1 - Marc-Andre ter Ansplant


Well-known member
Nah im not one for critisizing mats but that goal in on him, as a goalie you cant let a ball like that go in, even if the players dont jump, he should have been there.

Ryu Hayabusa

Nah im not one for critisizing mats but that goal in on him, as a goalie you cant let a ball like that go in, even if the players dont jump, he should have been there.

And smash the CB who's responsible for clearing that ball the feck out of the way? What?


Well-known member
And smash the CB who's responsible for clearing that ball the feck out of the way? What?

He is taller since he can use his arms, he could have easily gotten there before the scorer had he positioned himself better.
Im not saying Suarez and especially Matthieu didnt fuck up, but I feel a goalkeeper should never concede a header from a corner from that distance.


Detalles, detalles, siempre detalles
I wouldn't consider it MatS's fault, it seemed to be more of an organisational issue between Mathieu and Suárez to me.


President of FC Barcelona
And smash the CB who's responsible for clearing that ball the feck out of the way? What?

Yes. He should have punched Mathieu and caught it. His fault. Never mind that Mathieu could've easily got the ball first had he not ducked and Suárez could have also tried to cut off the ball at the near post.

ter Stegen is the favourite scapegoat right now so every goal he concedes will be his fault some way. A BarcaForum special. Earlier people used to blame Piqué and Mascherano for all our problems.

A few months down the road with some good performances by tS and this lot will find another favourite scapegoat. They'd fit right in along with the Madridistas at the Bernabeu who whistles against their own players.

Gotta get a reality check when fans of other teams are far more reasonable in judging these type of situations.

I reckon this is the only problem with achieving extraordinary results like we have. Fans starting to make unreasonable points and ready to push their own players off the bus based on a few performances when those players performed exemplary over an entire full season.

I'm all for constructive criticism, but that doesn't exist here. It's either outright scapegoating or simple mental retardation.
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Culé de Celestial Empire
Of course the goal is not entirely on him, Mathieu and the defense fucked up and caught ball-watching first and foremost. That said, MAtS is a goalkeeper whose job is to make saves. Of course defense fucks up from time to time, if they don't we wouldn't be needing a goalkeeper. But MAtS could have done better therefore he is not 100% blameless either.

Ryu, if I am not mistaken you don't rate MAtS that high at all? Regardless of what some people say about him, Barca deserves one of the best goalkeepers in the world, does it not?

Bayern fans defending him only because he is German or you guys genuinely feel he is blameless since the beginning of the this season?

MAtS had a solid game today besides the goal, I felt. I am not liking how Suarez reacted to the goal, there is no place for that whatsoever in our dressing room. I hope Suarez had apologized and they had patched things up.
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President of FC Barcelona
He should make saves and he did make two saves today.

To expect him to save every shot and blame him for every goal conceded just because..... He concedes a goal is frankly speaking as stupid as it can become.

Even Lev Yashin wouldn't save every goal so maybe some of you should invent a robot that fulfills your demands.


Culé de Celestial Empire
He should make saves and he did make two saves today.

To expect him to save every shot and blame him for every goal conceded just because..... He concedes a goal is frankly speaking as stupid as it can become.

Even Lev Yashin wouldn't save every goal so maybe some of you should invent a robot that fulfills your demands.

Of course not, Don, he can't possibly be saving everything, not even the mighty Lord Neuer can. All I am saying is that he could have done better on the goal conceded.


Well-known member
He never should have conceded it from that position. This isnt scapegoating like with Florenzi, its easily a goalkeeping mistake as well.


President of FC Barcelona
He never should have conceded it from that position. This isnt scapegoating like with Florenzi, its easily a goalkeeping mistake as well.

No GK should concede from his own box, that's true, but that's a narrative that doesn't suit quite well here, because he had two players, Suarez and Mathieu who didn't do their job, the former was blocking the GKs view and thought he'd leave the defending bit to his other team mate, the latter fucking ducked when he could have easily got the ball ahead of Papadopolous.

To run a narrative without actually judging the situation and scenarios is stupid.

Even then, it's perhaps 10 or 5% of his fault, rest is on Mathieu and Suarez.
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Staff member
Funny how each time Mats make a blunder same people come up with excuses and go on arguing with everyone who claims otherwise


President of FC Barcelona
What do you want people to do, agree with you all the time?

It's also the same people who come here to bash the smallest of things, but since you're in that group you'll obviously ignore that.


Staff member
I said my bit on the subject once and you go on with your obsessive need to argue with everyone and basically repeating yourself.

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