10 - Lionel Messi - v1

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New member

Right. My view.

I can understand why some dont like Leo getting that agreesive, but watch that video and he was actually incredibly involved. He must have create more openings for others than almost anyone in that game and also had so man chances, just for once the goalkeeper and defenders were inspired. Next week he would score 3 or 4 and create another 2. How can a player that creates so many chances in a game, be critised when its clear it was a special defensive performance.

He is also a 25 year old man and despite his usual calmness, one can sort of understand his frustration in this match. 6 or 7 shots blcoked, saved or posted.

So much is put on his shoulders no wonder he feels to much pressure at times. thats why resting him occasionally will help.

Also how can a player with 28 assists last year be called a ball hog?


Calma, calma
He is a bit of a ball-hog in the sense that sometimes he holds on to the ball and doesnt release it to better positioned team-mates, especially when going on one of his trademark runs. Followers will always dispute this notion because everyone has a different threshold of what that "sometimes" should be. For me, yes he does tend to keep the ball sometimes but this is only early in the game sometimes or when the score is stacked in Barca's favour - but if its an important game or the game is on edge, he almost always makes the right decisions which is what makes him invaluable. Which explains his assists.

Overall, I would not call him a ball-hog because that sounds too harsh. Majority of football followers will laugh at you if you tell them Messi is a ball-hog.


New member
Why do so many of you insist on making a mountain out of a molehill? Simply put messi has been forced to save this team more often than not in the past year and a half. I too would become easily annoyed when playing alongside players who ate under performing on a consistent basis. Those of you who have competed in a sport with inferior teammates will understand just how frustrating it can be.


The Messiah
You want your best player to get most of the ball, Messi is our best player, a majority of the play goes through him. Its logical for him to have the ball as much as he does.

Him ball hogging is just an illusion, his passes attempted in a game are very high number too. Like aki said you cant be a ball hog when you have 28/29 assists, if thats the case then Messi being a ball hog is perfectly fine with me.


New member
Why do so many of you insist on making a mountain out of a molehill? Simply put messi has been forced to save this team more often than not in the past year and a half. I too would become easily annoyed when playing alongside players who ate under performing on a consistent basis. Those of you who have competed in a sport with inferior teammates will understand just how frustrating it can be.

Sadly for Messi, every single player in the world is inferior to him. :D But if there's anyone to pair him up with, it's Iniesta and Xavi. God, this team is incredible!


New member
I chuckled. :D



New member
Dont forget that in just a few days Messi will become a dad, so that might be the reason why Messi seems a bit irritated/nervous.

And also according to reports from Spain, Messi apologized to Villa at half time...
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