10 - Lionel Messi - v1

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World Champion
I don't think that's valid. Beckham is way more handsome than he is(I never found cr attractive), and he isn't like cr. Most people hate him because he is arrogant and full of himself. There's plenty of examples of successful, rich and handsome men that are not hated because of it.

I don't think people actually feel hate towards him. Hate is a strong word. I personally couldn't hate people that I don't even know in my private life. Ronaldo just doesn't appear very likeable. And it's not even his arrogance. Henry is very arrogant. So is Eto'o. Usain Bolt is the most arrogant guy ever. Muhammad Ali, anyone? Yet no one "hates" these guys. Because they are arrogant in a badass way. Ronaldo though has this primadonna gaytard arrogance in him. He's doing that silly freekick pose every single time and then goes 50 attempts without scoring a goal. Can you imagine how stupid Usain Bolt would look doing his pre-run pose and then finishing second again and again and again? He's doing his useless stepovers while standing still, slowing the game down and going nowhere. He throws tantrums on the pitch with his hands on his hipps like a fag who's just seen another fag on the streets wearing the same clothes. He's built like a tank but dives in every game. When he scores a goal he stands still, opens his arms and waits for his teammates to come to his feet to celebrate, while 90 % of the work for the goal is actually done by his teammates. His actually ability doesn't match his tantrums. He's not like Muhammad Ali who says "I'm the greatest" and then knocks out George Foreman. He's like Klitschko winning on points against some nobody and then declaring himself the "best, second best and third best".


I don't think people actually feel hate towards him. Hate is a strong word. I personally couldn't hate people that I don't even know in my private life. Ronaldo just doesn't appear very likeable. And it's not even his arrogance. Henry is very arrogant. So is Eto'o. Usain Bolt is the most arrogant guy ever. Muhammad Ali, anyone? Yet no one "hates" these guys. Because they are arrogant in a badass way. Ronaldo though has this primadonna gaytard arrogance in him. He's doing that silly freekick pose every single time and then goes 50 attempts without scoring a goal. Can you imagine how stupid Usain Bolt would look doing his pre-run pose and then finishing second again and again and again? He's doing his useless stepovers while standing still, slowing the game down and going nowhere. He throws tantrums on the pitch with his hands on his hipps like a fag who's just seen another fag on the streets wearing the same clothes. He's built like a tank but dives in every game. When he scores a goal he stands still, opens his arms and waits for his teammates to come to his feet to celebrate, while 90 % of the work for the goal is actually done by his teammates. His actually ability doesn't match his tantrums. He's not like Muhammad Ali who says "I'm the greatest" and then knocks out George Foreman. He's like Klitschko winning on points against some nobody and then declaring himself the "best, second best and third best".
Dislike would be more precise, but hate is easier to understand, I guess. I don't actually hate him or any other player(not even figo). But you put in precisely why cr is so lame :p
But there's still a fine line between a badass attitute and being just plain arrogant. Which makes it easier for people to admire the badass.

Another thing I just remembered, being a school boy doesn't exactly assure praise. I know some people who dislike Messi for it. They say they'd like him if he was more like romario, that's he might be the best, but too bland :lol:


Calma, calma
Cannot believe we are comparing Messi and Ronaldo in terms of arrogance. Some people can only understand extremes it seems.


New member
Messi Villa incident is growing and for good reasons, one being many non Barca fans are just hungry to seeing any type of problem in the calm and friendly lockers of Barca. Secondly, most of Football fans that actually barely or never played this sport might not have the understanding that this is a daily usual scene when under match pressure or team position pressure.

And how this issue turned into Leo Messi being as arrogant as Cristiano is beyond me lol you guys really have a magical wand with responses here it seems........


New member


Spot the difference.

Villa should have passeds the ball earlier but you cant compare the two. In the first 1 there was alot more space to pick out the pass to Messi where as the other one Messi was surrounded by 4 players and Villa with 3.

Messi might have taken it to far but this stuff happend all the time and reports are coming that they both hugged each other after the game, so why make it a bigger deal than what it was?

And :lol: at Messi being as arrogant as Ronaldo


Villa should have passeds the ball earlier but you cant compare the two. In the first 1 there was alot more space to pick out the pass to Messi where as the other one Messi was surrounded by 4 players and Villa with 3.

Messi might have taken it to far but this stuff happend all the time and reports are coming that they both hugged each other after the game, so why make it a bigger deal than what it was?

And :lol: at Messi being as arrogant as Ronaldo
Yes, there was less space, but there was still obvious space. Other than that, the situations were pretty much exactly the same. Villa hesitated, no goal, Alba didn't, a goal. That was the difference.

And Messi was correct for giving that feedback to Villa. And although his fanboys and other haters are not old enough to understand that, I'm sure Villa is.

Oh yeah, Messi being compared to Cronaldo. :lol:
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Senior Member
Yes, there was less space, but there was still obvious space. Other than that, the situations were pretty much exactly the same. Villa hesitated, no goal, Alba didn't, a goal. That was the difference.

And Messi was correct for giving that feedback to Villa. And although his fanboys and other haters are not old enough to understand that, I'm sure Villa is.

No, the other difference (that we can't know in either case) is whether a defender would stick out his foot and block the pass. Alba's pass was *exactly* perfect (weight and direction). Villa could have attempted it, but there is absolutely no guarantee the ball would have reached Messi. There are hundreds of split second judgment calls a player makes each game; Messi saw it from one angle, Villa saw it from another. Neither player is necessarily right or wrong; it's a judgement call from the player with (just like it is every time Messi makes a run at four defenders and gets stripped).

And yes, they are probably okay with each other. It's just not pleasant to see that frustration taken out on a teammate on the field.


New member
I don't think people actually feel hate towards him. Hate is a strong word. I personally couldn't hate people that I don't even know in my private life. Ronaldo just doesn't appear very likeable. And it's not even his arrogance. Henry is very arrogant. So is Eto'o. Usain Bolt is the most arrogant guy ever. Muhammad Ali, anyone? Yet no one "hates" these guys. Because they are arrogant in a badass way. Ronaldo though has this primadonna gaytard arrogance in him. He's doing that silly freekick pose every single time and then goes 50 attempts without scoring a goal. Can you imagine how stupid Usain Bolt would look doing his pre-run pose and then finishing second again and again and again? He's doing his useless stepovers while standing still, slowing the game down and going nowhere. He throws tantrums on the pitch with his hands on his hipps like a fag who's just seen another fag on the streets wearing the same clothes. He's built like a tank but dives in every game. When he scores a goal he stands still, opens his arms and waits for his teammates to come to his feet to celebrate, while 90 % of the work for the goal is actually done by his teammates. His actually ability doesn't match his tantrums. He's not like Muhammad Ali who says "I'm the greatest" and then knocks out George Foreman. He's like Klitschko winning on points against some nobody and then declaring himself the "best, second best and third best".


Well put, indeed.

Someone here made a good point, as well. Anyone to whom this "incident" :lol: comes as a surprise, obviously has a crooked view on what Messi is like. No, he is nowhere near as arrogant as Ronaldo, I wouldn't even call him arrogant at all, that's not the right term, but he is not the saint a lot of people want to make him out to be. He's not your super friendly Goody Two-Shoes type of guy, or the constantly-smiling type like Ronaldinho. Compare Ronaldinho giving autographs and taking pictures with fans and Messi doing the same. Messi always looks like he's annoyed. And to be honest, who wouldn't be? Yes, he usually keeps a low profile in the media, and no, he's not an arrogant prick like some are, but don't make him out to be the undisputed moral high ground, because he's just a regular guy, and because you'll end up disappointing yourself.

Obviously some of these comments, including my own, are somewhat pointless as none of us know Messi personally, but for the sake of discussion, there's my two cents right there.


Active member
I'm sorry but what is this shit? I know people are in total love with Messi, to the degree that they would probably stop following Barca if he ever left but I can only handle so much of the garbage spewed to defend him. Messi not selfish and has no self-confidence? Those are two myths which have to die. Messi has always been a ball hog, long before the days of Pep Guardiola, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth, Messi would constantly ignore players in much better positions then him and keep hold of the ball when he could have passed it. He still does that to this day the only difference being that he's much more productive so he can get away with it. When he's off form though it becomes extremely more noticeable again and that old feeling of frustration I had watching Messi ignore other players then lose the ball from 6 years ago rises back to the surface.

The lack of self-confidence thing is laughable, you need an extremely large amount of self confidence(bordering on arrogance) to do the things that Messi does on the pitch, someone who no confidence would never attempt a run where he goes past 4 players and chips the goalkeeper, it just doesn't happen. Like Azzido said, Ronaldo and Messi are extremely similar personalities, you just won't notice it until Messi gets frustrated then the cover comes off. Football fans and writers saying that lately Messi is becoming more and more like Ronaldo are late to the party, Messi has always been like Ronaldo.

We can argue that Ronaldinho hogged the ball more Pre-Pep Era. Can go as far to say Messi gives up strategic positions to give the ball to Ronnie who would then proceed to lose the ball because he was starting to suck during that time

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
Well the biggest difference between Ronaldinho and this current Messi is even if Messi can be a ball hog, he never stops moving.

The biggest problem with Ronnie when he started to decline was that he'd hold up the ball and stop play.
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