10 - Lionel Messi - v1

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The Observer
no one can deny he is very talented and special... however Maradona stayed as a top dog from 86 to 90.. before that he was like Messi now , youth WC..etc still those who won trophies came ahead (Platini,Boniek,Rumminege..etc ) same thing with Messi vs CR and co..
Maradona was the most intelligent thing to ever grace the pitch.. a loco outside it.. neither Cruyff-Pele-Di Stefano-Best (blah ) ..etc come close
maybe cause i watched plenty of Serie A during that era due to where i lived ..etc while most people memories are all related to Argentina 86 then Napoli term..
carrying a shit team like Napoli vs the Milan's , Juve's ,Roma's & Inter.. is like Robinho leading City to the EPL trophy... except Napoli was worse.. so go figure .
he didn't have a generation of great players around him like Best or Cruyff or others.. it was him alone


New member
I am not going to get into a huge debate about who was the best as no one can ever answer that questio. Simply, I never liked Maradona, and although he was obviously a fantastic footballer I never understood what everyone was on about with him at all. For me Cruyff and George Best are above and beyond Maradona by a fair bit. Cruyffs footballing brain is and was second to no ones...

Best is the most underrated footballer of all time to be honest. He had his vice, just like Maradona, yet Maradona's reputation enabled him to survive it, whilst Best was hounded and villafied constantly for his. I tend to agree with many analysts (the world over, not just UK) when they say if George Best had been from Argentina or Brazil everyone would of thought he was amazing. Same with Platini, if he had been South American he would be higher up many peoples lists as the best player ever than he is now. Criminally underrated really, both of them, undeniable talent but not fully appreciated outside of their country of origin.


I walk the line
he did Tyrel.. he did man.. Maradona did it all ...

Messi need to lead his team to a CL or win a WC...
WC will put him among the greatest player ever.. until then he is still below Maradona.. no matter how much he do every week in the liga its not enough to brand him or level him with the golden child .. Maradona is on a different level
I agree with tek that skill wise messi is close to the best ever (there were many times maradona would ride tackles in a way which u wouldnt believe without seeing it with your own eyes). However like u say there is something about leading a team to trophies...it shows your character, your leadership (doesnt have to be as captain), your ability to inspire your teammates to victory. Obviously a player playing in the WC doesnt have to be more skillful than when he plays in his domestic league. However trophies are what are written on a player's resume, just as goals/assists etc are. They are both of big importance. I mean..the question would be asked..if u were that good why didnt u go to a team where u could win the CL two times and play a big role on the way there and in the final..


The Observer
As i said look @ Argentina and Napoli.. then look @ Ajax/Holland , Man U (forget N Ireland to be fair ) Juve/France, Santos /Brazil..

of all the legends only Maradona managed to take a team to a different level on his own.. unless we're going to treat Brown,Burrchage,Valdano (great manager/philospher , peter crouch player) Giusti as classy players or Careca et al as great..
no one can even remember Napoli squad.. how is he overrated ? taking Napoli or Argentina on his own to glory... if Maradona played in Juve or Liverpool at that time they would've entered an era of domination similar to Real 55-60


New member
As i said look @ Argentina and Napoli.. then look @ Ajax/Holland , Man U (forget N Ireland to be fair ) Juve/France, Santos /Brazil..

of all the legends only Maradona managed to take a team to a different level on his own.. unless we're going to treat Brown,Burrchage,Valdano (great manager/philospher , peter crouch player) Giusti as classy players or Careca et al as great..
no one can even remember Napoli squad.. how is he overrated ? taking Napoli or Argentina on his own to glory... if Maradona played in Juve or Liverpool at that time they would've entered an era of domination similar to Real 55-60

I never said Maradona was overrated. At all. I admitted how good a player he is, but simply said I prefer Cruyff and Best. This isn't about who lead what to who, or achievements, i'm talking personal preference on their talents. My personal preference is for Cruyff and Best, I feel talent wise they were better. Doesn't mean I think Maradona was overrated, I simply never liked the guy.

The Kop

Dalglish did more than enough to get a mention as did Best, keeping in mind that it was George Best who said that Kenny Dalglish was the best player he had ever seen play. Which is saying something considering Best played for United and Kenny for Liverpool.


immaculately conceived
So now Sport is saying that he is going to wear the #10 jersey?

Seriously, I need to stop reading those newspapers cause they just write to write.
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