Positioning - bad
On the ball - decent
Tackling - good
Speed - mediocre
Strenght - great
Can be a good back-up CB. No more.
His positioning and attention span is woeful, not just bad. He got caught sleeping constantly and didn't have the determination/motor to recover.
He seems like a lackadaisical carefree guy and it shows on the pitch. More concerned with his dances, goals, and samba than keeping his head down and being a hardworking learner. Marlon was FAR more humble and levelheaded, and his performances were lightyears superior to anything Mina has shown.
The Brazilian fan in this thread reiterated what I've seen many times. He was hyped up to no end for being tall/good in the air and scoring goals. Maybe a couple of flashy passes and suddenly "he's the next Boateng" lol. He was never what we needed, Davinson Sanchez and De Ligt are and were much more legitimate prospects.
I said before that this guy is not worth a non-EU spot in this squad. That we should've kept Marlon over buying him, and if we were intent on getting rid of Marlon then get De Ligt instead and bring Arthur in the summer without EU restrictions. As has happened countless times in the past 6 years, the board made the wrong call and it's showing.