10 - Lionel Messi - v1

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we were talking about his passive attitude. his lack pf character. and no goals or assists make up for it. ( don't really buy that he had like 20 assists today). Let's just leave it here bro. We both are very stubborn.

im gonna watch some movie now,i'll just say it's ridiculous to say he has lack of character based on few 'lazy' performances,he proved over and over he has character and it's unfair to brand him with that silly tag,good night :wave:


im gonna watch some movie now,i'll just say it's ridiculous to say he has lack of character based on few 'lazy' performances,he proved over and over he has character and it's unfair to brand him with that silly tag,good night :wave:
ok fair enough . We will continue with this debate later down the road!:wave:


ze special one



Why do we always need to make excuses? Let's just accept Messi has been very poor this season. Last season he almost never miss a game and he was still great for the most part.

Very poor this season? I didn't know the season ends in February. And lets forget the first half of the season, right? Last season he had much less accumulated games than this season. this amount of non stop training and playing takes their toll.

Messi lacks character.... did you see Thiago carrying the team today as if he was xavi? that's what Leo will never have. Messi is a good player , the best in the world but it is barca who help him be the best too ( just like santos and brazil helped Pele). This season Barca is not doing great therefore Messi's performances go down. Most of Messi's goals are at home where the team performs the best. His away form = terrible.

too short memory? or simply selective? convenient general statement with no back what so ever? Did you forget how Leo carried us second half of last season? Super copa, leading the weakest most unfit Barca to a trophy against a super fit Madid singlehandedly while he was unwell? League clasico which he put his team , including Puyol, Xavi,Iniesta.... on his back and won us the game? how he got us win after win after win in the first half of the season? No character? Those who say he has no character like when he plays in Argentina, have they ever watched Argentina play without Messi to see how they look like Maldives? Messi is the one that keeps this Argentina side relevant.

so just cause he performed well in the supercopa that means he's having a great season? he has been quiet in most away games. He hasn't been as key for barca as he was last year ( yes in the supercup he was good) but in la liga for the most part very mediocre specially away from camp nou.

Just super copa? :lol: not key in Barca season? if any thing we are too dependent on him. I dare say more than Xavi or Iniest even. when he under performs, we can't do it and when he is in god mode we are unstoppable. he pulls his teammates up like no one in the world,it is like they are touched with a magic wand.If we have been under performing is that Leo is having a bad patch that can happen to any player and the amount of accumulated fatigue he has.

Don't you see a connection between him being lazy and being tired actually?! Messi is that type of the player that rest himself on the pitch. That's the only way he can survive playing all these matches without a break.

+1 Nima but resting on the pitch is not enough after 3 years of non stop playing.


The sudden change of Messi's attitude (call it mentality, spirit, determination or something else) this season compared to the former seasons can't just be explained as a sign of fatigue.

Messi is human, he can have a bad game as everyone else, and yes he still creates chances even on his worst days but there is something that was always present in his game before this season regardless of him having a bad game or not and that was his pressing game and will to give it all and try the same dribble despite having lost the ball prior to it.

I lack that part of his game this season when he and the team is having a bad game. That's all I am trying to say.

And apparently others have noticed the same despite it not being popular to say on a FC Barcelona forum. But I don't care and say it as I see it.

Lack of Pressing is exactly the sign of a fatigued player, DO, pressing requires fitness and energy more than any thing. remember the super copa game? we couldn't press. not because we didn't want the trophy, because we were terribly unfit.that's the exact case with Leo Messi right now IMO. Pep knows his players very well, and he says Leo never loses motivations. he doesn't need people or trophies to motivate him, as he self motivates. it comes from within.

Is tiredness exclusive to Messi? why don't the other players have this excuse, Barcelona keep the ball 80% of the time in pretty much every game which means it's less tiring for the players & Messi never covers as much distance as most of the team, it's a really bad excuse imo just thinking back to Eto'os ridiculous pressing.

All the other players have got a summer rest but Leo didn't ,Azzido.Most of our players had a good rest during the season as well. And Barca has not had impressive possession these last few matches. Eto case was totally different from Leo's.

lack of character is someone who's passive. Is as if he doesn't care whether the team wins or loses. he's so passive. Look at Thiago, he was amazing. He played like a Xavi. With conviction, moving the team forward, carrying the team. he played like he was 30 when Barca needed him the most. that's atttitude and character. Something Maradona had and most argentinians recognize Messi will never have. Some people are born leaders...others? not so much. Still love Messi though and NO I'm not blaming Leo for the loss. It was our defense and Madrid buying referees.

you sound more and more like an Argentina fan.

So the game where barca loses la liga... Messi doesn't feel like he has to give 100 % ? and then you are wondering how can Messi lack character? you have answered yourself bro,. It is when the team needs you the most that you MUST show that you really care. Tonight THIAGO was Barca's motor. and let's not blame the pitch now b.c there were other players out there in the same pitch pushing the team forward.

Leo plays potential assist after assist every single match. but others do not step up, is it Messi's fault? he has won us points and saved us in League and CL time after time after time and you are conveniently forgetting about them all and after a couple sub par games claim that he has no character? in CL semi 1st leg against Madrid look at Leo's second goal. but instead of watching Leo's brilliance watch other players, their body stances and reactions. does any one makes any run aside from him? how many players have we got in Madrid's half? Is one goal a safe margin in CL against Madrid? then why are they walking about? Leo got us the goal that killed Madrid off in CL. if it wasn't for his second goal who knew who would have won the CL last year? Watch that game to see what it means to care and have character.


Very poor this season? I didn't know the season ends in February. And lets forget the first half of the season, right? Last season he had much less accumulated games than this season. this amount of non stop training and playing takes their toll.

too short memory? or simply selective? convenient general statement with no back what so ever? Did you forget how Leo carried us second half of last season? Super copa, leading the weakest most unfit Barca to a trophy against a super fit Madid singlehandedly while he was unwell? League clasico which he put his team , including Puyol, Xavi,Iniesta.... on his back and won us the game? how he got us win after win after win in the first half of the season? No character? Those who say he has no character like when he plays in Argentina, have they ever watched Argentina play without Messi to see how they look like Maldives? Messi is the one that keeps this Argentina side relevant.

Just super copa? :lol: not key in Barca season? if any thing we are too dependent on him. I dare say more than Xavi or Iniest even. when he under performs, we can't do it and when he is in god mode we are unstoppable. he pulls his teammates up like no one in the world,it is like they are touched with a magic wand.If we have been under performing is that Leo is having a bad patch that can happen to any player and the amount of accumulated fatigue he has.

+1 Nima but resting on the pitch is not enough after 3 years of non stop playing.

Lack of Pressing is exactly the sign of a fatigued player, DO, pressing requires fitness and energy more than any thing. remember the super copa game? we couldn't press. not because we didn't want the trophy, because we were terribly unfit.that's the exact case with Leo Messi right now IMO. Pep knows his players very well, and he says Leo never loses motivations. he doesn't need people or trophies to motivate him, as he self motivates. it comes from within.

All the other players have got a summer rest but Leo didn't ,Azzido.Most of our players had a good rest during the season as well. And Barca has not had impressive possession these last few matches. Eto case was totally different from Leo's.

you sound more and more like an Argentina fan.

Leo plays potential assist after assist every single match. but others do not step up, is it Messi's fault? he has won us points and saved us in League and CL time after time after time and you are conveniently forgetting about them all and after a couple sub par games claim that he has no character? in CL semi 1st leg against Madrid look at Leo's second goal. but instead of watching Leo's brilliance watch other players, their body stances and reactions. does any one makes any run aside from him? how many players have we got in Madrid's half? Is one goal a safe margin in CL against Madrid? then why are they walking about? Leo got us the goal that killed Madrid off in CL. if it wasn't for his second goal who knew who would have won the CL last year? Watch that game to see what it means to care and have character.



New member
I don't know how you can compare Messi with Ronaldinho..at least Ronnie had character..he had enough character to party all night and go drunk to training. And Frank, respecting Ronnie for his character, let him in the gym alone or postpone the training for him. Now that was CHARACTER, not this:



Active member
I hope we get knocked out of the cl now so messi doesn't have to rest and all our players can get his goal tally up to get the pichichi and score 50 goals in the league


New member
I hope we get knocked out of the cl now so messi doesn't have to rest and all our players can get his goal tally up to get the pichichi and score 50 goals in the league

but what about him being the CL all time top goalscorer? :icon_confused:


ze special one
we should do what madrid did last year in the liga and just give him the ball so he can have a good tally. i do hope he gets a yellow on the next liga game so he can be rested


you sound more and more like an Argentina fan.

First, Let me say that I should have been specific. When I said Leo was not as key for Barca this season I meant in La liga (where we are suffering). Let me give you some facts now.
Of 11 away games in la Liga, Messi only score in 2 of those games. Isn't away where Barca should need Messi goals this season the most? I'm not saying Messi is not Key for Barca. I'm sure that without Messi Barca wouldn't even be second. What I'm saying is that he's not as KEY for Barca IN LA LIGA as he was last season. The moments the team needs him the most (In la Liga) those are the moments he hasn't shown up. Out of 8 games ( 7 away , 1 at home) where Barca lost 1 or 3 points Messi only score in 1 of them.This just proves how Messi has not been as KEY for Barca as we would expect the best player in the world to be. People who can't see Messi's far below his level are just blinded. One of the reasons we are so far away from madrid is b.c Messi's level is not the same this season. This proves how IMPORTANT Messi is for barca. Barca depends so much in Messi that when he's not in form it will affect the team greatly. But let's not make excuses about him being tired, cause he seems to be scoring a lot of goals at the Camp Nou this season. if he was tired shouldn't he be tired both away and at home? but it seems he's only tired away from home. Let's accept the truth guys. Messi is not at the level he should and NO it's not cause he's tired (Camp Nou has scored 90-95% of his goals). I don't blame him, we can't expect any player in the world to be at the highest level for so long. These FACTS in no way affect my love, respect and affection for Messi.
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First, Let me say that I should have been specific. When I said Leo was not as key for Barca this season I meant in La liga (where we are suffering). Let me give you some facts now.
Of 11 away games in la Liga, Messi only score in 2 of those games. Isn't away where Barca should need Messi goals this season the most? I'm not saying Messi is not Key for Barca. I'm sure that without Messi Barca wouldn't even be second. What I'm saying is that he's not as KEY for Barca IN LA LIGA as he was last season. The moments the team needs him the most (In la Liga) those are the moments he hasn't shown up. Out of 8 games ( 7 away , 1 at home) where Barca lost 1 or 3 points Messi only score in 1 of them.This just proves how Messi has not been as KEY for Barca as we would expect the best player in the world to be. People who can't see Messi's far below his level are just blinded. One of the reasons we are so far away from madrid is b.c Messi's level is not the same this season. This proves how IMPORTANT Messi is for barca. Barca depends so much in Messi that when he's not in form it will affect the team greatly. But let's not make excuses about him being tired, cause he seems to be scoring a lot of goals at the Camp Nou this season. if he was tired shouldn't he be tired both away and at home? but it seems he's only tired away from home. Let's accept the truth guys. Messi is not at the level he should and NO it's not cause he's tired (Camp Nou has scored 90-95% of his goals). I don't blame him, we can't expect any player in the world to be at the highest level for so long. These FACTS in no way affect my love, respect and affection for Messi.

I think Barca's problem is, that they let out a lot of chances. Unfortunately Messi too. Believe me, he is very tired. He hasn't got enough confidence. Messi has always other teammates in front. he doesn't know Tello and Cuenca well. When Barca dropped a lot of points, Messi gave very good balls. If the others could have scored, we don't speak about dropped form of Messi. As a playmaker he has improved a lot.

Yesteday Messi had 2 chances. 4 balls for others players, which could have goal.

I think the referee wasn't good. In the first half Sanchez wasn't on off side, and if Sergio Roberto wouldn't have touched the ball. Ossasunas second goal was off side.


New member

Let us agree to disagree. In my opinion it is not entirely down to his fatigue this season. I am talking about his mentality this season when he and the team has a bad day and how he reacts to that. You can't explain him not pressing at all and looking like one who does not care at all simply with fatigue. There was not talk of fatigue when he had the same attitude against Getafe and Espanyol.

I am saying this because I have never seen that part of his game since he made his debut in 2004.


Active member
he is builidng muscles for his physical peak (which happens to be around 26-27)
just like when ronaldinho was at his peak he was muscular as fuck, messi will be unstoppable with the mass and speed he will gain, than he will slot more and more into midfield when he will be around 29, wait for it bitches


I wrote earlier, that Messi has got physical problems. He wants to win but he can't run so much. He needs some rest. All players could have a rest, but Messi no.
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