves and stop harrassing girls in toilets please.

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