CACARES>>>> messi
Whats this doing in a Messi thread? Didn't you spam it enough in the Copa America and Argentina thread?
Yip, good opportunity to recharge the batteries. From a Barca pov, not a disaster last nightIGNOREEEEEEEEE!!
Look @ the positive side: Messi will be back early for pre-season, i think he will have about 2 weeks rest & play in US tour (first match @30/31 July against Manutd), to prepare for Spanish Super Cup Classico, 1 month from now..
Coool down guys, this could be a gd thing for Barca..
Visca el Barca <3
Feel so sorry for Messi, but as said he can now have extra rest instead of another two games for Argentina. Real pity but he didnt fail Argentina, Argentina failed him
Because by default he has to play at least 30 yards deeper at all times for Argentina to compensate for their lack of midfield/play makers. When I see Messi working his ass off and achieving so little with Argentina I am reminded of why its so crucial to have Xavi/Iniesta/Busquets in your team. But I know what you're saying, I mean sometimes it feels like he is cursed when in blue and white, that chance he missed towards the end, you don't see him miss those often...The thing that makes me wonder is why Leo can't score for argentina as he does for Barça. 16 official games without a goal.
The thing that makes me wonder is why Leo can't score for argentina as he does for Barça. 16 official games without a goal.