You're welcome
Stop pining for attention.
lol still true
Stop pining for attention.
Clips from todays training. Maybe ter Stegen will see a revival, even in the eyes of his critics, under Xavi? He looks fit.
Ter Stegen would get hanged, drawn and quartered on this forum if he let in the same goals that Neuer let in today.
The thing is he lets them in in every game and not once in a year like Neuer
I hope Xavi's work with him will improve his confidence and handling especially. If footwork is considered he is among the top goalkeepers in the world, but the rest of the praises by Xavi I don't buy. And the lost translation cracked me up - insurance.I have an insurance, too. I pay for it.
Xavi: "Ter Stegen is fundamental for us? He is among the three best goalkeepers in the world. He has personality, character, great footwork and insurance. For me he is a guarantee."
what a fucking joke
I already dislike him as a coach. He looks to be licking a lot of asses.