1 - Victor Valdes


New member
cant critisize no valdes or deffender by that game.a game that should have ended 5 or 6 to nothing become a derby becouse that idiot parejo or whatever his name is,decided to turn the match into his personal show(even in that he failed becouse of messi).ill wait for a normal game with a normal ref to judge.


Senior Member
He needs competition
He should have done ALOT better for the second and fourth goals. Its time ee got another keeper and cb
Our defence is a joke


He wasn't to blame for any of the goals. He might've done a better job with the free kick, but other than that, there was nothing he could do on the other goals. The 2nd, at first, looked like a blunder, but there was too many players in front of him. Our defense is the problem, Vv can't be blamed for that.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
He wasn't to blame for any of the goals. He might've done a better job with the free kick, but other than that, there was nothing he could do on the other goals. The 2nd, at first, looked like a blunder, but there was too many players in front of him. Our defense is the problem, Vv can't be blamed for that.

It doesn't matter, Valdes is the new Villa/Cesc/Sanchez so everything that happens should get blamed on him.


New member
He wasn't to blame for any of the goals. He might've done a better job with the free kick, but other than that, there was nothing he could do on the other goals. The 2nd, at first, looked like a blunder, but there was too many players in front of him. Our defense is the problem, Vv can't be blamed for that.

Anyone who blames Valdes on any of the goals has never played in that position. The next time you have a friendly in your local league, volunteer to be keeper. Then you will better appreciate what it takes to stop a goal like the second. Agreed that he could have done better with the free kick but maybe it was also a great shot. Messi scored a similar one last week. Did we see it more of a great free kick than a bad attempt from the keeper?

I admit that Valdes does screw up occassionally but it was not today. It was his defense.


Mike the Knife
2 of the 4 goals (Freekick & 3rd goal), should've done better...No player is immune from criticism when it's founded and Valdes did not have a strong performance, IMO

I imagine he'll bounce back and be imperious again vs Celtic but when he makes mistakes, they often make him look subpar


o Fenômeno
This blaming bullshit game that this forum loves to play will never end. Unfortunately Valdes, and Sanchez will be the main victims for this season. Surprisingly it could be Messi as well if he can't satisfy his fanboys. Last year it was Villa as the victim all I saw was to sub villa off, selling him, comparing him to a certain eto as far as to buying him back and sell villa :lol: suddenly his injury came in Japan they all sympathized with him. Now I see VILLA!! VILLA!!! and now bitching about Tito not giving him minutes. So much bullshit and the fact I tried to be patient with all of this.

Some things will never change :facepalm:


Senior Member
Yes the defence is shit but thats when a world class gk makes saves and saves the day literally. Valdes is NOT a world class keeper and has it too easy at Barca. Pinto is crap too and I dont know about the third kepper Oier?? No competition and a complacent, erratic Valdes is not a good situation. Hugo Lloris was available for a small sum and so was Vertongen. Both were snapped up by Spurs while we were napping. Instead we are left with Song who has no real idea how to play CB and Valdes who is a schizo keeper.

Sorry but it is astonishing how people here defend a player who has made mistake after mistake.................


Mike the Knife
Yeah, well there are a lot of newbies in the forum of late and the pendulum of emotion & irrational assessments swings from one extreme to the other with the frequency of a cheap HAM radio...Hard to sift through the drivel


Active member
actually saved us when I thought we were going to concede...
let´s sum it up: penalty goal wasn´t his fault, freekick goal wasn´t his fault and the alba lob wasn´t his fault too....
he could have done better on 2nd one but it was close to the goal and it was powerful shot


..freekick goal wasn´t his fault..

Sorry mate i think you are wrong there.It was his side of the post to cover as the wall covered the right side(VV perspective).
He is responsible for two of the goals we conceded yesterday but that doesn't mean he is a bad keeper at all.
Maybe a bit overconfident at times but then again the whole team seems to be ex.Busquets and Alba.
That said we could definately use a good back up keeper to give VV some competition and also some rest but our first priority should be a defender.
Anyway it was one of the most "strange" matches i have ever seen and the fact we got three points is what matters.


Im always suprized to see how many people defend this 3rd rate keeper and i can't ever seem to figure out why, maybe you just feel a keeper of this class is adequate for a club like Barcelona, or maybe you feel like he is from the barca youth academy hance you defend him for that reason alone, ror maybe theres some other reason, nevertheless, he is a 3rd rate goalkeeper, he has a decent reflex but many weaknesses and thats simply stating facts which many experts agree with.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
Judging by the start of the season neither Valdes or Casillas are even close to being among the best GKs in the league


New member
I won't say I particularly blame Valdes for any of those goals, but I feel like he is just below the standard, seriously. His reflexes and saving ability is just not good enough for Barcelona, and he makes way too many mistakes. Whereas with true world class keepers like Casilla, Nuer etc you have a sense of stability and security at the back... you just have none of that with Valdes. I almost expect mostly every shot on target to go in.

I've been getting annoyed with him since his screw ups at the end of last season, and he hasn't done much to improve. He has his qualities and I hope he really improves but I think Barca deserves better.
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