Xavi Hernández

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Pepe Silvia

Active member
Some additional Xavi stats:

  • Xavi ran 80km at the World Cup - an average of 11.5km per game.
  • Xavi completed 599 passes at the World Cup, the most ever by a player in the tournament.
Unreal what this man can do with the ball at his feet. Just as amazing to me is the way he positions himself from defenders just before the ball reaches his feet. Ole Xavi!


New member
He's too humble, I hope he realises how good he is

It is very nice from him, but truth speaks Xavi is nowhere near 'nice guy' image man :p In fact Xavi lacks a lot of sportmanship. His record breaking performances speaks for his talent, but I can't stand him, sorry cules :D


Hoy, mañana y siempre traductor
“Sneijder and me are not the world’s best, that would be Messi. It’s a pity for him that Argentina has been eliminated…. To me being World Champion is much more important [than individual acknowledgment].”

To me, he's better than Messi or Sneijder. I'm never fazed when Messi is ruled out of a game like when he was ruled out of the CL group stage match vs Inter (away) but when Xavi is ruled out, I'm always worried no matter how weak the opposing team is, like the last league match of the season vs Valladolid.

Xavi should be Ballon D'or 2010. Easily.

He won't, even though he should.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
I seriously think Xavi can be considered one of the top 10 midfielders of all time at this point.

When you take everything into consideration Xavi is probably Spain's most important player of all time.


Bomb Dropper
I seriously think Xavi can be considered one of the top 10 midfielders of all time at this point.

When you take everything into consideration Xavi is probably Spain's most important player of all time.

can't argue with either of those statements.

I reckon he's right up there with zidane, zico, zito, platini, didi, etc.

(he's not on garrincha's level but then no one is bar pele and diego, IMO, maybe cruyff and distef... anyway they're all forwards)


Senior Member
Can everyone take a break from all the Cesc bollocks and participate in this discussion about our Midfield maestros which is as follows....

We know that Xavi and Iniesta are not your high goalscoring midfielders. And given their roles for both Barca/Spain, Iniesta is more likely to be presented with more occasions on goal than Xavi. But i've noticed that Andrés can be very wasteful and looks to other options instead of burying it in the first time. So he does come across apprehensive and shy to take his shots. While Xavi when given the same opportunity is more confident and inclined to shoot than look for a pass. He obviously doesn't get as many chances but when he does, he is more likely to shoot than Andrés, or rather thts wht i've noticed from watching them both week in week out.
There isn't much in the stats either although its a bit favouring Iniesta. But then it also depends on the frequency of chances which vary for either players.
My ques is for those culés who watch them regularly, if given a goal scoring opportunity who is more likely to take his chance/shoot between the two? ...

Both gneg and myself havnt been able to settle this issue.
May be you lot can help us out...:)
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immaculately conceived
I actually said both are alike. They will somehow always first look for a pass, then shoot. For me they're passers, not shooters. They both don't shoot enough when in a good position.

And statistics show they are similar in amount of shots.


Senior Member
I actually said both are alike. They will somehow always first look for a pass, then shoot. For me they're passers, not shooters. They both don't shoot enough when in a good position.

And statistics show they are similar in amount of shots.

Sorry, i thought you were implying Iniesta using stats. But i meant the likelihood and willingness to shoot between the two which for me Xavi does better. He isn't as wasteful as Andrés.


Bomb Dropper
you can't make a blanket statement on it, really.

both will always look for the pass.

xavi just flat-out isn't in shooting positions that often. iniesta is, and has been taking more range shots since last season, but it's nothing major.

iniesta has a better shooting technique than xavi, if he could develop more confidence in it he could start racking up 10-15 goals a season for sure.


New member
Some additional Xavi stats:

  • Xavi ran 80km at the World Cup - an average of 11.5km per game.
  • Xavi completed 599 passes at the World Cup, the most ever by a player in the tournament.

yes a few of those passes even went forwards :tease:

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Xavi by a mile. They both suck at shooting but I see Xavi take his chances more often. Iniesta is predetermined to pass so even if he does find space/angles to score, it hardly matters at that point because it's not what he's looking for.

When Andres does score it's mostly, as you can see from replays, because he is looking to score - not pass. Check Chelski goal he is winding up before the ball even gets to him. It's like he has a sensor that turns on that says, "Ok, Andres it's time to score a goal!" Turning on that sensor more often might be the trick.
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