I couldn't find Japan friendly in Fifa.com fixture list.
22+6+7+6=41 if there will be Japan friendly.
german newspapers say so..
Kicker.de: says of course messis new contract includes a high salary raise
and sportal says "Der Sprecher wollte auch nicht sagen, ob der neue Kontrakt Messi zum bestbezahlten Fußballer der Welt macht. "
"barca wont tell if messis new contract makes him the highest paid footballer on earth again.."
perhaps he will get the same money as before but i guess he might have some special options in his contract ..perhaps something like " he will remain the best paid barca player" or "its up to him how long he will play for barca" or " he might have some voice about new signing especially when barca is about to sign a new attacker.... on last thing could be that he "dont need to lern catalan anymore "what u guys think ?
Why is it such a conundrum to everyone.
He scores most of our goals, Because they pass and create chances for him the most.
Because he's the best striker in the world, And a ball in his feet is a guaranteed goal
It means winning games and being 13 points away from madrid
What happens if he is triple marked? Who will get the goals? Sanchez? Pedro?(Villa will warm the bench as usual) We cant rely on players like Adriano or Busi to come up everytime. We dont want another Celtic or Chelsea.
Prevention is always better than cure. Just because a problem hasn't occured yet doesn't mean we should disregard it, not at the highest level of football where a small mistake can be the difference between glory and Heartbreak
What happens if he is triple marked? Who will get the goals? Sanchez? Pedro?(Villa will warm the bench as usual) We cant rely on players like Adriano or Busi to come up everytime. We dont want another Celtic or Chelsea.
Prevention is always better than cure. Just because a problem hasn't occured yet doesn't mean we should disregard it, not at the highest level of football where a small mistake can be the difference between glory and Heartbreak
Do you have a foot fetish?
Thats just.. um.. weird.