I saw those on the nike store here, they look awful.Oooooh, so the Barcelona-city-themed shirts are pre-match warmup shirts. Didn't know that.
Once again, once Messi is not getting enough support from the team he is rendered very ineffective, and our team loses. Messi needs to track back and participates more instead of being a bystander watching the actions from afar.
Once again, once Messi is not getting enough support from the team he is rendered very ineffective, and our team loses.
Like almost every player in history..
Nothing will change if he started tracking back more as long as there's no one to actually finish the chances he will create by doing so. So, no point in that.
It is NOT a coincidence that he got ''lazier'' after Villa's injury. All he is doing is preserving his energy so he can get us out of trouble (which he has done constantly the last 2 seasons) at any point during a match.
Several occasions during today's match, Messi was merely a few meters away from the action (usually he was behind the Bayern player holding the ball), he just stood there and did nothing. Obviously I am not asking him to make a tackle,but he could have at least tried to harass the Bayern player(s) in front of him by trying to take the ball away or something. Also, he could have dropped back more to the miefield where he could dictate the play a bit, providing very deadly passes
, I felt he was pretty much drifting at the front waiting for service today.
He's just back from vacation, and it was a friendly, give him a break... Last time he played a real match, he was injured, let the guy get his groove back...
Several occasions during today's match, Messi was merely a few meters away from the action (usually he was behind the Bayern player holding the ball), he just stood there and did nothing. Obviously I am not asking him to make a tackle,but he could have at least tried to harass the Bayern player(s) in front of him by trying to take the ball away or something.
Also, he could have dropped back more to the miefield where he could dictate the play a bit, providing very deadly passesworthy
why has suddenly everyone started to blame messi for everything?? he + iniesta basically were the reason why we won la liga last year and made it tho the semis
What would be the point? Alexis will waste any chances he gets anyway..
Messi will start tracking back when we get someone that Messi can rely on to score when he gets the chance to. He is not getting ''lazy''. There is just no point in tracking back, dropping to the midfield or pressing when you know 95% of chances you create will be wasted anyway.