dat curve on Ibra's freekick... Roberto Carlos approves.
Nice free kick goal Zlatan made, I'll give him that.
Credit where credit is due, don't really see how that's a problem?Coming from the guy who prior to these games said Sweden would be better without him, I'm sure it means a lot.
Credit where credit is due, don't really see how that's a problem?
But appear on Livescore, doesn't mean Sweden play better with him though.
Chris Waddle is spot on why Zlatan was a failure at Barca.
Here in Sweden, many are outrageous for his comment.
They're saying Pep benched the Swede and played as a winger because of Messi
At the very least, you're persistent.
No gfy for this fk you're talking about ?
[MENTION=20286]El Flaco[/MENTION] what's up dude ? you're slackingjust jk mate.