Well im my eyes, something has changed, clearly. Back in 2010 Messi used to try to find Villa a lot, which is perhaps the reason why like 60% of Villa's goals or even more were assists from Messi and he was the top assister back then. However, now he barely tries to find Villa, and if he doesn't get the ball from Villa, as shown by Kerrybai, he gets mad. Only 1 out of 6 goals from Villa was an assist from Messi (and it was just a small wall, in a tie (2-2) match against Sevillawere any ego isn't more important than 3 points).
I'm not saying they hate each other, I'm just saying that it seems like they don't love each like they used to, they are just team mates and that's about it. I miss their cool partnership back in the days, it was pretty awesome, and seems like it's not coming back.