1 - Marc-Andre ter Ansplant


New member
Lacks consistency atm (age 20). But there is no Keeper in the World right now who could have made the 1st Save there. Maybe Buffos a couple of years ago


New member
How old is he, 17? Is that his first season? No, it's his third season starting today and he is not a newbie anymore, so that excuse imo does not count; he is an established BuLi- player now and needs to back up the hype by playing on a high level for the whole season and not the odd game here and there.

He's still younger than Sergi Roberto tbf. 16 plus years left in his career.


Senior Member
Given that I am one of a few who never rated Neuer that highly...

He has had very good games, yes, but he is far from Barca-quality, no matter how young he is. Neuer and Adler were much more consistent than he is right now, and over a longer period of time. As a Barca-keeper you cannot have very good games infrequently, but on a regular basis and he is still lacking that consistency.

You are kidding,right? GK has been always our worst position for almost 2 decades .we have very low standards when it comes to our GKs
Hell VV is one of the most inconsistent GKs for top teams and he lasted as our starting GK for 10 years and this season is his eleventh


New member
Hold your horses, :pinto: in his prime should have a say in that one.

We are only talking about mortals here :pinto:



New member
It takes goalkeepers longer to hit their prime. Just look how long it took Valdes to be consistent and play at a high level.

Der Kaiser

New member
It takes goalkeepers longer to hit their prime. Just look how long it took Valdes to be consistent and play at a high level.

This. Valdes was shaky as fuck in his early twenties, then became a boss in his late twenties. Many GKs dont peak until their 30s...

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