Zlatan is a really good player without further question (although he's declined a bit) but that doesn't wash away from what I said. Not only do we have a single world class player (aside Zlatan) but we don't even have a player who's good enough for a EL-team from any of Europes best leagues. The majority are bench warmers, playing for poor clubs in lesser leagues and so on. Our most pronising player belongs to a certain Spanish club and he's more known for talking ito the media rather than for his abilities on the pitch. I don't think we'll another Swedish player win 10 golden balls due to poor competitors...
And please, it's kinda silly when you still insist use the population-argument. The few examples I mentioned proves against that Sweden doesn't need a big population to be successful.
Hate? So you say that it's just hate when I rightfully critizice Zlatan when he was a douchebag against a jornalist who asked a normal question? Or elbow Terry on purpose? I'm not afraid to call it out when I see such things but what can I expect from a Zlatanist who even defended the Swede about the latter.
Every negative thing about our might god, even if it's justify, some will considered itas a hate...