1 - Victor Valdes

With all rumors pointing to Guaita as his replacement, Vv will be sorely missed, even by those who hate him and think he's a weak gk.

IF the rumors have truth to them. They could be BS (like those Ter Stegen signing a pre-deal rumors, for example), for all we know. I sincerely hope they are...


IF the rumors have truth to them. They could be BS (like those Ter Stegen signing a pre-deal rumors, for example), for all we know. I sincerely hope they are...

No, this time they have something more solid on them, as Narcís Julià was seen scouting several of valencia's matches. And Guaita has been on the rumor list since the beginning, as well.


Mike the Knife
I am adding Valdes to the Rosell failure list as well...It's hard to fathom how one of our own cantera players, in the middle of the most prolific era for a club is going to walk...Gotta be bad blood somewhere


Senior Member
I am adding Valdes to the Rosell failure list as well...It's hard to fathom how one of our own cantera players, in the middle of the most prolific era for a club is going to walk...Gotta be bad blood somewhere

Well ,the GK issue might be considered a bad thing for Rossel ,for Valdes to leave specially that way ,it says something might be wrong ,and if Guaita to be his replacement it says something IS wrong .

With all rumors pointing to Guaita as his replacement, Vv will be sorely missed, even by those who hate him and think he's a weak gk.

true story


New member
Valdes' announcement in January that he would not be signing a new deal was met with some hostility in Barcelona, and Xavi was quick to jump to the defence of his long-time team-mate.

"Valdes has had the worst media treatment I've seen in my career," he said.

"Knowing Victor, who is an extraordinary man, I feel bad that he is leaving.

"He is a friend, a piece of the furniture and a guy who deserves better."


This forum is in parts proof of that if I dare say so.
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New member
That interview was in a lot of sites, think Xavi gave it to uefa. Just remove that link :)

Thanks. I looked for it in English somewhere else but couldn't find it. Will have a look at uefa and then put that version up. Ta :)

edit: put the interview extract from SkySports on.
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Barçapocalypse NOW!
josep maria bartolomeu said today that if Valdes stays until 2014, no gk will be signed this summer.

Just read that, and I can't help but feel enraged! It's getting annoying that the current administration keeps on waiting until the very last minute to fix personnel issues! Then we end up making terrible deals, and forcing players to adapt in a very short period of time... Buy a GK now and ease him in next season, so when he has to take the main spot he is actually ready for it...


Just read that, and I can't help but feel enraged! It's getting annoying that the current administration keeps on waiting until the very last minute to fix personnel issues! Then we end up making terrible deals, and forcing players to adapt in a very short period of time... Buy a GK now and ease him in next season, so when he has to take the main spot he is actually ready for it...

I don't know. Given the circunstances now, that might be the best option. A really good cb should come, and if neymar really comes, that's a lot of money spent.


New member
"Valdes will stay at Barcelona until his contract expires in 2014. Barcelona are not planning to accept any of the offers they could get" [as] (via barcastuff)

starting to believe that could be the case. i mean we wouldn't get much for him this summer with only 1 year left on the contract, max. 10-12 M., so in can see it happen. Thing is, that in 2014 we would need 2 new GK i suppose, as Pinto will be 39 then. Thats a big risk...


New member
Maybe they are trying to change his mind to sign a new contract by keeping him for another season. Although I don't think he'll accept that as he clearly stated that he wants to move this summer.


Mike the Knife
I get the impression, actually, that the club is playing hardball with the player & his agent...You could argue that perhaps they are trying to ensure the best transfer price possible by giving the illusion they won't sell him this summer but I don't recall the last time a player in this current era who didn't want to be here was kept here against their wishes...Throw into it that it is a celebrated cantera player and you have to ask yourself if Xavi blaming the media's treatment of the player was also a subtle dig at the club, as well

Starting to believe the earlier rumours that Victor's decision to bolt is indeed tied to problems with Zubi over the goalkeeping coach changes


New member
I get the impression, actually, that the club is playing hardball with the player & his agent...You could argue that perhaps they are trying to ensure the best transfer price possible by giving the illusion they won't sell him this summer but I don't recall the last time a player in this current era who didn't want to be here was kept here against their wishes...Throw into it that it is a celebrated cantera player and you have to ask yourself if Xavi blaming the media's treatment of the player was also a subtle dig at the club, as well

Starting to believe the earlier rumours that Victor's decision to bolt is indeed tied to problems with Zubi over the goalkeeping coach changes

He's not exactly being kept against his wishes if he is still here next season. He said that he intended to leave once his contract expires. He would have expected the possibility of the club keeping him until then.


New member
Yeah, he said he announced it early so that the club has more time to find a replacement. I expect the club to keep him on, if he leaves he's gone but it's worth the gamble to keep him on for another season as he may change his mind.


New member
Some interesting stats that provide further evidence and explanation of Barcas diminished control of matches throughout this season:

KEY: AvgP = Average Passes per Game , PS% = Pass Success , LB = Ave. Accurate Long Balls per Game , ALB(TLB) = Accurate Long Balls (Total Long Balls)

Victor Valdes
La Liga___AvgP__PS%__LB__ALB(TLB)

These stats certainly surprised me. I knew there would be a drop this season, but I didn't expect it to be that much.

Due to teams becoming wise to Barcas preference to pass the ball out from the back, it has resulted in the path from GK to defender being blocked or too hazardous. Opponents squeezing our back-line, preventing us taking short goal-kicks or deep free-kicks, and forcing VV and defenders to kick long. Combined with our weakness to win aerial duels (49% won) has resulted in one of the teams most effective tactics being stifled or neutralized.

Please be aware that I am by no means blaming VV for this.

Source: WhoScored

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