10 - Lionel Messi - v2

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Messi: “I’m my own biggest critic”

Miquel Pellicer

01/20/2013 10:00

“My son has changed my life more than the Ballons d’Or have,” said the Argentine player

“It’s crazy that I’m compared to Micheal Jordan or Muhammad Ali”

Messi was surprised when he won his most recent Ballon d’Or: “Not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined this”


Leo Messi doesn’t like to talk in public. In fact, when he won his fourth Ballon d’Or he didn’t have a speech prepared. “I didn’t know I was going to win,” said the Argentine who admitted that “when my name was called it was a surprise. I didn’t expect it.”

Messi made these declarations in an interview with El Periódico de Catalunya. He added: “it’s crazy that I’m compared to athletes like Michael Jordan, Usain Bolt or Muhammad Ali. I don’t like comparisons, who am I to compare myself to someone else? I do my job and when [my career] is over we’ll see how well I’ve done.”

Messi’s son changed his life: “when I look at life, thinking about each moment, when I analyse each situation, now everything is different. He [Thiago] changed my life more than the Ballons d’Or have.

“The biggest critic of Messi is Messi. I know when I do things correctly and when I do them poorly,” said Messi. “I’m my number one critic.”

After winning his fourth Ballon d’Or, Messi said he’s “satisfied and proud to have won what I have but I always want more. Last year we were not able to win the Liga or the Champions League and this year I’d be thrilled to win more titles.”

When asked about the difference between Pep Guardiola and Tito Vilanova, Leo said, “the style is the same: the training sessions and the way we prepare for games. We do the same things we’ve done over that past couple of years.” He added: “It’s crazy what this team has been able to accomplish.” For Messi the key to the team’s success is that “we all like to play football and we’re good human beings, we’re humble and we're an excellent group. This team continues to enjoy itself, we don’t look at football like a profession; rather, it’s our way of feeling, experiencing the sport.”

The challenge: win the World Cup with Argentina

In addition to wanting to win titles with Barça, Lionel Messi is aware that winning the World Cup with Argentina is his biggest challenge. “I’m lucky to have won so many things with Barça and it would be marvelous to win that title [World Cup] with my national team.” Messi went on to say that “a lot of things have changed recently [in the Argentina national team]. I’m lucky to be able to enjoy everything that happens with the national team.”


New member
What's wrong with him?? Is he injured or what?
Thiago is in Argentina at the moment, that's wrong with him. Leo became a crazy papa, more papa than football player. C'est la vie :rolleyes:

"I miss him so much now. I haven't seen him since the holidays, he stayed in Argentina. And I'm going crazy. Besides, when babies are so little they change every day and I'm missing everything. I think there's nothing worse than that. But he'll come back soon, he's with the family. In Argentina is summer right now, here the weather is really cold"
(El Periodico de Catalunya)

When Thiago will come back, he will turn beastmode on, i think ;)


New member
that is seriously absolutely incredible. We're so used to it but every once in a while we have to stop and realize that we are watching the greatest player of all time.

We probably will only comprehend it when he retires. When players are scoring 40 goals a season and they are praised into heaven, we will know better.


Wild Man of Borneo
Dedicating my 500th post to Messi in hopes of invoking Beast mode soon.


Awaken the beast.......

We probably will only comprehend it when he retires. When players are scoring 40 goals a season and they are praised into heaven, we will know better.

It's not out of the realms of possibility that he could score over 1000 goals in his career.


New member
Awaken the beast.......

It's not out of the realms of possibility that he could score over 1000 goals in his career.

Very unlikely, he currently has with Argentina and friendly games for Barca around 350 I guess. Imagine he'll end up after this season with 380. In order to reach a 1000 he has to score 62 goals on average the coming 10 years, he is not going to score 60 goals when he is 33. But I think he will end up with most OFFICIAL goals ever scored. He now is on around 320 and I think Pele has the most with around 720. Which means 5 years of averaging 80. Even if he doesn't score at that rate, he'll have a few more years to reach it.
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Wild Man of Borneo
Very unlikely, he currently has with Argentina and friendly games for Barca around 350 I guess. Imagine he'll end up after this season with 380. In order to reach a 1000 he has to score 62 goals on average the coming 10 years, he is not going to score 60 goals when he is 33. But I think he will end up with most OFFICIAL goals ever scored. He now is on around 320 and I think Pele has the most with around 720. Which means 5 years of averaging 80. Even if he doesn't score at that rate, he'll have a few more years to reach it.

It really depends on when he retires. If the average 35 year old scores like 8 goals in a season then i bet Messi will score like 20 or 30 something. And he is an incredibly fit athlete in terms of longevity so he could play till like 38 or 39. Plus for the next 5 years he will get smarter and position himself better to score more.
that is seriously absolutely incredible. We're so used to it but every once in a while we have to stop and realize that we are watching the greatest player of all time.

Some people criticize him because he plays for one of the best teams ever. Actually, I think the fact that he stands out in possibly the greatest team of all time speaks volumes. I highly doubt Barca would be in the discussion for being the greatest team of all time without Messi.
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Leo Messi doesn’t like to talk in public. In fact, when he won his fourth Ballon d’Or he didn’t have a speech prepared. “I didn’t know I was going to win,” said the Argentine who admitted that “when my name was called it was a surprise. I didn’t expect it.”

The nice guy act pushed too far that it becomes hypocritical...
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