Xavi Hernández

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Senior Member
Horrible horrible horrible manager. GOAT midfielder, WOAT manager. Commentator said he has a worse win % than Koeman.. and remember the mess of a team we had back then. It's really a joke to suggest Xavi getting top 4 was a job well done considering how piss weak La liga is at the moment.

Barca needs to make its mind up as a club. We either continue with the Catalan bias, the politics, the amigos, Barca dna bullshit and we can jerk off to clips from the golden era whilst sucking in the present OR we get with the times, accept our way is outdated and hire a fucking manager with some actual credentials to manage a giant club.

We never learn. Never.


Senior Member
Kinda funny how a guy who played under so many top-class managers and was considered one of if not the Greatest Midfielders, and was the master of possession and positioning in the Midfield doesn't know how to set up a Midfield to save his life.

Knowing how to do something isn't the same as being able to teach it. Particularly when your skill is natural talent, you can struggle to explain it properly.

He just knew how to do it as a player but doesn't know how to explain it.


President of FC Barcelona
It's crazy how static all our players are. Barely any movement beyond their fixed positions. Not switches, nothing.


Active member
In his interviews, he does not give reasons for defeats, but speaks general words. Improve, intensity, defense, etc. But this is banal. There are no changes in the game. He brought this slow style to the point of absurdity. It is not clear what he will change .It seems that he is not going to change anything. Sadness.


Senior Member
The only thing Xavi had going for him was the unknown factor, the gamble whether it would work or not. Compared to being linked with the likes of Roberto Martinez who have displayed their ceiling.

Laporta will get rid of him i'm sure of it, he has too big an ego to risk his own legacy.


Absolutely disastrous what this coach brought to Barca. He asked to bring players like Eric Garcia, ferran torres, raphinia, Alonso to mention just few of them which ALL are completely useless. And we paid more than 200 mil Euros.!!! Real Madrid brought in one single player Tchouameni paint around 80mil piles free of contract German player from Chelsea. That’s it and they were overplayed us from distance. All these expense to keep one useless coach and his idiot selection of players.
Absolutely ridiculous for a team of Barca calibre.
Laporte you did a fabulous job emptying even more the club budget. Good job!


Senior Member
The only thing Xavi had going for him was the unknown factor, the gamble whether it would work or not. Compared to being linked with the likes of Roberto Martinez who have displayed their ceiling.

Laporta will get rid of him i'm sure of it, he has too big an ego to risk his own legacy.

Only saving grace is that Xavi wasn't Laporta's first choice. Imagine if we had gotten Font as president.. who almost based his entire campaign around Xavi lmao


Senior Member
Mpst dangeous Barca have looked under Xavi outiwth the 6 weeks good spell is games he gave up on his tactics and shelled ball into box for LDJ.

Im sure Xavi could still win la liga, I mean, this team could coach itself and it coukd still win la liga in a 2 horse race. All is nedded is for Madrid to drop points, which could happen. Unfortunately if xavi wins la liga, laporta will keep him for next season. Xavi unfortunately doesnt have what it takes to be a top manager.


Well-known member
I don't blame Xavi for the awkward lineup. We have two of our more solid CBs on the injury-list. Kounde and Garcia have rarely played as duo, if ever.

I'm not making a big drama out of this loss. Last few weeks proved us Barca doesn't have the squad to go big in key games. Lewa without good support is just Poland NT level most games. Usually others take the blame, but today Lewa terrible. I have some on Raphinha as well, but will save it for his thread.

The faith invested in Busquets is starting really to backfire back to back games week after week and we are not even 1/3 into the season. I'm not sure about Xavi's plans, just as I started to smile about the amigos being benched Xavi brought them all back. Glad Pique wasn't involved in this El Clasico. It could have ended 1-8 or sorts.


Senior Member
Xavi - 'We did not deserve to lose today'.

'We are in a rebuilding & transition phase'.

More of the same old shitty excuses, platitudes about the team being under construction, we didn't deserve to lose, the refs lost us the game, the grass was too long, we have injuries, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

This guy is the most egotistical manager and biggest whiner out of any at any top division team, despite putting out absolute shite he has never once turned the finger on himself and reflected on any of his terrible tactics.

Enough is enough.
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