10 - Lionel Messi - v1

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previously known as Jonathan28
In 40 years time



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BIG interview with Leo. I think that no one wrote this:

Interviewer: We’re all very well here. Are you used to being called The Best Player in the World now? Has it sunk in yet?
Leo: No, I don’t know. (Honestly I can’t understand what he’s saying here) It’s espectacular […] and it always makes you feel satisfied when people call you that.
Interviewer: And that was something you always wanted to achieve when you were a kid? To be The Best? Or you just wanted to play football?
Leo: No, no. My dream was to play in Primera (first division), to be a professional player but I never dreamed all these things would happen. Honestly, I never imagined I’d get to live all this.
Interviewer: And you never imagined this present for you: winning the Ballon D’or three times in a row, being so close to become all-time top scorer with Barcelona…?
Leo: No, I never imagined anything like that. Like I just said, when I was younger I just wanted to play in Primera in Argentina where I lived and watched all the games. And when I got here (Spain) the closest thing was to play in Primera and well, things happened the way they did but I never imagined anything like this, not at all.
Interviewer: Do you think your game keeps improving, that you’re becoming even better?
Leo: I try for it to be that way. I try to get better game after game, keep growing and never settle for anything. Obviously sometimes I get to do it, sometimes I don’t but my goal is to try and be better and keep improving.
Interviewer: What do your teammates tell you? Because when you went to Switzerland to get your third Ballon D’or we saw the video with you guys in the airplane: Guardiola, Piqué, Xavi, all your teammates and your family and we think What would Xavi think? He can’t… I mean, he plays so well and he can’t win the Ballon D’or, Iniesta who is also a great player and he can’t win because Messi is in front of him. Sometimes we think Will there be jealousy? and it seems there is not…
Leo: No, it’s the opposite, it’s the opposite. Everytime there’s an award like this they’re the first people to say I should be the winner and honestly it’s beautiful to be part of a team like this and it’s very nice, it goes beyond the amazing players they are, it’s about them as people. With Xavi and Iniesta it’s been years that we play together now and it’s a relationship that goes beyond anything and for that reason there’s no problem at all.
Interviewer: We talked about this some time ago and that’s why we have some images in our minds and now that we’re talking about the Ballon D’or we want to ask you, if you want to tell us, what did Pelé said to you that day?
Leo: Umm, honestly I can’t even remember. I can’t remember, in that moment there’s a lot of happiness and I was looking for my family in the crowd, my people who are always first and honestly I didn’t even pay attention to what he said. In that moment there are a lot of things going on in your head and you don’t even notice all the people around you.
Interviewer: Because the man is something else, he’s like Ok Leo here, have a ball, you’re a genius etc but then he says Ok, now do what I did…
Leo: No, honestly I don’t pay attention to that kind of comments no matter who makes them. I’m focused on doing my thing, going forward in my career, do my best with Barcelona and with La Selección (Arg NT) and keep improving. What is said, for good or bad, I try to stay away from it.
Interviewer: Leo, I’m going next week to Europe, if I went to pick you up to your house, what wouldn’t we be able to do in your town? Though now that I think about it even in Prague you would have a hard time going out for a walk but… Could we go to a mall? Or go out for a walk or to the movies? Is it hard for you to just go out?
Leo: No, honestly thank God I have no problem at all. I try to do all those things, I do them. Sometimes people gather around me and there are pictures and autographs but honestly it’s not that much trouble. Thank God I can do it and have a normal life.
Interviewer: I have to congratulate you for that romantic gesture, that little trip to Paris, the picture that the whole world saw… Honestly, if he [Leo] had to make up for something that was fantastic.. like What do I have to do? Let’s go to Paris to have dinner! Well done, well done Leo!
Leo: No, no. I didn’t have to make up for anything (Interviewer laughs and I can’t understand what Leo is saying) I had two days off and it was good to disconnect, to think about other stuff, to go for a walk. After so many games and a lot of mental and physical tiredness… honestly, it was good for me.
Interviewer: You surprised me with your answer. I honestly thought you’d say: No, I can’t go out, I can’t do anything! Here Topo (the other interviewer) is saying you can easily go to the beach [in Barcelona] and you wouldn’t be able to do that here in Buenos Aires or anywhere else in Argentina… Umm, after what happened yesterday with Atlético de Madrid do you think it’s very complicated to take the title away from Madrid?
Leo: Well yeah, right now it’s very complicated, [the difference] it’s a lot of points and right now they’re doing very good. But either way, we’re going to fight until the end and hope they drop some points so we can get closer but honestly, ten points is too much.
Interviewer: Last week I said Well, now they’re going to be relaxed because the difference is too much, Madrid scored four goals, don’t make Leo angry… Now there’s a final coming against Bielsa’s Bilbao, what does it mean for you to play a final against an Argentinian coach who is so loved and, some people say, Barcelona actually wants?
Leo: Well, it’s like a Liga match. Bielsa and his team are showing what they are in La Liga, Copa final, UEFA. It’s going to be a nice game, they’re going to attack and give their best. Honestly it’s beautiful for Bielsa, I didn’t have the chance to have him as my coach but I’m glad everything is going very well for him. People at Bilbao love him and honestly, without knowing him, I feel very happy for him.
Interviewer: Would you like to have him as your coach someday?
Leo: I’ve always said I wasn’t lucky to have him as my coach and he’s a manager who I’d love to have someday. People say he’s very similar to Guardiola but I don’t really know… but hopefully one day it’ll happen.
(Insert a joke about Bielsa here and Leo replying how Guardiola is the same)
Interviewer: […] Guardiola can leave, Guardiola can stay, there’s constant talk about replacements, do you think he wants to stay at Barcelona for good or at least for a long time or do you think he’s like I’ve done everything I could, it’s time to leave now?
Leo: I don’t know. Honestly I don’t know what he’s thinking now. We’re all waiting for him to make a decision, we want him to stay for a very long time. It’ll be the best for us because of what he means for everybody and now all we can do is wait. We all hope he stays.
Interviewer: (Introduces Interviewer #2 blah blah yadda yadda) Ok, talking about Guardiola and about what you mean for the team, what’s your stance now? Do you go with Pep and face him and tell him to stay or do you stay away from him?
Leo: Well, it’s something he has to think like every other year, like in previous years when he renewed, he knew he had to make that decision and when he feels it’s time to say yes or no he’s going to do it. Meanwhile we wait and hope he decides to stay.
Interviewer: Your role in the dressing room has evolved through your entire footballing career, what’s exactly your role now in Barcelona and also in La Selección as the new Captain?
Leo: In Barcelona I have the same role, like it has been for the last four years with Guardiola. The truth is we have a group where everybody gets along really well, each one of us knows what we have to do so there’s no problem at all. The most important thing is that we’re all friends and that has not changed. It’s the same for La Selección, we try to change the current situation, the whole group is looking for a solution, to change all the bad things that had happened lately and we try to enjoy our time there and give good results.
Interviewer: Would you change your Ballon D’ors for becoming a World Champion with Argentina in Brazil?
Leo: I’d love to! It’s my dream. I’ve always said that collective titles either with Barcelona or La Selección are more important than individual awards. It would be espectacular!
Interviewer: Somebody said once, I can’t remember whom, that the one from above (God?) will give you a World Cup… do you dream of it or do you say that because you’re convinced it’s going to happen?
Leo: I don’t know how to explain it, I have this feeling…something tells me it’s going to happen, I don’t know why, I don’t know. Hopefully it’ll happen, becoming a World Champion in Brazil would be something espectacular and I just feel like it is going to happen that way.
Interviewer: So you dream about it, when you’re sleeping you see yourself with the World Cup…
Leo: It’s not when I’m asleep, I mostly day-dream about it. A lot of times I dream of what it’d mean to become a World Champion.
Interviewer: Talking about the things you try to do on the pitch, what does not work out for you?
Leo: Umm, I don’t know…
Interviewer: Anything?
Leo: There are games when I try to do many things and none of them work. I’ve had very bad games where nothing goes right for me but I always try to make it work, it’s what you see, I try to give my best every game.
Interviewer: You don’t seem so shy right now in Barcelona and with La Selección… Of course, you’re a grown-up man now, you’re about to turn 25 right Leo?
Leo: Yes…
Interviewer: (Insert talk about Riquelme back in the day and how he went from practically mute to give orders to everybody and how it seems to be the same for Leo now) So describe your Captain speeches now and how you’re leaving shyness behind?
Leo: Well, like I said before we’re going through complicated moments right now, we’re starting a new era, the qualifiers just started and I just became Captain and there’s nothing else, we all try to make this work, to be a strong team. Personally I think that’s the most important thing if we want to get important things: to have a good base, a strong group to be able to face any given situation.
Interviewer: Leo, I don’t want to make that comparison between Barcelona and La Selección but if you could bring one thing from Barcelona to La Selección, what would it be?
Leo: Ummmm, I don’t know. It’s complicated, like I’ve always said, it’s hard to compare a club with a NT. I think La Selección could try to build more our plays, we have quality players to do it, we could try to recover the ball as soon as we can but that’s all hard work, to try to adopt it and make it better. But I’m not the coach, Sabella has to give the orders and we’ll try to do our part on the pitch.
Interviewer: (Insert talk about Tevez) How was your relationship with Carlos and what do you think about him going back to City?
Leo: My relationship with Carlitos was always very good, we never had a problem like people said, quite the opposite but we did not give importance to it… People also said I had a fight with Román and that was not true. I’ve never had any problem with people at my club or La Selección. And going back to Carlitos, I’m very happy for him, hopefully he’ll start playing soon so he can go back to his best, it’s a good thing for everybody.
Interviewer: (Talk about Riquelme) He said I want to help Messi for Argentina to qualify for the next World Cup and then win it in Brazil, do you think he can be important for the team? I mean, he’s thirty-something already…
Leo: Like I said I’m no one to decide who should or shouldn’t be with the NT, I wouldn’t do that, I’m very respectful but all good players have to be there, Román is one of them, he’s a great player and if he feels good enough to be with La Selección and the coach agrees it’d be very good for all of us but I’m telling you, I can’t give an opinion about whether he should or shouldn’t be with us…
Interviewer: (Insert talk about Spain and Los Clásicos) How is your relationship with Higuaín and Di Maria? It seems like you have a really good relationship, how is it going with Mascherano, Higuaín and Di Maria?
Leo: It’s going well, it’s fine like always. We fight for everything on the pitch, each one of us tries to get the best for our respective teams, we get angry for a couple of days if things go wrong for our team but that’s it, after that it’s all normal. And when we have to be together with La Selección there’s no problem at all.
Interviewer: Leo, if we get angry at our televisions seeing how players like Pepe step on you or kick you, how do you react on the pitch? Did he call you to apologize?
Leo: No, he never called and that’s it, what happened happened. I don’t have anything to say about that. I never talk about what happens on the pitch and that’s it, it’s all behind now.


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Interviewer: What happens to you when you face Real Madrid? You could say Well, he gets motivated every Sunday but really Madrid seems like your grandson (this means that Leo is THE BOSS when he plays vs RM) Is there an extra motivation, something special? Do you feel like you’re always going to score?
Leo: Yes obviously, for what it means to play against RM and I always feel confident that I’m going to have a good game and score goals and thank God in a lot of those games things went right for me, I try to convince myself that it’s going to be that way and I just go out with a winning mentality.
Interviewer: I think you try to stay away from the Mourinho topic (Insert talk about Mou) Is it hard to stay out of it?
Leo: Well yeah. We know how he works but we don’t really have to pay attention to him, quite the opposite. We have to focus on the team RM has, it’s a great team, it has great players and all the games we had to play against each other were very tough and nothing else, we just pay atention to what happens on the pitch.
Interviewer: Does he speak to you at all? When you go near the sidelines?
Leo: No, no. Nothing.
Interviewer: I bet he dreams about you, nightmares (laughs) […] Would you face him? If he ever said something to you?
Leo: No, no.
Interviewer: Puyol better do it. Better send Puyol. (Laughs) Did you see your cousin’s goal? Maxi’s goal against Lanús?
Leo: Yes, yes I saw the goal. Honestly I tried watched the game on the internet but it kept freezing {note: lol, we all understand Leo} After that I watched the highlights, the play and the goal and honestly I’m very happy for him, for the way the game was and the goal, he was very good.
Interviewer: (Talk about Maxi Biancucchi, Leo’s cousin) You’ve said before that you’d like to retire in Argentina, to be able to play here in Argentina…
Interviewer #2: He’s 25, dude!
Interviewer: I wanted to ask how long do we have to wait to have you back? (Talk about Verón etc) So five years maybe? Do we have to wait longer than that?
Leo: No, no. Honestly I don’t know. I’d like to go back obviously and I believe it’ll be that way but for now I don’t have a date or how old I’m going to be, I’m just turning 25 and I hope to stay a couple of years here [in Barcelona]. I’m not thinking yet about my return but I know I will be back because it’s something I want.
Interviewer: Stop, stop! You’re giving the catalans heart attacks saying you’re hoping to stay a couple of years more, it’s like you’re talking about donuts. Really, all catalans are having heart attacks right now.
Leo: (Laughs) No, no. I don’t know, I don’t know yet how long… I don’t know what’s going to happen either, how my career will be in the future, how things will be, I don’t know.
Interviewer: (Insert blah blah blah yadda yadda) Do you want to be like Martino when he came to Newell’s? Because Martino said no to Boca, Independiente, San Lorenzo, etc. and he chose Newell’s. Your idea is to go straight to Newell’s or do you want to play in a team in Buenos Aires before?
Leo: No, no, I don’t know. Like I said before I don’t know, it depends on the moment, on how teams are in Argentina when I come back. Yeah, my idea is to play for Newell’s, I’d love that, to be at home in Rosario but I don’t know yet.
Interviewer: Leo, did you already pick up the phone, dialed to La Plata and said Bruja, don’t leave please!?
Leo: No, no… honestly we [Verón and Messi] haven’t talked in a very long time.
Interviewer: Ok Leo, a couple of questions about La Selección? (Insert tactical talk yadda yadda) In my opinion, it’s been really long since Argentina had a good defense and you know what they say, teams should be built from the back to the front (from defense to offense) and we’re building it from the front to the back, do you agree with that or not?
Leo: I think there are good players, there are a lot of players that can easily be playing for La Selección and we just have to find a good base and give the players confidence and move forward.
Interviewer: But the defense is where players are often changing, the forward line is pretty much the same as is the midfield but our back is always changing, now Burdisso is out injured and we can’t find our defense.
Leo: Yeah well, the coach is also looking for his team, the right players, he’s been there for some time and now he’s looking for the players he wants, this friendly is useful so he can see those players and try different things and look for what he thinks is the best for the team.
Interviewer: Leo, have you seen Lamela play? What do you think?
Leo: I watched a couple of games when he was with River and now he’s here in Roma but honestly I have not seen a lot of Roma yet but I do know he’s a great player with a lot of talent but yeah, I have not seen a lot of Roma games.
Interviewer: Leo, why do we always feel like Barcelona is going to be your one and only team? Well, except for your return to Argentina and that depends on a lot of things, but we all have a hard time thinking that you might leave Barcelona one day to play for another team in Europe…
Leo: Well, I think I’ve said it before… My idea is to stay forever (forever as in for a very long time) in Barcelona, I’ve been here for a long time now, it’s my home, I have no intention of going anywhere else because I think there’s no better place for me than here but like I said when we were talking about my return, you never know what can happen…in your career. If it were up to me I’d stay here my whole career before returning to Argentina but I don’t know.
Interviewer: Is it true that Piqué and you set fire to a motorcyle? I think it belonged to one of the physios and later you bought him a new one but man, what a scare! Was it like that?
Leo: Umm, kind of. It happened a long time ago. […] And it wasn’t that bad…
Interviewer: (Insert blah blah blah yadda yadda) {Obligatory Shakira question time!} I’m pretty sure Piqué already introduced Shakira to you (Insert blah blah lol gossip yadda yadda) Have you talked to her?
Leo: Yeah, we’ve seen her a few times. She comes to the games very often to see him and honestly she’s a very nice girl, very humble, very normal. Yeah, we’ve talked a few times.
Interviewer: Ok Leo, last couple of questions… We often see you involved with social causes, with everything that happens in Argentina, recently the tragedy in Once, there was a press release from your family to express support to the victims, did you see the images? Did you read the news?
Leo: Yes, I saw it in the newspaper. What happened was terrible and we all saw it here.
Interviewer: Leo, I’m going to say something that maybe you’re not going to like… because we all know Leo is a very humble person and everytime he comes to Argentina he doesn’t like to get out the airport through the backdoors, or have a bodyguard or a private driver to pick him up, he likes to get on his car after flying 14 hours and then he drives to Rosario and sometimes he gets a flat tire… aren’t you scared when you go out like that? No bodyguard, no security… Does it make you feel normal, do you like it that way?
Leo: No, no. Honestly I just don’t feel like I need it. I don’t like going out with bodyguards. I’m good by myself and I don’t have any problems. It’s the way I do it in Argentina and in Barcelona. I like to go out like you do it and I’m always with my friends and my family. I don’t have any problems.
Interviewer: Celia, Celia is the great bodyguard, right Leo?
Leo: Yes, everywhere. She’s always there when I arrive to/from Argentina or we come here together and I’m always…I’m always with people, friends, family, there’s always somebody with me.
Interviewer: Celia or Jorge? Who’s more of a bodyguard?
Leo: Ummmmmmmm, no, no… My mom.
Interviewer: Your mom… Leo, what are your dreams? You have a wonderful family, you’re building your own family with your girlfriend, you have your siblings… What are Leo Messi’s dreams?
Leo: In my personal life?
Interviewer: Yes!
Leo: Well, like you said to have my own family, to have my own kids like everybody else. To try and raise my own family, to have my children, to be happy with her and nothing strange. I don’t know yet when I’m going to have kids, not for now.
Interviewer: That’s in your personal life… what about your professional life, what about football?
Leo: Well, when my career is over I hope my name is remembered… I hope to have gotten as many titles as possible, both personal and collective but mostly collective titles. When I’m done I hope to have achieved many important things.
Interviewer: Last question Topo…
Interviewer #2: Nothing, I just want to thank Leo for the interview. The day after he won the Ballon D’or he gave us his word he would give us an interview and here it is so thanks Leo.


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Messi! Finally decides to take a penalty away from the lower right corner, thus scoring! About time Leo! Great goals anyway.
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