New member
i dont think he can motivate himself for these games and he expects his team mates to recover the ball,he is obviously concentrated on attack only
lack of character is just pushing it in to extremegive me some facts bro....
Don't you see a connection between him being lazy and being tired actually?! Messi is that type of the player that rest himself on the pitch. That's the only way he can survive playing all these matches without a break.
lack of character is someone who's passive. Is as if he doesn't care whether the team wins or loses. he's so passive. Look at Thiago, he was amazing. He played like a Xavi. With conviction, moving the team forward, carrying the team. he played like he was 30 when Barca needed him the most. that's atttitude and character. Something Maradona had and most argentinians recognize Messi will never have. Some people are born leaders...others? not so much. Still love Messi though and NO I'm not blaming Leo for the loss. It was our defense and Madrid buying referees.lack of character is just pushing it in to extreme
sometimes, picture can tell more than a words
Is tiredness exclusive to Messi? why don't the other players have this excuse, Barcelona keep the ball 80% of the time in pretty much every game which means it's less tiring for the players & Messi never travels as much as most of the team, it's a really bad excuse imo just thinking back to Eto'os ridiculous pressing.
oh yeah, and putting "Preach on" would mean "I agree with". great fucking logic.
messi hater