Wesley Sneijder


Gold Member

It s Mourinho and he loves playing games. If we beat them it will be funny to see his excuse.


New member
It wasn't mind game by Mourinho, why everything must be mind game for you? :rolleyes:

Everything that comes out his mouth is 99% bullshit and 1% relevance. oh wait 99.7%, leaving a smitten 0/3% relevance....LoL.

Mourinho cannot afford to drop players for Wednesday, tell him to pack some Inter Youth gangs as well. We do not look forward to some mediocre performance. Your pressure will bring out the best that we are known for.
A team FCB effort.


Interista Paja Patak
oh god, you just don't get it, and never will.. so i'll stop talking about it..


The Observer
Having Mourinho is a Real Madrid coach will send the forum Madridistas and cule's to constant war..

for 2 game legs and people are shattered and worked out imagine having Mourinho in Real hearing his mind games and comments every week :lol:


New member
Having Mourinho is a Real Madrid coach will send the forum Madridistas and cule's to constant war..

for 2 game legs and people are shattered and worked out imagine having Mourinho in Real hearing his mind games and comments every week :lol:

lol I'm not going to borrow trouble, Beast. I'll wait to cross that bridge when it gets here. As long as we can :beer2: after, I suppose I can live with it.........hopefully.

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