Vinícius Júnior


Senior Member
No bro, I'm even taking through personal experience. Women always liked the way I looked, but I was too much of a nice guy and hence the elite level women saw me as less interesting, even though I used to make them laugh all the time with jokes etc.

Then I became rich and well, the elite level women became easily attainable.

But then I went to prison, and when I came out women were fucking queuing up. And I'm talking elite women who are like 10 years younger than me, coming up to me and making all the moves at parties.

It is what it is :valverde2:

What did you do , answer wrong 3 times the security questions to your email ?


Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
What did you do , answer wrong 3 times the security questions to your email ?


Would rather not say, but it's fairly high up on the prison hierarchy.

Definitely not a sex crime, would never do anything like that. In contrast, we gave a few sex offenders in there the beating of their lives, whenever we could get our hands on them
( They are generally well protected and infact have more privileges than us normal prisoners) 🤮


Well-known member
Actually they do. They have many threads on Good Looking/Handsome 11. :lol:
That's more their mancrushes that are informed by football though lol.

Have they actually ever gone deeper and debated stuff like the red pill and incels, and other manosphere stuff (I know some of that stuff is absolutely cringe but there are some good points made too).


Senior Member
In contrast, we gave a few sex offenders in there the beating of their lives, whenever we could get our hands on them



Not bad ,good to hear inmates keep the same tradition in most of the countries


Senior Member
Staff member
Would rather not say, but it's fairly high up on the prison hierarchy.

Definitely not a sex crime, would never do anything like that. In contrast, we gave a few sex offenders in there the beating of their lives, whenever we could get our hands on them
( They are generally well protected and infact have more privileges than us normal prisoners) 🤮
@iniestaGOAT found your role model

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
What man need to understand is that ever since lust becomes a part of his psyche he immediately turns in to a woman WORSHIPPER. Since, all men are essentially driven by their lust to a large extent, worshipping women is now the default state of man and hence seen as normal.

Every single one of us WORSHIPS woman. You only need to see how men react/treat beautiful women. Constantly put on a pedestal for their beauty. Beautiful women can now play games on Twitch , at a really poor level, and as long as they are pretty and wearing a low cut tool, they can make millions from it. How is that not a form of worship?

And that's not even an explicit exploitation of man's lust, like say Only fans is. There are TV programmes now where woman are being praised as business savvy when they hook a man in and exploit him as their 'pay bitch' due to how weak his lust has made him. Conversely, if a young foreign man sets out to deliberately exploit a woman for money in a holiday romance, he is seen as a criminal.

Until men continue to use the term ' incel ' to shut down any talk of inequality or breaking away from women worshipping, it will be difficult for men to break away from this prison of lust. I used to be a woman WORSHIPPER. I then practised self discipline, constraint and transmutation and my mindset changed and only then I realised that all my life , lust had imprisoned me.

Of course, there are those who will read this and say I am a woman hater. Breaking away from the default setting of society of women worshipping makes you stand out. But I love women and treat then equally, I just don't worship them any more.

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