10 - Lionel Messi - v1

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Newcomer here though not totaly new. I am my former alterego and member "Chameleon". Why i have taken a new identity is simply because it did not work. Major problems login in.

Anywhoo, my dear football-brothers, as Chameleon explained before and what we share the same opinion concerning is that we like FC Barcelona, not love. :smiley_scared::mad1::bash:

No disrespect my friends. :cool: Let me explain and do not jump to conclusions. What we mean both of us...(Hehee, i am aware, i do not have multible personalitys) :rofl1: Back to the point, love and fandom of something or someone; Messi in this case, star wars merchandise, Oprah or beerbottles you name it, is something that not only i think is fascinating, wonderful but also human and natural for many of us......to a point.

"Shouldnt it be enough to witness a garden of beauty? Does one have to believe that it is inhabitated of fairies also?" - ask me of you wish to know the quoter

:)worthy:?) Yes yes, im coming to that, patience! :beer: Now lets change a word or two from above...

"Shouldnt it be enough to witness a football player of skillful beauty? Does one have to believe that he or she is granted the gift of God(s) also?"

My purpose why i have spent time sitting in my uncomfortable chair in my apartment writing this just now, is that i am hopeful that there is potential for a serious debate in here and my punchline and question is this:

We have concrete examples of religion being apart of global politics today. Weither you may care or not, be aware or not. Nevertheless, but within our game of beauty. OUR game. Do YOU think that religion should be a part of football as it is today?

Messi is one of my favorite players today. Why? Passion personified combined with technical brilliance on the field. Off the field? Of course i could not say more than that i hope that he doesnt indulge himself in activities which prove his passion for football and his team otherwise. Xavi and Zizou is and will always be my two favorite players. Teamwork commitment is the primary reason why.

Lastly, speaking of reasons...Why i felt inclined to make some fingerprints here tonight are firstly to express my hapiness to yall. Good game! :party00231: Respect and im looking forward to see debates and maybe get to know a few of you. ;)

Second is the man, the legend, Messi. His signs of the cross when he scored today (scores nowadays) made me feel obliged.

Gracias and good night. Now begin! :beer:

Dear Resonate,

Gods clearly have no place in football, but football does need heroes and we are blessed to have a champion in our ranks. Someone who can lead this men to final. And no, it`s not the person in the pink shirt (however good he is). It`s the miniature Flea (La Pulga) that buzzes and bites the enemy from the left, right or center.

I am bit puzzled at your question though. The closest connection between religion and football is already here. If there ever was a team that gave faith in beautiful football and practiced it always and religiously, it was Barca.


Hey bojan. First and foremost i must say that i now realise that your comrade raz above clearly made a tasteful example why the art of comic irony isnt dead but alive. Though not comical in this situation. Pity. It was not my intension to offend any of you, even though i honestly "believe" that belief is something that should be questioned within many areas of society. Nevertheless i stand by my thead-intentions of being as humble through my words as i did and will continue to do in the future. :)

But, this thread were designed by me to read peoples inputs and think, not me writing that "much" and set a totalitary perimeter, if yall grasp my idea. We are all human. We are different. To accept or respect, that is a important differance. ;)

Bojan: Dear!? I happened to be formal, you dont have to be like that aswell. Cheers! ;) Yes religion is a part of it already. That is what i wrote more or less, but including it with football and sports in general i feel is the question. What is talent? The luck of being born with health plus unique genes or a blessing from God? I think it is interesting to understand how come so many people all over the world believe that teams within the global football stage are playing though a force and dus hopefully affect their performance? So, what do yall think?


immaculately conceived
Prior to his goal:

What a controll! He controlls it with his right and just walks on with his left. Doesn't even really look at the ball.

And just focus at the ball for a few repeats. It falls so unnatural. There just is no bounce at all.
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New member
That gif was annoying, it changed too quickly :p
Anyway, his control there is amazing as always. Impressive how the ball lays dead on the ground instantly.


New member
What is talent? The luck of being born with health plus unique genes or a blessing from God? I think it is interesting to understand how come so many people all over the world believe that teams within the global football stage are playing though a force and dus hopefully affect their performance? So, what do yall think?

You will have to be a bit more articulate. It is interesting to understand what exactly?


Two things, so far, i can directly right now tell you what youre wrong about;

1. I am articulate! If you REALLY dont get it, which i doubt, go back as i guess youve tried to do and catch up what the discusion is about.

2. Number 2 is actually about you mister american. This subject what i started i hope should stimulate your intrest (or patiance) especially. You are not stupid, and if you continue to persist that you need explaination (see thing no. 1), then i think youre insulting your own intelligance. Reply please, i would appreciate your point of view. ;)

The following is a outtake of a dialog i had with bojan recently. Cheers.


R: Hey ho here we go. A lot to reply here i see. Great! :)

Firstly i must reformalise a thing or two; What i meant with us having intelligance as humanbeings is a natural fact, though degree of intelligance, what did i mean by that? Well, because we are different all of us. Which is wonderful. Different ideas socialy, hobbies and intrests in general. The power of the free will we posess SHOULD be used as a weapon of creativity. Not destruction. Granting opportunities for us in a helping and positive way. Some of us do this of course but many dont. What is our free will worth if one dont wish to be honest with himself and making decisions through rationality? My point is and tell me what you think, is that how we choose to gain knowledge and how we use it was my thought. Now, knowledge for what, one could ask? To make a concrete example then your buddy raz is a good one. The art of communication IS mankinds, sadly still today looking back on our history, biggest problem. And that is why i think that we all should be more humble and open to other peoples ideas and listen before we reply. To take a moment and think and try to grasp the other persons opinion about something. Understanding each other is the most important thing in the beginning of a dialog. If you agree or disagree i think is less important. The first part is to understand and many, even professionals like diplomats, dont understand (or) dont care about its importance. Raz clearly judged me directly from my text and what he thought was a attack against him and his faith. Well... he was correct. I have to be honest. BUT, i was not impolite, aggresive nor trying to put him or others in a corner. I simply wished to have a dialog. Thats all. To make everyone think, and of course me think even more. ;)

B: "While that looks as a good and courteous rule on paper, in my last few years I regretfully witnessed that the silence is often misjudged and mistreated."

R: Please, i wish you could explain in an other way. I do get your red thread though. :)

B: "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."

Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)

I think that the word "certain" could be easily replaced with "loud" and "doubt" with "silence"
I hope you see my point.

R: Ahh, an old russell quote. Sweet! Are you perhaps intrested in philosophy and psychology? I am. My favorite subjects. Anywhoo, explain which three words or do you mean all three? I do think i get your point...

This quote i feel has alot to do with what i wrote about above just now. Doubt for me and many other people including russel is guess, is that doubt is a necessity for the mind. A net in a way when fishermen catch their prey. If we didnt have this "built in" sense we would swallow every bit of information we came in touch with without even minding its contents. Hence fanatism many times are born, celebrities, religion, shoes and so on. Why and how? Indeed this is a fascinating question but an answer is a difficult one.

We crave the meaning of what truth is and in whatever form it is one seeks it, rationality will always in one way or unother come forth and put in a brake in your head. But we both know that it isnt this easy, black and white, when it comes to humanbehavior. But through knowledge is i suppose the only way. We are interlectful and social but at the same time, idiotic and egocentric.

Youre from Zagreb huh? Cool, i love to travel and i will visit your country in a near future. I have secretly ranted for your national team since the world cup-98 and Suker. Crap that was sweet! Good world cup man. Still great today i think. Croatia beating England at home, when was it now? Ah, recently anyways. Wonderful played game. My personal favorites is Petric and Modric. ;) Soon 30 huh? Nice. You should not fear it. Im 27 and i welcome it, when it comes. Older means wiser but not for everyone. For you i get an impression that you have a good head on your shoulders so, cheers! ;)


So people. Shoot!
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Mack the Knife
I don`t get it. Why some people have a need to explain and analyse something magical such as Messi.
He has the perfect combination of talent and determination. Top top it he is our home-grown player.
I`d rather just enjoy his show :cool:


Why thank you mike. First one here who has the courage to first of all see it in an other way and secondly give this thread a push forward. Cheers!:stv161:

Well, the dialog is, if youve followed a line or two above, about the large group of people in the world who believe they have their god on their side when they witness or play football, though if you would like to discuss polo..:eusa_think:..shoot!
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