Xavi Hernández

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Senior Member
He could try a lot of diff combos but he never will. Something like this in a game vs a mid table team at home for example:

ter Stegen
Alves - Araujo - Garcia - Dest
Frenkie - Gavi/Nico
Ferran - Luuk/Depay - Ansu/Abde

One of Alba/Alves need to be benched so here I opted for Alves since well?.I cannot stand Jordi Alba

This is a double pivot where Pedri plays a bit more advanced as a CAM almost.

Would it work? Maybe not, but could provide some more protection for the backline where our FBs could technically try to provide some width instead of having our wingers planted out wide.

Doesnt matter though as Busquets is the best CDM in the World, Alba and Pique are World Class and we have to play like we?re in 2010.

That team is a disaster we will concede 10 goals


Well-known member
He could try a lot of diff combos but he never will. Something like this in a game vs a mid table team at home for example:

ter Stegen
Alves - Araujo - Garcia - Dest
Frenkie - Gavi/Nico
Ferran - Luuk/Depay - Ansu/Abde

One of Alba/Alves need to be benched so here I opted for Alves since well?.I cannot stand Jordi Alba

This is a double pivot where Pedri plays a bit more advanced as a CAM almost.

Would it work? Maybe not, but could provide some more protection for the backline where our FBs could technically try to provide some width instead of having our wingers planted out wide.

Doesnt matter though as Busquets is the best CDM in the World, Alba and Pique are World Class and we have to play like we’re in 2010.

this team would surely work better than the current team/formation but xavi will never try this


All of the "Xavi out" posts are simply showing a lack of understanding of how football works. Look, the jury is still out as to whether Xavi will be a success or not as a manager but it's impossible to judge that based on the short time he's been in charge. Absolutely nobody walks into a poorly performing team and turns it around immediately. Christ, it took Guardiola a full year to get Man City playing how he wanted them to play, and he's arguably one of the greatest managers of all time. This isn't a video game where you just flick a switch and things change immediately. It takes time for players to adjust to a new manager's tactics, training methods, etc. Look at Liverpool, it took Fabinho and Andy Robertson a good 6 months to get up to speed on how Klopp wanted them to play and now they are arguably some of the best players in the world at their positions.

Simply look at the squad that started last night and you'll see why we are struggling so bad. Out of the back 5 (Gk and back 4), 4 of those players need to be replaced/upgraded. Out of the midfield 3, 1 player needs to be replace/upgraded. And, out of the front 3 that started, 2 of them need to be replaced/upgraded. Out of the full starting 11 in yesterday's game, we only have 4 players who don't have to be replaced. Add in Ansu and that makes 5 who don't need to be replaced. That's over half the starting 11 that needs to be replaced/upgraded yet everyone is blaming the manager when there's been clear improvement in results and tactics.

Our squad development over recent years has been absolutely shambolic. With the exception of Ter Stegen, we don't have any players in their prime right now. Look at the players who played yesterday, Ter Stegen (29), Araujo (22), Pique (34), Alves (38), Alba (32), Busquets (33), Gavi (17), Pedri (19), Torres (21), Abde (20), Jutgla (22), De Jong (24), Fati (19), Braithwaite (30), Nico (20), Dest (21).

The only player in that list who, according to their age, should in their prime as a player right now is Ter Stegen. And, arguably, he's no longer playing at his best. FDJ should be approaching his prime years but other then that, everyone is either past their best, or not close to their prime. That is gross mismanagement of the squad that Xavi is dealing with.

There needs to be a massive squad overhaul for us to compete consistently at the top again. We don't have the money to do it all at once over the summer so it's going to take time and it's going to be a bumpy road, regardless of who is manager.


Well-known member
The absolute idiocy of playing a 32 year old Alba, 34 Pique, 33 year old Busquets and 38 year old Alves as 4/5 defensive players on the pitch for 120+ mins. We now have no trophy to aim for. (europa league doesn't count).

There's a reason many people on here wanted him tested in europe before coming here. Easy to play good football in the Qatar league as the by far best team in the league.

True it's even worse when you put it on paper and especially Vs Athletic who has two Willams F1 Vs our three ladas.

El Gato

The Xavi out posts aren't nonsense just because of people not understanding what they're watching much or being lazy about it

'member how much shite folk talked when CR left and RM went weeks without scoring?
This here is Barcelona learning life after Messi. It won't happen overnight or even within months.

Which is why people who used to call Solari or Lopetegui bum coaches are idiots.
Xavi can't even bench a physically garbage vet setting everyone back while Santi threw Isco and Marcelo (vice-captain) straight in the bin and benched those who were in terrible form (Casemiro), to bring in Vini and Llorente in permanently. Until Perez stepped in through impatience and set it back to conservatism on back of vets rather than making progress as a unit.

Barca won't be any good no matter what Xavi does for a period of time.
You can judge him as you should because there's always something a coach can do even if not got pedigree to fall back on.
Nepotist decisions were kinda to be expected when he's just another dogmatist.


The Xavi out posts aren't nonsense just because of people not understanding what they're watching much or being lazy about it

'member how much shite folk talked when CR left and RM went weeks without scoring?
This here is Barcelona learning life after Messi. It won't happen overnight or even within months.

Which is why people who used to call Solari or Lopetegui bum coaches are idiots.
Xavi can't even bench a physically garbage vet setting everyone back while Santi threw Isco and Marcelo (vice-captain) straight in the bin and benched those who were in terrible form (Casemiro), to bring in Vini and Llorente in permanently. Until Perez stepped in through impatience and set it back to conservatism on back of vets rather than making progress as a unit.

Barca won't be any good no matter what Xavi does for a period of time.
You can judge him as you should because there's always something a coach can do even if not got pedigree to fall back on.
Nepotist decisions were kinda to be expected when he's just another dogmatist.

great post


Senior Member
He could try a lot of diff combos but he never will. Something like this in a game vs a mid table team at home for example:

ter Stegen
Alves - Araujo - Garcia - Dest
Frenkie - Gavi/Nico
Ferran - Luuk/Depay - Ansu/Abde

One of Alba/Alves need to be benched so here I opted for Alves since well?.I cannot stand Jordi Alba

This is a double pivot where Pedri plays a bit more advanced as a CAM almost.

Would it work? Maybe not, but could provide some more protection for the backline where our FBs could technically try to provide some width instead of having our wingers planted out wide.

Doesnt matter though as Busquets is the best CDM in the World, Alba and Pique are World Class and we have to play like we?re in 2010.

We barely had the players available though. And I am no fan of "player X" has to be better than "player Y" - usually because we don't see how shit player X is for a lack of playing time. Heard the same argument thousands of times and generally it's the players fault. In this case Dests. Nico and Frenkie have been both rather shit yesterday as well.

Part that pisses me off the most is the fact that we start with 2 B team forwards though. And not the amigos (not a fan of them either). It's ridiculous. But maybe understandable. This season has been a clean up more than anything. Hopefully we reap the rewards next season.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
Has to sort out set-piece takers as well. This BS with seniors like Alba and Pique taking dangerous close free kicks is ridiculous. I refuse to believe someone like Ferran or Ansu strike a worse dead ball.


Senior Member
Apart from the selection + nepotism problems mentioned,
this last game was alarming.

It was the 2nd game under Xavi (after the win away at Villareal), where the coach LOSES the TACICAL BATTLE BIG TIME, and doesn't (?) realize it
And this is worrying.

It's particularly worrying that a similar Barca full of vets under Koeman smashed the same Bilbao with high energy, intensity, pressing high, etc
4-0 easily in Copa Final in one of the biggest wins and most solid display of last season, and it happened in a Final.

They threatened only ONCE with a set piece the whole 90 min, and on the other hand we could slice them open with ease:

So, what made all that stark difference compared to the horror-show yesterday??
The starting 11 was:
MATS - Mingueza-Pique-Lenglet/Dest-FDJ-Busi-Pedri-Alba/Messi-Griezman

So more or less similar backline, Pique and Alba there, with Mingueza there who is <<<< Araujo
Busi and Pedri who played the whole game yesterday were there.
FDJ who played 2nd half and ET yesterday, and had a horror show, was there as well and had one of his best games in Barca shirt of last season.
Plus, a much slower duo of Messi-Griezman upfront, instead of Jutgla-Ferran-Abde that started yesterday.

A similarly geriatric and slow team (I repeat Busi played that night as 6, Pique as CB, Alba on the left) maneuvered Bilbao easily



[Part 1]
Koeman and Schreuder played with a back 3, and had always an extra spare man at the back against the 2 attackers of Bilbao's 4-4-2,
so they could evade their pressure by passing to the spare man.
If Bilbao wingers were also joining the pressing, making them 4, the wingbacks would retreat to make a back 5, and retain the spare man ALL THE TIME.
But with Busi always as a 6 and 2 interiors above him, there were ALWAYS passing lanes or driving lanes AVAILABLE to break Bilbao's pressure.

I am disappointed from Xavi, because what I just described is just Pep_Handbook Chapter 1, and Xavi knows it.
He did the same against Elche, Benfica, Osasuna, Sevilla, already since he took over.
He knows that you can't play 4 at the back against a high energy, pressing 4-4-2 like Bilbao's.
Koeman and Schreuder knew it, but why did Xavi abandoned one of the basic principles of Pep?
There is no reasonable explanation for me.

The 2nd crime comes, when he realized that it's not working, and instead of making proper subs (like playing FDJ in one of his best positions as Libero), he instructs Busi to form a back 3 with the CBs in the buildup.
The result was not the desired, as despite having a spare man, there was a huge gap left between the back 3 close to the GK, and the next one able to receive a pass in md (Pedri or Gavi).
Hence Bibao could easily intercept the pass, and start fast counters against the 3 spread-out CBs.

Look at the huge gap!!!

Compare this with how the buildup happened in the Copa Final, with 3 at the back and Busi infront of them:

Always a lane to drive with the ball OR pass is available, and in just 2 steps the team gets into an attacking position and ready to threaten:



Senior Member
[Part 2]

Even when they raised the pressure, the formation ALWAYS ALLOWS for passing lanes available:

And the one in the hole is always Busi. It's different than playin him in line with CBs where he can't drive with the ball for his life.



Busi playing in a position where you need to drive with the ball to break pressure, something that he can't do but FDJ can
AND FDJ playing in a position where you need to pass the moment you receive to break pressure, something that he can't but Busi can
It's incomprehensible!

Here a pressing sequence of Bilbao , where you see how USELESS is to drop Busi between or next to CBs with a huge gap left in front of them

Compare with no gap being left in the Copa Final, with many players retreating to the right positions to make passing lanes available:



Illustration of first steps of buildup from Copa Final, with Busi in front of the back 3 instead of NONE in front of the back 3:

I would have left you with a cracking video of FDJ's amazing display as Libero against PSG AWAY last March that I had posted here in the past, but it's taken down unfortunately

PS: All the above is to point out that we never managed to break Bilbao's aggressive pressure in the first place,
the game was lost before it even started, and
Xavi has a huge part of RESPONSIBILITY since Koeman did it easily with the same geriatric backline last April against the same team


Senior Member
I am beginning to think it is not "Chameleon Eyes" on the bench but rather some "Koeman chameleon"

But I will continue to believe, despite seeing no obvious improvements so far. Yesterdays game was truly a disaster against a team that could never be said to be of better quality. Could've just as well ended 2-8
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